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by RandomMan on 06:41 PM April 29th, 2006 EST (#1)
It's going to be a real victory for freedom of choice and the legal equality of men when the male contraceptive is ready to roll. Naturally the "women's movement" - their terminology, so I'll use it against them - will fight it tooth and nail, but really, who cares what women think of it? Not men! They owe their current right to a free ride and unbridled skankiness to "the pill", now it's time for some fair play. Afterwards, women can (try to) manipulate us 'till the cows come home in their usual transparent attempts to "get what they want", i.e. children we don't want, money for themselves, better health care, freedom from responsibility and a lifetime of wage slavery. NOT gonna happen, if we manage to educate men about their new "choices".
Sorry, grrrrlz, but the free ride's almost over. Start looking for a real job, because we're pissed off, and we're about to have the opportunity to control our own destinies instead of leaving it in your greedy hands!
It's the same reason women dress like whores in the workplace with great regularity. They know full well that it interferes with decision making by males, and that they can use their tits to manipulate us. Can you say DRESS CODE? If I can see tits, yer goin' home without pay, honey! Either that or I'm coming in with MY crack showing and MY sack hanging out to see how you like it!
You want equality? OK! Here it comes!
Ahhh, happy happy thoughts! Enjoy your weekends, gentlemen.
by Baniadam on 06:44 PM April 29th, 2006 EST (#2)
Now would you like to post it on the right thread.
by RandomMan on 11:37 AM April 30th, 2006 EST (#8)
"I loved how the women used their bodies to deceive," Ms. Zelez said, referring to the women in "Hostel," who appear to be sexual playthings for the victims but actually lure the men to their deaths. As women, she asserted, "We use our bodies and get what we want. And they definitely got what they wanted."
It IS on the right thread. I'm sick of men being manipulated by women through sex, which is glamorized (as always) in these insipid films - hence the comment - they can manipulate us to "get what they want" right now, but won't be able to use sex to the same extent when they can't use it to trap us into involuntary paternity, so despite the risks of violence, false accusations and so forth, at least that's one less way in which men can be manipulated by women, and it's certainly one of the most dangerous and damaging ways in which women manipulate men.
I realize why you thought this belonged under the male contraceptive thread, but it was intended to go right here - women use their bodies to manipulate men, and these films pat them on the back for it. At least they won't be able to use them to ruin men's lives through involuntary paternity when the male contraceptive is available - men will have a real choice over the outcome of sex for once, so women can manipulate us all they want, it won't result in an unwanted child!
As someone else pointed out recently, if men got a gold star for acting like animals, they'd be doing it too. These movies are just that - like the rest of "raunch culture", they give young women "gold stars" for being slutty, violent, destructive, obnoxious manipulators. Hope you see the connection now.
by Baniadam on 01:22 PM April 30th, 2006 EST (#9)
From one problem to another...
You would trust pharmaceutical companies with your organs when there is no need to. How many side effects are there to the pill and how bad was it when it first came out? What are the current issues with the abortion pill? Fact is pharmaceuticals don't give a damn about you, there main goal is profit.
So for those men who are desperate enough to jump on the male pill on its inception, good luck to you. I do hope is totally safe, but looking at past record I would doubt it.
But seriously man. I do not think the male Pill is a solution to anything except more sex without meaning. Woman are our partners in life, or at least meant to be. Feminism is an enemy to functioning humanity.
by Roy on 07:49 PM April 30th, 2006 EST (#10)
"Woman are our partners in life, or at least meant to be.."
That's the funniest thing I've read in months!
Do you do a stand-up act, or have a satirical web-site?
"Women as partners!"
That's really funny.
Women as P-A-R-T-N-E-R-S???
That's R-E-A-L-L-Y F-U-N-N-Y!!!!
Women as ....
Really funny.
by Baniadam on 01:45 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#14)
If are serious then the men movement has become the mirror image of the feminist movement. Feminist and the mens movement will become two sides of the same coin, instead of trying to destroy and correct the current laws, we are going to want exactly the same incoherent, unjust laws applied to men as well as women. We are both going to get burnt.
We will become a society of victimhood and responsibilities, just this time it will be applied to both men and women equally. Well done oh great men, we will become nothing but whores. Great (dead) men of old would look down upon us as nothing, and are children will grow up cursing our generation like the current adults who curse the pervious generations for giving in to feminism so easily.
by RandomMan on 02:51 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#16)
What seems to be the problem, Baniadam?
