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From the "sexy"article;
In fact, in 2003, women accounted for 36% of all chemists, 28% of all lawyers, 30% of all physicians and surgeons, and — wow — 66% of all psychologists.
66% of all psychologists, I think that's no surprise because they're also 66% of all fruit cakes. What does that mean? One fruit cake is counseling the other.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Roy on 07:41 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#4)
To consider that our mental health industry has been commandeered by a bunch of feminist social scientists is disturbing on any number of levels.
It partly explains why so many men discover that marriage counseling has become a hostile anti-male process that fails far more often than it succeeds.
Also, one wonders what kind of empathy and understanding boys in K-12 experience from their school psychologists, predominantly women.
And the "experts" who get called in to testify in Family Court in divorce, DV, and custody disputes? Just a little gender bias yuh think?
The pathologizing of masculinity has become a lucrative enterprise.
I guess all those female shrinks determined that if you want to mess with people's heads it's way easier to knock off a drive-through master's degree in psychology than do the decade-long training required to become a brain surgeon, almost all of whom are men.
The dateless gold-diggers exhibit a kind of sexist, arrogant class snobbery that is ironically self-defeating, especially since a lot of plumbers, building contractors and other master craftsmen make more than lawyers, and can even do something useful.
The war against boys in our schools virtually guarantees a declining population of marriageable prospects for the oh-so-deserving professional damsels in distress.
by masculanium
on 02:56 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#2)
And a woman having an impressive job always yields the same reaction from a man: Confusion, awkwardness, that moment when he’s wondering, “Is my job as an assistant manager of a copy shop going to sound pitiful?”
Nothing about the fact that most women marry up, ie they look for someone richer than them? If a female doctor or even a well paid psychologist is looking for a partner, she's going to "fall in love" within a framework and choose someone making more than her. The article completely ignores that and sneaks a jab in at "under-achieving men" who don't make enough to support both of them, EVIL MEN.
The man is more likely thinking, "Is this woman thinking less of me for making less than her?" Based on the media, its probably true. "Ah forget it, I'll just shack up with someone with less to prove and a non-b!tchy attitude."
oh please...
all the money and success in the world can't win you a trip to the alter and to the bedroom thereafter!!!
whatever happened to good clean lovin? and being loved by good natured souls that want to start families, eh?
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by RandomMan on 09:16 AM May 17th, 2006 EST (#5)
You know, given all the sexist, misandric drivel we endure about what superior parents women are supposed to be, whenever I hear one whining about the lengthly list of qualifications she demands from a man before condescending to speak with him, I feel it necessary to remind her that it was women and their movement that tossed out the well-used "bathwater" of masculinity before checking to see if their precious "baby" (chivalry, manliness, strength, wisdom, protection, love, support, honor, etc.) was still therein.
So, the next time you hear a misandric, selfish woman whine about how there are "no good men left", or complaining about the lack of successful, masculine men willing to tolerate the latest feminine barbs, insults and indignities to get laid when self-abuse is still free (I'm sure some government agency for women is working on criminal sanctions and taxes as we speak), remind her that she's the one standing on the porch with an empty washbasin, in front of a large, soapy puddle, yelling "where's my baby?".
by Roy on 05:52 PM May 17th, 2006 EST (#6)
RandomMan, what images do we receive via mass media of "successful, masculine men?"
The feminists did a neat trick, an ideological sleight-of-hand, back in the 1970's, when they cleverly adopted neo-marxist class warfare language to redefine gender relations.
It all became about power, victims and oppressors, the Evil Patriarchy, silencing the feminine, white male privilege --- yada,yada,yada for another 25 years of still endless screed.
So, masculinity and femininity (you've probably never experienced actual femininity... like most young men today) used to be compatible and complimentary.
Today thanks to feminism, it's all just stupid gender warfare. "Girls Gone Wild" vs. "Boys Going Their Own Way," right? That's the trend...
I would argue that if you can persuade former partners to fight each other and dehumanize each other and destroy each other (and their relationships and their families) ---
You have discovered a very powerful drug. (Full shock 'n awe respect for FEMINISM!)
Perhaps a toxic potion?
A social "cancer?"
Well, I like metaphors.
Feminists prefer concrete lies.
Backed up with selective statistics.
And dementia.
Never forget their dementia....
by RandomMan on 07:40 PM May 17th, 2006 EST (#7)
As you already know, you're "preaching to the choir", Roy, even though I surely do enjoy hearing it! :)
...and that fact sure won't stop me from saying:
Amen, brother.
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