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by RandomMan on 02:23 AM May 16th, 2006 EST (#1)
As much as I appreciate her honesty, I caught this at the end of one of her essays where she blasts Mackinnon:
There are places where Catharine Mackinnon might pursue her metier more productively. Decamping to Darfur is one option – her work will have relevance there.
I'm sorry, but I can't take any person who thinks that Mackinnon's brand of delusional, murderous psychosis is appropriate anyplace at all seriously. I realize that she may have been pursuing hyperbole (that isn't clear from the text), but it simply isn't funny to suggest that this raving lunatic's pogrom against men and the denial of our basic human rights is appropriate anywhere for any reason.
Would she end an article condemning Nazis by saying that they really ought to take their act to Isreal, since there are so many privileged Jewish people there and they're treating the Palestinians badly? I don't see a difference between the two statements, and the latter wouldn't have been any funnier.
Mackinnon's unyielding hatred of men and an unwavering desire to see men eradicated is an affront to human dignity, wherever it occurs, and any suffering of women is quite simply immaterial. Despite Mackinnon's psychosis, eradicating men will NOT ease the suffering of women - women are just as violent and greedy as men, as we've seen in the research time and again. It's not that I deny that there are places on Earth where women are treated as property, and where they are sold into sexaul slavery - there are. But I have a problem with anyone who can even jokingly accept the existence anywhere of someone that seeks the destruction of all men, many of whom have spent the last two generations being browbeaten and marginalized by Mackinnon's brainless followers, because someone is mistreating some women someplace. It's an admittedly faint reflection of the twisted sort of hate that drives radical feminists, and it's disturbing in the extreme.
If Mercer were serious about her topic, she'd be condemning Mackinnon's writing as hate speech, not suggesting places where it might be "more appropriate".
It's too bad. As much as I would like to thank her for speaking out against a hatemonger like Mackinnon, I'm saddened by her statement that Mackinnon has any place in this world. I know, I know, she was making the final comment to drive home her criticism of Mackinnon, but it was enough to put me completely off her work.
by Thundercloud on 12:05 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#2)
Not to be TOO critical of ms Mercer, but what does she mean that women and feminists are "at RISK of vanishing into self-centeredness and self-preoccupation."?
They passed that milestone YEARS AGO.
I don't know of even one feminist that that description doesn't fit. And I know of a LOT of women who fit that mold, too.
I mean you've got women, referring to themselves as "GODDESESS", these days, for crying out loud.
How many men do you know as a whole or individually that refer to themselves as GODS? I know of none.
Years ago there was a silly saying. It was; "Frailty thy name is Woman". While that wasn't true this saying may be true; "Self- centeredness and self-preoccupation thy name is woman.".
"Hoka hey!"
by RandomMan on 01:16 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#3)
Well said, Thundercloud! I know I was harsh about Mercer, but I really get wound up when I hear a woman trotting out the old "feminists are evil, but women still have it really, really bad someplace!" nonsense. More my reaction than her statement, I guess.
On a related note, I find it interesting that women can't make up their minds whether whoring, slutty behavior and porn are all "degrading to women" or "empowerment". Stupid spoiled whores (to quote South Park) are all the rage, right? As far as I'm concerned, women have been whoring themselves and engaging in such behavior for their own profit since time out of mind, so I don't really care how they prefer to see it: it's ALL about the exploitation of MEN as "resource objects". Always has been, always will be. I'd just accept it as a necessarily evil part of biology if it weren't for the feminists, but I will NOT stand by and listen to them tell us we're degrading them when they're manipulating and "degrading" men to satisfy their greed and hate! Of course feminists just love that crap - it's about the manipulation and degradation of men, their favorite passtime, and they know it. By sponsoring such events, univerities and feminist studies departments clearly reveal themselves as bigots and hypocrites of the highest order.
What kills me is the criminalization of men who watch strippers or porn (the legal kind containing consenting adults), or pay hookers who invite those men (and therefore consent), to have sex with them for money. I see, it's OK for women to exploit men for money through sex, but it's a crime if he enjoys it. Uh-huh. Now, some feminist will inevitably try and tell me that this isn't all about women maintaining control over men so they can bleed them dry. Riiiight.
Until women sort out whether they're being "degraded" or "empowered", I think I'll just ignore pretty much everything feminists have to say. It's not as if I expect honesty from the paranoid, insecure and profit-driven members of a hate movement or a supremacy movement, but some consistency would at least be a point in their favor.
MND's just full of stories about men being humiliated, exploited and controlled by women through sex today. See this link about some pathetic schmuck who's trying to get 5,000,000 hits on his website so some useless whore will "put out" for him. All I can say is: "grow some pride and jerk off! Don't let people manipulate you like that!".
What kind of idiot lets a woman humiliate him in public like that so he can get laid? Fairer sex, my ass.
Want to put an end to female manipulation and control through sex? Stop paying attention. Works every time.
Kudos to this whatchamacallit Ilana Mercer for taking a stand...however RandomMan, Thundercloud, you guys and I need to tell these goddamn femicunts: put up, or shut up!
...and who is this Teri Stoddard? she'd better not be like Gloria Steinem; neither should Mercer, if they are [knowing the amount of disinterest, disliking, and distrust I now have for women through experience thanx to corrupt feminism] i'll just dispose of them like dirty Pampers!
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
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