You're busy running around to every subthread telling us what monsters we MRAs are. While I agree that nothing is to be gained by becoming like feminists (who seek to destroy and marginalize men), and seeking to destroy or eliminate women and femininity, nothing that's been said here suggests that this is happening to any of us. We deal with constant, hate-filled ill treatment and laws from the "women's movement" every day, and yet we continue to hold the moral high ground in that nobody here is advocating the destruction of women or a process which would marginalize them in society. I think that universal suffrage is a good thing, I think that women finally getting off their asses and taking responsibility for themselves by getting educated and working for a living instead of sucking men dry is a good thing. I think that programs which are designed to reduce domestic violence for BOTH genders are a good thing. While I may be "oppressed" in some minor way, according to the very definition of the word, but I don't run around hollering about how I'm a victim, and women should be destroyed so I can feel better about myself! That being said, if men are victimized by feminists, the government or women in general (i.e. underage rape victims, paternity fraud victims, victims of false accusations, victims of biased family courts), they are entitled to status as victims in this victim-centric culture! This isn't the mythical "I feel bad about myself so men should be destroyed for oppressing me" nonsense of feminism, it's not based on half-truths or outright lies intended to serve an agenda, it's actual government-sponsored, legal injustice, and it's quite real. I'm not running around bitching that because I took 5 years off to raise kids, I get paid less than men who didn't, and demanding that women should be denied an education, taxed more heavily or that I should be given raises, promotions and other free "goodies" I didn't earn, WOMEN are, so don't give me that "you're a feminist" crap!
My stance is in no way equivalent to a male "feminism", as I do not seek to destroy or marginalize women. Such actions are the hallmarks of the current "women's movement".
So again, what seems to be the problem? If you wish to engage in self-loathing because we oppose the unjust laws that harm us and the damage feminism is doing to families, children, men and masculinity, and are justifiably revolted by the asinine, selfish, violent, irresponsible behavior of some women, I think you'll be very much on your own. But stop comparing MRAs to feminists. We're nothing like them, and I for one, am interested in TRUE equality, not hate. I hate what feminists and the "women's movement" are doing to men and boys, and I hate the exceptionalist, disgusting, slutty, manipulative, selfish, stupid, violent behavior of many young women as glamorized in these films, but that doesn't mean I hate women as a class. I'm sure the overwhelming majority of participants in this discussion agree with that sentiment. True equality means an end to female gender privilege, outlawing female supremacist movements, restoring balance to criminal and family law and holding women accountable for their actions.
How does ANY of this sound like feminism?
For your information, my forefathers (when they were alive) agreed with me on this, and were quite proud of me and my accomplishments in the men's movement. If you fear that your ancestors would "look down" on you, that's your business, but don't suggest it about anyone else!
by Roy on 04:20 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#17)
christ, all I wished to say was that any man who still believes that his life partner will be a female with integrity ...
needs some therapy.
And RandomMan goes off and delivers another excellent full-blast manifesto!
There comes a time when men might want to consider that INDIFFERENCE is the ultimate response to feminism, and all its raunch beauty queens?
by Baniadam on 05:49 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#18)
Bloody hell man. Don’t take my comments personally. And I was generalizing and secondly my third post was aimed at Roy and not you. Don’t take open discussion threads to heart, this was not personal. Roy don’t lambaste me or I’ll cry.
And yes there is a trend that some members of the MRA movements are becoming equivalent counterpart to feminism.
How many seem to despise women. How many want revenge or want the same VAWA laws instead of destroying. So instead we gave VAWA laws applied to both men and women so we can both get buggered by the system equally.
And if I was a betting man, I would bet that if ever the government sponsored MRA movement it would be one that is as ugly and repulsive as the feminist one, because it suites them best.
As to the rest of your post, taking out the emotional part, I agree with what you say. Personally, I hate feminism with a bloody passion as I see it, it has Marxist routes.
by Baniadam on 06:03 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#19)
The other post was aimed at RandomMan. Somehow I missed putting it as a reply.
Well my earlier post to yours should only be taken to heart if your post was serious as I stated. But it seems you were joking so you can disregard it. However, should you desire to take this matter further then get your lawyers to talk to mine but be forewarned I am a very powerful man.
