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by Davidadelong on 11:05 AM April 28th, 2006 EST (#1)
Perhaps the Women that fear Men will lie about taking "the pill" are only projecting the common Female trait of lying about taking the pill to trap a wage slave. Women believe it is just fine to lie to Men, as they are just dumb dumbs anyway. It happened to me, and I am sure that it happened to many other readers of MANN as well. Anyway, I want to hear about all of the side effects of these new hormonal treatments for Men. I know that Women have had problems with theirs, and I am curious as to what they have actually found out about the side effects for Men.
by Thundercloud on 12:48 PM April 28th, 2006 EST (#2)
Yeah, like men can always count on women to be honest about using contraceptives...,
"Hoka hey!"
by bulldogo.1 on 03:42 AM April 29th, 2006 EST (#3)
I've had discussions with friends about male contraceptive in the past and the thing they all seem to say (women and, surprisingly, men alike) is 'women wont trust men to take it'. They, and the news article, miss the point. It's about choice for men and it has nothing to do with women. Men will now have contol over their own destiny in the same way women do.
My sons will definately be using it - as long as it's safe - and I urge all fathers to educate their son's about contraceptive. Hopefully they will not have to put their lives in the hands of women every time they have sex, like we have had to.
Like Davidadelong, it happened to me, and I personally know many other men that have been trapped by unscrupulous women. And like me, a lot of those men were only 18, 19 or 20 years old. And like me, they were soon dumped by the women who were only after a lifetime of social security in the first place.
The affect this has had on my life since is immeasurable. The heartache, misery and despair I went through when I lost my son back then, has definately had a detrimental effect on my life - to say nothing of my son's life with a mother who eventually became a drug addict and prostitute.
So when the article says that 'far fewer women would trust men in general', I say, who cares what they think, want or anything else. This is about men and men only. Like women in the 60's and 70's, this will liberate men in many, many ways.
Here's hoping!
by A.J. on 10:28 AM April 29th, 2006 EST (#4)
Like Davidadelong, it happened to me, and I personally know many other men that have been trapped by unscrupulous women.
I too belong to this club of the conned. The agony can’t be described using the English language. And any expression of that agony, whether to private individuals or to professionals, can and will be used as evidence of the conned dad’s instability.
In the absence of reliable male birth control, abstinence is the only control we have.
by RandomMan on 12:09 PM April 29th, 2006 EST (#5)
Guys, I've never been conned by a woman into an involuntary pregnancy, but that's because I got active as an MRA years ago, still in my youth, and knew full well the risks I was facing. Lots of condoms, contraceptive foams, etc. for her, AND physically watching her take birth control pills daily covered my ass for years in various short and longer-term relationships, thank God. We need to do everything we can to inform and educate young men about the reality they face! There's another option: vasectomy. But it is not without risks.
By forcing me into a corner early with biased family law, choice for women only, and the disgusting standards of our society, the women's movement "won" after all (I say won because it is now clear that their goal is the annihilation of men): I felt the need to have a vasectomy earlier than most men, simply to protect myself from the grotesque liability that results when men have sex and the woman exercises her "choices". Now, instead of being a wage slave for life, I can't EARN a decent wage as a result of the damage done by an incompetent surgeon, all thanks to the machinations of the feminists, which convinced me it was worth the risks, most of which the woman-centric health care system never bothered to tell me about, of course. I know many men in the same situation, who've lost functionality, a testicle or other "parts" thanks to botched procedures. It's unusual, but it can and does happen. If you chose to have one, make sure your surgeon is a urologist, not a general surgeon, as it substantially reduces the risks. If only I had known...
All that being said, I STILL advocate vasectomy for men as a protective measure, despite the living hell that my life became afterwards. I'd rather have nothing at all than pay a woman to have my child against my wishes, or take my son or daughter away from me, and nothing I've gone through has changed that in the slightest. If the health care system gave a damn about men, the male contraceptive would have been a reality, and I could have been spared a life of pain, for which I hold feminists directly responsible. But like the continuing practice of male genital mutilation (when female genital mutilation is rightly condemned as barbaric), nobody gives a damn, because we're male.
Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!
by Roy on 12:26 PM April 29th, 2006 EST (#7)
I appreciate the righteous anger in your posts!
Keep writing!
Last odd thing I read about the "male pill" was that the illegally rich pharmaceutical companies do not think there is a "market" for a men's birth control pill.
What does that tell you about the totalitarian grip that feminazis have on the so-called Free Market?
I will always side with the revolutionaries.
I have lost over, and over, and over.
I'm still fighting, and not even a little deceived!
by Roy on 12:09 PM April 29th, 2006 EST (#6)
Every feminist proclamation must be closely interrogated for the underlying anti-male sub-text!
I thought that was what post-modernism was all about?
Always take great care to investigate the ASSUMPTIONS behind the so-called argument.
"Women cannot trust men to be responsible for birth control."
There's not a young man on the planet that would not have his reminder sticky note to take his daily "anti-slave pill" on his bathroom mirror!
I too have a personal tale to tell. (Thanks gents for being so characteristically honest.)
My ex-wife during our early days of courtship decided to "go off" her birth control pills.
When I found out about it, she merely said --
"I just wanted to see if everything still worked."
