RandomMan writes "A 15 year-old girl decided that given the climate of racism and misandry in western society, it would be easier to destroy an innocent cab driver's life than to pay the fare. Of course, the girl's clearly criminal acts of fraud and filing a false police report have not yet resulted in charges against her. Story here. From the article:'None of the girl’s allegations — that Otunba-Payne offered to waive the fare in exchange for a sex act and then tried to rape her in the back seat of his Metro Taxi cab before she managed to escape — turned out to be true, police said. The case is still under investigation, Moscato said, and the girl could be arrested herself for making a false report.'
How nice. An innocent cab driver is arrested without the slightest bit of evidence in order to further this girl's attempted fraud, but when there is clear evidence of wrong-doing and criminal behavior on the part of said girl, no charges are filed."