Please note that none of the above is meant to be taken seriously
by RandomMan on 07:26 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#20)
Fair enough, Baniadam - I was overreacting (as always) to what seemed to be the suggestion that I sounded like a feminist - my mistake.
I was serious about my opinion that men are constantly being manipulated by women (in general), and that it will be nice when we have the option of an effective defense against the worst of the consequences of sexual manipulation (the male pill), and when women are called to task for their sometimes sickeningly violent, self-absorbed and atrocious behavior which has less to do with liberation and more to do with being, to put it nicely, ditch pigs (see also ditch whore and ditch troll, in the same reference re the modern vernacular!). Like I said, I was just reacting to your comment which seemed to suggest that I was sounding like a feminist - them's fightin' words...I now realize that wasn't your intention.
As for the other issue here, being angry or vengeful, my attitude was described best by William Shakespeare in Act III, Scene I of The Merchant of Venice:
If you prick us, do we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh?
If you poison us, do we not die?
And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
(I believe that anyone quoting that dialogue is responsible for pointing out to the readers what became of Shylock when he sought justice and his "pound of flesh" in the courts of Venice - it's a fine story about human nature and the pitfalls of a vengeful mind!)
For that reason, while I would be perfectly within my moral and ethical rights to do so according to feminist ethics (there's the oxymoron of the century), I don't seek vengeance OR look for justice in the courts of the land. When it comes to vengeance, unlike the members of the ignoble "women's movement", I don't feel entitled to it, whether I'm ever "victimized" by women and feminists or not. However, I am entitled to be angry, and like you, I despise the current incarnation of feminism with all that I am. As a man, I consider myself responsible for my words and actions, so I never condone or suggest vengeance or that harm or violence should come to any man, woman or child. That doesn't mean that I'll give up the fight for real equality.
I figure we're probably on the same page, gents. If my diatribe above offended you, my apologies.
by Roy on 03:02 PM May 6th, 2006 EST (#30)
One should never feign apology for speaking truth.
You are one mutherf'ing great writer!
But you left this little tease ...
"That doesn't mean that I'll give up the fight for real equality."
That statement really requires some further description.
Especially the "mean" -- "give" -- "fight" -- and "real" parts of your projection.
Interrogate your language.
That will lead to difficult realizations ....
by Baniadam on 06:54 PM April 29th, 2006 EST (#3)
The women presented in the article are stupid (stoopid).
Misplaced competition urges. A bit like those male counter parts who do really stupid things to see if they can do it or as a dare. Except with these morons they think they are somehow challenging the opposite gender.
"A lot of my guy friends are surprised when I go to see those movies," Ms. Pasquale added. "Because it's mostly men who are doing the slashing, so men see it as a dominating thing. But sometimes it's the women who figure it out, so we seem smarter in the end. It's 'Ha ha, we didn't die, you did.' "
Sounds awfully dumb and immature.
Let'em do it...after all the measures they've taken against violence against women, we really get a chance to see them for the hypocrites they are...
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by bull on 09:42 PM April 29th, 2006 EST (#5)
Want to see female agression at work?
Click Here for a short video.
How would the lawmakers and fem-nags explain this away?
by mcc99 on 11:02 PM April 29th, 2006 EST (#6)
Hard to watch that just once! Really, I wonder just what was the story that led up to that scene? The puncher wasn't too bright, what with the camera right there rolling. Amazing.
by Baniadam on 09:57 AM April 30th, 2006 EST (#7)
You chauvinist pig!
Patriarchy permeates all society and while it exists, women will become victims. Even those helpless women who commit violence are innocent victims to patriarchy brainwashing. The day women become totally irresponsible and unaccountable to their actions is the day that (feminist) equality is reached. Once you learn and accept this then you can cut off your balls as they are no longer of any use to you.
Patriarchy sucks ass.
Long live the Goddess and leprechauns...
twaddle twaddle, blah blah blah.
And that would be a coherent feminist response.
by Thundercloud on 11:47 AM May 1st, 2006 EST (#12)
There is no such thing as a "coherent feminist".