Today I am a father of two incredible twin daughters, smart and successful....
born of deception.
The power of irony, and logic, is all we have in the men's movement, right?
Always interrogate the quality of a female's character.
Yeah, that's your full-time job now, if you want to survive in FemAmerica.
by A.J. on 07:01 PM April 30th, 2006 EST (#11)
A question for you. You can answer it or ignore it as you choose. Do your daughters know what their mother did? When my daughter is an adult I plan to tell her about her mother’s scam. I think she deserves to know at some point how her parents’ relationship got the way it is.
by Roy on 08:05 PM April 30th, 2006 EST (#12)
Man that's a tough question.
Because after divorce, the kids always think they are being asked to side with one or the other ... mom or dad.
I'm inclined to let my daughters explore their mom's psychosis, and their dad's difficult personality.
It has occured to me that the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.... succumbing to the first exquisitely super-model gorgeous woman who made herself available to me sexually ... has also produced my greatest blessings.
So I really do not have a good answer for you.
In truth, I would never marry my ex-wife again.
But I would never wish out-of-existence my daughters, who are after all, my legacy.
I suspect a whole lotta men understand this irony.
Choices made, in innocent lust... consequences lived... expensively?
by Roy on 08:12 PM April 29th, 2006 EST (#8)
RandomMan posted a great comment over on the Women and Horror Films thread.
It was probably an error to get slotted there, but it's kinda ironically appropriate over there too.
The link between adolescent sexuality and mortality in horror films is well known.
If you screw or get screwed in Reel # 1 --- you're dead meat. 'Nuff said.
And if the male birth control pill ever gets approved by the feds, I want to read Kim Gandy's (NOW's) official position on equality in matters of contraception.
Kim will be demanding premature ejaculation into her hand!
But what I really wanted to contribute to this thread is a recommedation to buy and read Ariel Levy's excellent new book: Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture.
It is the obligatory reading for any MRA if you want to understand how intelligent post-feminist women think!
(Excerpt) --
"The proposition that having the most simplistic, plastic stereotypes of female sexuality constantly reiterated throughout our culture somehow proves that we are sexually liberated and personally empowered has been offered to us, and we accepted it.
But if we think about it, we know this just doesn’t make any sense. It’s time to stop nodding and smiling uncomfortably as we ignore the crazy feeling in our heads and admit that the emperor has no clothes.
Many women today, whether they are fourteen or forty, seem to have forgotten that sexual power is only one, very specific kind of power. And what’s more, looking like a stripper or a Hooter’s waitress or a Playboy bunny is only one, very specific kind of sexual expression. Is it the one that turns us – or men – on the most? We would have to stop endlessly reenacting this one raunchy script in order to find out.
We have to ask why we are so focused on silent girly-girls in G-strings faking lust.
… We are still so uneasy with all the vicissitudes of sex we need to surround ourselves with caricatures of female hotness to safely conjure up the concept of “sexy.” When you think about it, it’s kind of pathetic.
Sex is one of the most interesting things we as humans have to play with, and we’ve reduced it to polyester underpants and implants. We are selling ourselves unbelievably short."
Ariel Levy (BTW --- she is a "hottie!") ;-)
From this intelligent black masculist's point of view, that male pill will enable us to say: the sperm bank is now closed! Oh, and as for those jezebels Gandy and Levy, they'll be childless in no time! Watch what happens...
Lastly, you can tell those stripper, Hooters, and Playboy bunny whores to suck it...I'm going to love my mecha-female robot and have my jewels protected!
Next time: Male pregnancy and anonymous egg donors!
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by brotherskeeper on 01:55 AM April 30th, 2006 EST (#10)
What difference does it make whether or not they trust men to take the pill? I find this irrational on several levels:
1. They can take their own pill. The fact that they 'distrust' when there is no reason to even bring the idea up, much less indulge in it, indicates something other than reason is being used to come up with this 'argument'.
2. Recent studies (yes, I can look them up) indicate that ~40% of women would lie to get pregnant. Haven't personally vetted these studies, but also haven't seen rebuttals.
Since 'distrust' is illogical due, at least, to the above two reasons, what really is the issue? Makes one wonder.
I agree. This isn't about women trusting men to take the pill, this is about men taking control of their own reproductive rights (sounds familiar doesn't it?).
I have said it before, and I'm saying it again. I will be taking male contraceptive pills, and I encourage any woman I am with to take contraceptives as well. This way we are both taking responsibility for ourselves, and can act as a backup to each other.
I have never understood why this even gets brought up. It doesn't matter if women trust men to take it, men should be taking the pill for their own benefit. Men only need to trust themselves to take it.
by oregon dad on 09:24 AM May 1st, 2006 EST (#13)
However, far fewer women said they would trust men in general to use the contraceptive.
Men should mount a campaign to get this product to market and publish how much it has COST mankind to TRUST WOMEN!! (in the USA).
The cost of a bastard child is >$200K AFTER TAXES.
And women flock to that opportunity like pigs to slop.
by Roy on 04:36 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#15)
Oregon Dad --
"And women flock to that opportunity like pigs to slop."
That image is unnessarily cruel.
It's actually more like cows to a feeding trough.
Women hate to be sloppy! ;-)
Their predatory nature demands a certain ettiquette....
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