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by bull on 01:58 PM May 17th, 2006 EST (#1)
Simple explanation; “radical” feminists (and whomever they hoodwink into believing their rhetoric) refuse to acknowledge there are inherent differences between men and women that can not be overcome by programs of resocialization. For example, men on average have better spatial abilities; a skill that the sciences demand. On the other hand, women have better verbal skills; they have the gift for gab. Unfortunately, their minds (radical feminists) are closed off to any information that opposes their agenda. They can spend all the time, money, and effort they want in socialization programs; however, short of genetic re-engineering, there will always be differences that give advantage to one sex or the other. If they laid claim that apples were purple, nothing anyone could say or do would convince them otherwise. Unfortunately, they would convince some spineless, gullible politicians that apples are purple.
by Clancy
on 02:12 PM May 17th, 2006 EST (#2)
I work in a engineering environment. Electrical and mechanical and some physics. I often hear 2 guys in the cube across the hall from me discussing the properties of magnetism in relation to electricity. It's part of their job. To solve problems that crop up when trying to design high end power supplies. I am not an engineer and did not do particularly well in math but when I hear one of these guys, in particular, start spouting mathematical terms and equations he sounds like a duck in water. I can say without hesitation that in my 28 years of working in this field I have never heard a woman speak thusly. Also, in those 28 years the ratio of men to women has never been below 9 to 1. I have wondered more than once what will happen when men stop attending college altogether. Among other things, our space program will cease to exist unless we import free agents. What if it really is true that MOST women just don't posses the same innate ability to grasp the higher sciences? What if it really is biological? What if Sally Ride is the exception and not the rule? What if women don't give a flying fart about math and science? Once upon a time in some cultures, women were not allowed to read. Now, it looks like HIStory is being recreated only in reverse. My son is going for his associate degree in computer networking. He told me that his instructor said that if you want to be an IT expert you have to eat, sleep, breathe and crank it back out again - the world that is all things computer. This is not a problem for the guys. They eat this sh*t up. They remind me of a bunch of motorheads only they don't live under the hood of a car. Has anyone EVER heard a woman talk about a vintage muscle car in such reverent terms as what you would hear coming out of the mouth of a fanatical gearhead? Yes, there are women who posses engineering degrees where I work. Yes, I have seen women on television that work behind the consoles at the Jet Propulsion laboratory. If I had a couple more hands and feet I could count all of them on my fingers and toes. (Yes, Gracie, that's an exaggeration.) As a postscript, I'm not proficient in math but I'm damn good at thinking and conceptualizing in 3D. I hear that's a male thing. I’m not worth a damn when it comes to doing more than one thing at a time. How come there is no push to get men more interested in “multi tasking”? GAWD
by Clancy
on 02:24 PM May 17th, 2006 EST (#3)
As I wrote my comments and before I hit Submit, Bull most eloquently transcribed his thoughts and beat me to the punch. I was more than amused to see that we think a lot alike. We are both raving misogynists. No jobs for us at Yale, I suppose.
by bull on 04:05 PM May 17th, 2006 EST (#4)
Great minds think alike! LOL
I would add “radical” feminists habitually state “facts” that are unsupported, doctor statistics or lie by omission to support their claims, and cite each other’s works when individually their findings lack empirical evidence. And some of these feminist “academics” have PhDs (Pile it High and Deep). My first year college professors would tear-up a paper I submitted that was par with most of the gems they create. In fact, if they had any honor, they would tear up their PhDs! And they wonder why they don’t keep up with men in the sciences; perhaps they just can’t handle being proved wrong?
How's that for a slam LOL
by brotherskeeper on 08:15 PM May 18th, 2006 EST (#5)
Christina Hoff Sommers weighs in with another article regarding the phenomenon. It's at the following URL: 06-05-17-title-ix_x.htm
Note that one of the feminists is forecasting an 'earthquake' in engineering/science upon application of Title IX. This despite the fact that the article lists Vet Med as 80% women.
What is amazing to me is that women aren't being thrown OUT of programs like Vet Med based on Title IX considerations. The bigotry is stupefying.
by blaze4metal on 08:59 PM May 20th, 2006 EST (#6)
With our education system being laughed at around the world, how can we afford to throw any gifted minds out of any subject (male or female)? As Japan unleashes yet another android, we are bickering over crap like not-enough-females in [insert field here]. While we fight the feminists who do nothing but hold us back, the rest of the world catches up and/or surpasses anything we can throw out there. Instead of that gifted male mind in the engineering course, we have females who will most likely marry and become housewives (and waste their degree while the gifted male applies for a job at mcdonalds). Hopefully we can solve this problem soon or this country will go to (or further in) shit.
by oregon dad on 11:45 PM May 21st, 2006 EST (#7)
That about sums up the attitude, doesn't it?
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