"Hoka hey!"
by Baniadam on 01:36 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#13)
Yeah Thundercloud, I think I indirectly implied that by my incoherent made up feminist quote. I mean if what I wrote made sense to you, let me have what you are having. In fact I am feeling rowdy tonight, give me double.
by Thundercloud on 11:41 AM May 1st, 2006 EST (#11)
I recently submitted an article (It was rejected) about yet another movie like HOSTEL and other such movies.
This one is called "HARD CANDY". It is about a 14 year old girl who uses the internet to lure an older man to her house. Yep, you guessed it, she spikes his drink then spends the whole rest of the film binding, gagging, beating and torturing the man.
While I do admit that there have been movies, in the past, that featured a scene of a man binding and hurting a woman, they were just ONE SCENE! Not a WHOLE MOVIE dedicated to that theme! AND the men who hurt these women have NEVER, I repeat NEVER been depicted as a "Hero", "in the right" or "glamorous". The WOMEN in these films, such as HOSTEL and HARD CANDY are depicted as "sexy", "heroic" and "good guys".
I keep on saying this, (and it keeps falling on deaf ears) that this IS A TREND that we are just seeing the beginning of.
Because women LIKE seeing men in bondage and in pain, and because, they like seeing men humiliated, dehumanized and emasculated, there are MANY MORE of these movies on the way. MARK MY WORDS!
Oh, and for any feminist who may be trolling this 'site who says; "But we have seen men do this to women in the movies!" I again, say; 'When that was done NO ONE said it was "good" or "sexy". People (including myself) CONDEMNED it as "sick" and "twisted" and something only one with a warped mind would enjoy seeing.
When you hear women saying that "they enjoy seeing this sort of thing being done to men, doesn't that sound warped or sick? It does to me.
But as usual "It's different" if a woman says she enjoys sadistic torture of men, and if a man were to say he got off on the similar treatment of women.
I still remember, about 20 or so years back, when feminists were "outraged" at the depiction of torture against women, in such films as "HELL-RAISER, "the TOOLBOX MURDERS and "TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE". They said that such depictions of women in bondage and torture would "Further warp men's minds about women" and also "Incite copy-cat crimes". To which I, and many other men, agreed. But number one, The sadistic torture of men in these movies today make the so-called "torture" of women in movies like "TEXAAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE" look like a sunny day at the park. And number two, where are the so-called "anti-violence" people NOW, now that this horrific treatment against men flourishes?
Where are the feminists crying; "EQUALITY"?
I went to see "HOSTEL". Not because I am in to seeing people tortured, but because I knew I had to see it if I were to be justified in speaking out against it. I have also seen "TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE" (Only once, that's all i could take) and I have seen "HELL-RAISER" and "The TOOLBOX MURDERS". And not in ONE of those movies where women are bound and tortured, was it depicted as "sexy", "funny" "titillating" or most of all, "JUSTIFIED". In "HOSTEL" it is depicted as ALL those things. While in the audience I heard MANY giggles, chuckles and belly laughs from WOMEN in the audience as the men in this movie are bound, gagged, tortured, brutalised, sodomised, castrated, humiliated and sit tied in chairs begging for their lives. These women ENJOYED every minuet of this film. HOWEVER, in the one scene where one WOMAN is brutalized (No where to the degree the men are) not one sound from female audience members. There were no cheers of approval, no snickers, no giggles. But as soon as the movie returned to the sadistic violence towards the men, it was all cheers and laughs from the ladies in the audience.
The women. These people who to this day complain about; "Violence against women in media". Who say; "There's no excuse for abuse", "Men are evil", "Men are dogs", "Men are pigs", felt no remorse, no sense of hypocrisy when cheering on the brutal torture of males on screen.
I will never take women seriously, again, after this experience. Their cries of equality will now fall on my deaf ears. No longer will I join them in complaining about "violence against women", look at "things from their prospective", or listen sympathetically to their so-called "problems". Last week, in that theater, women of America showed me who they really ARE. Any idealism I had of them is completely destroyed. Any thoughts that I entertained that they really cared about "equality" evaporated.
It finally dawned on me that American women are EVERYTHING they have ever accused men of being and MORE.
It is they, not we, who do not want equality. They, not we, that get off on sadistic degradation of the opposite sex, It is they, not we who want to oppress and subjugate. It is they, not we, who; "don't get it".
American women are the "Pigs". Only "Pigs" would laugh at another human being having his guts cut out and genitals mutilated. Only a "Pig" would get off sexually at the sexual degradation of another human being, for NO GOOD REASON.
