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by Marc A. on 07:51 PM May 11th, 2006 EST (#1)
It wasn't just the result of 4,000 letters. That certainly helped. But it was also a lobbyest in Sacramento, working full time, and supported only by lots of small donations from lots of individuals and groups here and there. This guy worked for months organizing opposition, information powerful groups like the Judges Association and the Psychological Association of California, why the bill is bad and having the write letters of opposition to the right place and on time to be put into the analysis, etc. etc. THAT is what it will take. Look at the actual analysis of the bill and scroll down to the bottom at 82_cfa_20060510_120229_sen_comm.html
You'll see the list of groups supporting and opposing. The supporters are mostly a bunch of feminist groups. The opponenets are a few men's rights groups, including NCFM, but also the Judges Association, Judicial Counsel, the State Bar, and others. And what this doesn't show is all the lobbying efforts that took place INSIDE THE HALLS OF THE LEGISLATURE. Emails, faxes, calls are very important, but it takes much more than that. It takes having someone inside those halls, day after day, week after week. We need to do this in every state. It takes organizing, funding, etc., and nothing less. That's the only way we'll stop all the hate from feminist groups. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAD A PART IN THIS, even just with emails or call, and especially to those who put in so much work behind the scenes, and, more than anyone, Michael Robinson of the California Alliance for Families and Children (CAFC). There are at least 12 full-time, funded feminist groups in Sacramento, and only one, CAFC, looking out for our interests. And that one survives entirely on small donations. If you can, please send them a donation, not matter how small, so he can remain in the halls of the state legislature fighting for our rights. There are so many other bills he is dealing with on men's right issues and he needs help.
by Rand T. on 02:35 AM May 12th, 2006 EST (#2)
Where's the funding for the feminist groups coming from?
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