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Female British Soldier Killed in Iraq - Media Goes Wild
posted by Matt on 12:06 PM May 9th, 2006
The Media AngryMan writes "The British press is full of reports of the first British servicewoman to die in Iraq apparently as a result of enemy action. The only other female casualty, Military Police officer Denise Rose, apparently killed herself at an army base in Basra in 2004. The last time the British Army lost a woman to the enemy was 22 years ago.

Corporal Heather Kerrigan, 20, was killed by an IRA landmine in 1984. Women's contributions to the British military are still insignificant compared to men's, but you would never know it from the media. The papers are full of glowing praise for the latest casualty, pictures and biographies everywhere. No mention of the fact that men die all the time. This is the gender-neutral military: all men can have the obligation for combat, a few privileged women can have the right to choose combat, and their contribution is grossly exaggerated. Doesn't sound very equal to me."

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