And before some feminist, American Pig female says; "But, Thundercloud, there are men who get off on the sexual torture of women!" I reply as follows; Yes there are, but I have never heard a MAN laugh as a woman on screen is VIOLATED, AVISERATED, and DESTROYED. Not ONCE!
And "HOSTEL" isn't the first time at the movies where I have heard women laugh or cheer at the degradation, humiliation and torture of men. I have heard it in nearly every movie where violence against men is depicted. (most of them) And also, my "dears", there is a big difference. MEN who harm women in "entertainment" are NEVER depicted as the HERO. Or as "good" or "JUSTIFIED" in any way shape or form. While conversely WOMEN who hurt men are depicted as "heroic", AND ALWAYS JUSTIFIED!
Lastly, all I can say to American women, after these experiences is; You all need to just sit down and shut the f#&k UP. When you can come to us men as justified, not as , then I'll listen to what you have to say. But apparently that's not gonna happen, anytime soon. So you just go enjoy your -torture-the-male movies and leave me the Hell alone. Because I want NOTHING MORE TO DO WITH YOU! I wash my hands of you completely!
I will never hold a door open for you again. I will never help you when you drop things. I will not consider "your side of the issue" again. Change your OWN tire, walk yourselves out to the parking lot on a dark night, fix your own car engine and go cry to someone else from now on.
I hated that movie HOSTEL. But it showed me something even uglier than the movie it's self. And that is the attitude of American women.
I'm done. And that's it.
"Hoka hey!"
Well said Thundercloud! Keep those thoughts of exposing the big lie of their hypocrisy alive!
Hoka Hey!
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by khankrumthebulgar on 08:11 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#22)
Thomas Ellis in his book "The Rantings of a Single Male" wrote about a Woman who he thought was really sweet. She laughed when she heard on the news about Lorena Bobbit cutting off John Wayne Bobbit's Penis. She howled with laughter and thought it was just hiliarious. I don't know of any Man who thought it was funny. Or who thought it was acceptable when the Pregnant Woman was attacked by the Psycho Woman who tried to cut her baby out.
by RandomMan on 07:55 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#21)
You make an excellent point, TC, and I've often felt exactly the same way myself. How can we be expected to value, respect or treat as human a group of people who hate us, wish to destroy us, sincerely wish for our torture and death, and who happily work us into early graves for their own benefit?
I often feel the same way when I see the filth that's on the television, or watch young women and their grotesque charade of humanity. It certainly does prove the hypocrisy of the current women's movement. Equality my ass.
But then I run into a woman who has nothing at all to do with feminism, who is just a decent person. She might be a young girl (six or seven years old), or a grandmother, or just a neighbor. Sure, she might be a Good German, true enough, but she bears me no ill will, and might even come to my defense if a feminist tried her usual tricks against me.
It's hard sometimes, but I have to work at remembering that not all women hate us, and that it's a small minority that are actively destroying society, families and our lives, and that the rest just don't "get it" or can't believe what's really going on. Most women will at least claim to support the idea of actual equality when it's laid out for them, and I don't know many women who would endorse the kind of evil you witnessed in that movie theater.
As for women in their teens and twenties today, all I can say is I'm glad I'm too old to date the vile little skanks.
So don't lose faith or give in just yet! Sure, there's reason to be angry and upset with what's going on out there, but not all women are our enemy. Remember that the nauseating behavior you saw was in a non-random sample: the women you saw were a self-selected sample of vile little thugs who get off on watching the degradation and murder of other human beings, and who consider men subhuman. It would be like asking women in a feminist DV shelter what they thought of men. A dangerous trend to be sure, but really, who gives a fuck what such slime thinks, if they think anything at all?
I totally agree with your position when it comes to the particular bags of filth you observed and commented on, but to paint all women with their shitty brown stain is to give the feminists a victory: they want MRAs to be misogynists - that allows them to dismiss us as woman-haters, and to force the government to do the same. Sadly, man-hate is "in", woman-hate is not, and the feminists use it to their advantage every damned day. I try not to help them.
