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by bull on 11:36 PM April 26th, 2006 EST (#1)
...the fem-nags will present biased and selective statistics to back-up their rhetoric that a wage gap is strictly patriarchic oppression at work, spineless politicians will yield to their demands, and laws will be enacted that force employers to give pay raises to female employees regardless of their qualifications, seniority, or commitment to their work. Of course, the employers will have to come up with the cash to meet these new demands, undoubtedly at the expense of male upward mobility and salaries.
Here’s a website devoted to their latest folly: Click Here
by bull on 11:38 PM April 26th, 2006 EST (#2)
This reply was intended for the previous article, my bad!
by mcc99 on 11:43 AM April 27th, 2006 EST (#5)
Yes, 'LAX' is LA's airport code; it's also the common abbreviation for "lacrosse" in sporting circles.
by Tumescent on 07:44 AM April 27th, 2006 EST (#4)
The DA in this case is the biggest buffoon in the history of the criminal justice system. From everything that has been made available so far, there is no evidence that can be presented that will result in a guilty verdict. The focus all along has been to find someone, anyone, as long as they are rich white males, guilty. None of the "evidence" will result in a conviction... not unless the jury, if it ever gets that far, is packed with feminists or black strippers. The investigation and prosecution of this case is so packed with fraud and deceit that it's hard to stomach. The Durham NC tax funds are being wasted on this.
by zenpriest on 09:01 PM April 27th, 2006 EST (#7)
The DA in this case is the biggest buffoon in the history of the criminal justice system. From everything that has been made available so far, there is no evidence that can be presented that will result in a guilty verdict. The focus all along has been to find someone, anyone, as long as they are rich white males, guilty. None of the "evidence" will result in a conviction...
I saw some speculation that this actually the DA's intent. It makes a perverse kind of sense - he grandstands for the locals, making a HUGE show of trying for a conviction, the election is over long before the thing ever comes to trial so when the case is thrown out because the prosecution's case got bungled so badly people can't vote against him due to his incompetence. Meanwhile, the boys get off and he can blame the fact on the OJ / Johnny Cochran syndrome of rich people being able to afford great lawyers who can get them off on "technicalities."
I don't think simple incompetence is enough to explain all the mistakes which the prosecution has made - to screw things up this badly really does take planning and forethought.
by Roy on 09:32 PM April 27th, 2006 EST (#8)
Latest blurb on mass media says that the strip ---- er -- "victim" made similar charges in a case seven years ago that were dismissed.
Her father is being quoted as stating that she was "raped with a broomstick" and that's why no DNA was found.
But wouldn't you at least find some splinters?
by khankrumthebulgar on 08:09 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#10)
Did you read LaShawn Barber's column. The local Minority College Bulletin Board postings are they don't care if the Lacrosse Team members are innocent they simply want them punished because they are affluent and White. This is what Multiculturalism has done to our Minorities. I have a young Man two years ago who is Brilliant and Black. He used to joke with Strangers that he was my Son. His Mother is an Auditor with Price Waterhouse.
He told me he prefers to hang out with Whites. As they have never harmed him. He has been stabbed and shot by other Blacks. I told him that was just awful to hear. Another Black told me the same thing. We still associate with one another and periodically get together for a Cold Beer.
Feminists and Liberals have destroyed the Black Family. The Men's Movement must not forget what Feminism and the destruction of the Black Family has done to Black Men. We must not forget our Minority Brothers.
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