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by Davidadelong on 08:13 PM May 11th, 2006 EST (#1)
They could do the same thing that the U.S. did here. Reward Women for having babies by supporting them. I mean it worked here didn't it? The prison systems have increased, government jobs have increased, and due to the mandated programs that went along with wellfare everyone has their place in society. There is of course the down side of financing this program, but wait!; they can create their own justice department to violate Mens rights and make wage slaves out of them! It did work here didn't it, and we do pave the way for the rest of the world now don't we?
by RandomMan on 12:21 AM May 12th, 2006 EST (#2)
I'm not much for anarchy or decentralized government, Davidadelong, but you sure do make me think seriously about it.
Let's face it. Nobody in their right minds wants to have sex with feminists, and their war against men and families has been a stunning success. Any man with basic common sense knows that having children, marrying or even co-habitating is a reasonably sure recipe for prison time, financial ruin and endless exploitation! Add to that a climate of unbridled misandry, and guess what? The marriage strike has been joined by the paternity strike.
Of course, the feminist media couldn't possibly report that inconvenient little fact. It would suggest that men could think or act in their own interest, which is totally contrary to their image of us as mindless animals. They have to maintain the party line that only women make decisions about having children, and that women have total control over life. Sorry, girls, you still need sperm the vast majority of the time (artificial insemination with two female gametes aka "eggs" is possible, but so are artificial wombs).
So what's the consequence of decades of misandry and the marginalization of men into roles as support and hate objects?
We will breed feminism out of existence in short order. It's a suicidal meme.
It's really kinda nice to have solid proof of Darwin's theory, isn't it? Nature really does weed out the nimrods!
Pay women to have babies? We already do, with paid, freebie maternity leave, government-sponsored day care, preferred health care, privileged treatment in family and criminal law, privileged access to employment and education to "enable" them to support themselves and their spawn, a steady transfer of wealth from the men who earn it to the women who steal it: the list is practically endless here in Canada. That's all on top of most men's innate chivalry and protectiveness of their wives, girlfriends and children (something else the feminists can't acknowledge - it would weaken their attempts to criminalize all masculinity as inherently evil and violent). Yet we're STILL not having enough children to even replace ourselves in many areas. I guess bribes don't work after all. But those crazy ex-commies just love their socialism...didn't work the first time? Try it again!!
In short, you can bribe women to have babies all you want. Somebody still has to want to have sex with them, since sperm theft can be controlled by a man with access to contraception (which we should soon have).
Until men are treated as human beings instead of wage slaves, hate objects and criminals, and men can feel secure in the knowledge that they won't be repeatedly sodomized by the "family", "DV" and other courts and institutions in our societies when they interact with women, the birth rate will remain stagnant or in decline.
If society wants more babies, it has to stop treating men as disposable slaves with no value whatsoever except the money they fork over to women or their slave labour in prisons, and start valuing them as human beings. That's what's changed as birth rates have plummetted (aside from a fundamental decrease in fertility as we slowly poison ourselves for profit). These changes are the cause of the population decline we're seeing in essentially every feminist-influenced nation.
You go girls...into the record books as the most self-destructive creatures of all time.
by Davidadelong on 08:34 AM May 12th, 2006 EST (#3)
I also am against anarchy, to messy and rife for the same type of abuses that we suffer today. But, I do believe that we need to actually govern ourselves as actual Citizens, instead of chattels for the government and corporations. It may not be beneficial for the elite /ruling class/ but it sure would make life easier for the majority of Human Beings on this planet, not to mention our environment as well. If we continue to allow the "system" to make decisions for us we will continue to suffer, period. How many thousands of years have we suffered already? The desire of the system is to make People as productive as possible. One reason why I didn't get my PHD in psychology, I was accepted for the program, but I refused to "go along". Anyway, RandomMan I mean only to tear down the inner circle of control so that the already in place structure can be ran and monitered by the People from the ground up, hell People make the system work anyway, an easy transition actually.....Have a great weekend RM
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