It's not that I don't understand or even agree with you, I do, just that I think it's a mistake to see all women through the "stupid spoiled whore" lens (South Park reference for those who don't watch, where they lampooned Paris Hilton and the rest of the skanks). Not all women are our enemy, in fact, I consider them legally my equal, even if some of them do everything they can to prove otherwise most of their lives! The fact that some of them see me as less than equal would be their problem.
by Uberganger on 08:23 AM May 2nd, 2006 EST (#23)
When I first heard about 'Hostel', I thought it was a rip-off of a little-known British film called 'Boy Meets Girl' (you can see where this is going already, yes?). It was supposed to be a film satirising Hollywood violence, but the basic set-up suggests something else. The plot, such as it was: men meet sexy women, men end up tied to chairs in just their underwear, men get tortured by women. Sigh. I think it is part of a general process of escalating brutalism towards men, which has its real counterparts in feminist jurisprudence. Most men won't acknowledge this for fear of seeming to be afraid of women, and women know this. The more I hear about the way things are in the USA, the more it seems to me that the entire country is trapped in some kind of Freudian nightmare: women incapable of making the transition to adult sexuality, and the necessary corollary of male castration. Isn't all this violence, and the lust for violence, just a projection of that? It reminds me of something Salvador Dali said in 1966: "What the American people like best is: first, blood - you have seen all the great American movies, especially the historical ones; there are always scenes where the hero is beaten in the most sadistic way in the world and where one witnesses veritable orgies of blood! Second, Americans like soft watches... Next, the greatest passion of the American people is when they see little children killed. Why? Because, according to the greatest psychologists in the United States, the massacre of the innocents is the favourite theme, the one which is found in the innermost depths of their subconscious minds, since they are constantly annoyed by children, so that their libido projects itself filling the cosmic surfaces of their dreams." That's one very messed up society you've got yourselves. I hope England doesn't go the same way, though I've read some reviews of 'Hostel' which praise it and give it a high score or reccommendation. The weirdest review was in 'SFX', which managed to say absolutely nothing at all about the film, but gave it top marks. Remind me again: I am still outside the lunatic asylum, yes?
by Thundercloud on 12:41 PM May 2nd, 2006 EST (#24)
I know you are right. Not all women are like those bloodthirsty cowards in that movie theater. But it just seems like there are so MANY of them like that, these days. I hear women in public talking about men and the conversation nearly always leads to the subject of castration or abuse. I have yet to over hear a female conversation where anything good is said about men. I do not hear similar conversations about women by men.
The problem is, I know there are good women out there, but where are they? a commune? :-)
I rarely see, hear or meet them.
I did think of something this morning, when i got up for work. And that is; Why don't we men start questioning the sexuality of these misandrist women? When women think a man hates women they are ALWAYS questioning his sexuality. I think we should start turning it around on them. In fact I believe questioning misandrist women's sexuality is more legitimate then when they question a "misogynist" man on his. I have met misogynist men, and never once have I heard them claim they wanted to harm a woman in any way. But I CONSTANTLY hear misandrist women claiming that they want to hurt, even KILL men. So who hates whom to a dangerous point?
Any way, I get your point. Thank you. As Obi Wan Kenobi said to Luke Skywalker; "Luke, don't give in to hate. That path leads to the dark side...!"
I saw HOSTEL. It is not in the least praise-worthy. It is a vile, evil, sadistic, misandric steaming pile of manure of a film. It was made just for the reasons I stated. It is for sick women who get off on the anguish, pain and suffering of men. The males in this movie were treated this way BECAUSE they were men, period. It was as close to a snuff film as the writers and producers could legally get by with.
I would LOVE to punch Quentin Tarantino right in the mouth. But being that he's into men being hurt he'd probably LIKE it, and ask for my phone number, or something.
But you have to hand it to Tarantino. He KNOWS how much (many) women hate men and he is making a pretty profit from it.
When targeting the American female audience, misandry sells.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 06:32 PM May 2nd, 2006 EST (#25)
Perhaps a correlation could be made unto the Roman Empire. During the "last days" of the ceasers they further oppressed the slaves to serve, and upped the violence in the colloseum. If one reads the history it seems that the Female influence was superior during that time in Roman history, as it is now. Hmmm, that is when they created the "holy roman catholic church" was it not? I wonder what they are planning next? The same things are happening now as did back then. The failure of the family, homosexuality was rampant, and the ruling class were turning the screws of the slaves. TC, how many times have you seen a Woman manipulate a Man into fighting so that they could watch? How many times have you seen Women in taverns goad a Man until he lost his temper and then had him bounced? In this day and age of unbridled female control a Male should be very very careful, as Men don't just suffer in the movies, we suffer for real. "It is a good day to die!"
by Thundercloud on 09:54 AM May 3rd, 2006 EST (#26)
Yeah, I had a girlfriend several years ago who goaded another man into a fight, then she turned around and expected me to fight him. I am only about 5' 6''. This guy was 6' 7'' with tree trunks for arms, I got my clock cleaned but good. (I did manage to break his nose and one finger).
Anyway needless to say I broke up with the woman soon after. So yeah, I know exactly what you're saying.
"Hoka hey!"
by Sheldon on 10:47 AM May 3rd, 2006 EST (#27)
Hey Thunder Cloud,
I too am thoroughly repugned by the positive reviews this dead celluloid matter is getting. After reading thorough a few blog entries on the piece of crap, I could take it no longer and HAD to respond; so I started up my own blog (which I haven’t used since) just to tear down one doup who seemed to especially like the piece of crap (the name given was a male one–but that’s not at all surprising: toxic male enculturation will have men degrade and defile themselves as humans, often just to score some “puss-y”). I wrote the following response to this guy– of course, it was not posted:
"This movie gets the benefit of coming out in a time of unprecedented delusion characteristic of the Nightmare State--which explains the "positive" reviews it’s getting(usually by hired promoters to do just that; being that Tarentino, someone with a wealth of resources and heavy influence in Hollywood, had a hand in it makes this very likely). Roth takes the easy, cowardly route and knows the expedience in portraying leering, lusty, heterosexual males getting their “payback”(?) as an advantage to make the most profit. The style, tone, and atmosphere of the film are all at this point vapid and trite. It is just another no-count treader in the well-plotted footsteps of the grittier and far superior 1970s films (re: Taxi Driver) and the expansion of that in the 90s in films like Seven (if the latter didn't occur first, the lightweight director of this film would probably have no "direction" at all). If this torture genre thing entertains you, that's fine. That's really the only claim to substance this film has: as a vent for those sub-conscious urges. I think the film is not disgusting in the violent/gore department (as a person growing up in the nineties with cable tv and the internet, and video games, this is old hat), the real disgust is its virulent misandry and implied punishment for being heterosexual and male; it tells you how vacant and amoral film boards have become if the characters' excessive torture in the film is justified due to their excessive heterosexuality and the fact that they are men. Clueless Roth (and clueless Tarentino too, who, by the way, hasn’t had a good movie with his name tacked on it since Pulp Fiction– except maybe From Dusk Till Dawn) is just doing the easy thing: depicting violence against men in a culture that accepts and actually advocates it; it's really the only thing he probably has come to identify with growing up in such a culture. Sad. I look forward to the REEL film revolution that will blow this shit out of the surfaced sewers for Good."
I was very eager to have this posted and note the responses and be ready to fire back. I know its full of ad hominems and that I probably just look like a troll to them, but I was deeply sincere in my remonstration of this dreck. By the way, we shouldn’t call these misandrist women “pigs” we should call them misandrist “sows”– I think they qualify for a name that is uniquely their’s. But of course, be careful with who you call a misandrist (goddamn it’s annoying when the spell checker underlines that word!– how sickeningly ironic eh?) sow; we don’t what to make those sweeping generalizations that feminists have made and sink to their level.
by Thundercloud on 12:39 PM May 3rd, 2006 EST (#28)
That is a good post.
And yes, "Sows" is a much better thing to call them in return, for always calling us "Pigs". (Actually there would be no pigs if it weren't for Sows.)
I also still think we should challenge misandrist women on their sexuality. I think we should do it often and without remorse.
And, yes, I HATE it, too when the spell check underlines the word "Misandrist" or "Misandry". I just went ahead and added it to the spell check dictionary, so it doesn't do it anymore.
It never did that with the word "Misogynist". That is rather telling, I think.
"Hoka hey!"
by khankrumthebulgar on 07:52 PM May 4th, 2006 EST (#29)
Hostel and Hard Candy are "Snuff Films" made for General Public consumption from the filth peddlers in Hollyweird. Its absolute trash and will cause Collateral Damage.
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