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by Luek on 03:47 PM April 26th, 2006 EST (#1)
History has shown that whenever a society allows a segment of the population to be slaves, rebellions, death and destruction are the inevitable consequences of that policy.
You reap what you sow.
And I am surprised it doesn't happen more often and as far as I am concerned IT SHOULD!
by Thundercloud on 11:17 AM April 27th, 2006 EST (#4)
I believe it WILL happen more often in the near future. My bet is; we are just witnessing the very beginning of this phenomenon.
I must disagree that it SHOULD happen. I don't want anyone to die. But maybe it has to happen to make women, politicians and the courts see the "error of their ways".
Nothing exists in a vacuum. I am always surprised when people say they; "didn't see it coming". If you squeeze a tube of toothpaste, why are you shocked when it pops out at one end? There is nothing in the world that won't snap, pop or explode when too much pressure is applied. Men are no exception. This is a little physics lesson that our country and others like it need to learn, if not expect more deaths.
"Hoka hey!"
by Roy on 09:56 PM April 27th, 2006 EST (#5)
I completely agree with Thundercloud that the boiling point is fast approaching, because the current feminazi shitstem that aggressively persecutes & prosecutes men offers no "safety valve" to bleed off the growing social pressure.
(There's an ancient and famous Jamaican reggae song by Toots & the Maytals titled "Pressure Drop" --- "... pressure drop, oh pressure drop, pressure's gonna drop on you!")
It's all about "heavy manners"... ah crap another patois slang term from Kingston town to be defined another day...
(From the article) this is very interesting --
"Citing confidentiality concerns, the Department of Social Services has blocked reporters’ requests for information about Chalmers’ case, though a St. Louis judge opened a narrow window Thursday by agreeing to unseal part of the court record.... Social Services, said that changes in income withholding can now be done administratively and would not necessarily appear in a court file."
So, apparently it is now entirely legal to extort a man's wages at whatever level some faceless DCFS bureaucrat suggests is OK, and all without any due process or judicial oversight?
People are executed in dozens of countries worldwide that practice such "administrative discretion" absent the rule of law.
I guess we live in one of them now?
by khankrumthebulgar on 02:29 PM April 29th, 2006 EST (#10)
Angry Harry has warned Women in the West. The target should have been the bureaucrats not the Family Members. Our go into the State House with an AK-47 and open fire on the state Assembly. That will get some attention. TATP (Mother of Satan) easily made. There were 4 Columbine Style attacks foiled this week by Police. From Alaska to Missouri. Rage is building in the US amongst boys and Men.
Our Harper's Ferry moment is coming. We may see a home grown insurgency movement of Angry Men arise. When it happens the dialog will cease and Body Count will begin. Feminists and their allies will get their reward. Even a loving Family pet can become vicious when mistreated, abused, and beaten enough. Turn Fluffy into Cujo.
by Ron Rutgers on 10:15 PM April 26th, 2006 EST (#2)
There's an update to the story: stlouiscitycounty/story/5CC26DEEA084D1E28625715C00 158A2C?OpenDocument
Claims they were withholding five times what he owed due to a error. Of course it's his fault because he didn't do anything about it. Knowing from personal experience what happens went you try to correct a mistake (scam), his mistake was his choice of targets.
by Davidadelong on 10:31 AM April 27th, 2006 EST (#3)
Even though garnishment as it is used now is unconstitutional to prevent wage salvery, read the document, and even though George senior signed away the Males constitutional rights for this very purpose, read it in any Federal reserve library, we still suffer. This Man is only one of many, but the press has not previously told why because of propaganda. While I understand his actions and frustration I do not agree with his targets. There is a reason that the court houses and "justice department" offices have all the security that they do, not to mention almost any IRS office as well. There should be a site that lists the names and addresses of all of the employees of these agencies and their records of oppression. Why not? "womyn" have listed the names of Men making claims against their character, why not list the names of government employees whose job it is to deprive Citizens of their Liberty, as well as their Constitutional Rights? I believe the freedom of informatin act would allow this. Don't we have the right to know who our employees are? Then the next time someone loses their patience and control and feels the need to lash out at the system, we won't be killing each other! Perhaps then the "government" that takes our money to protect us will find it harder to hire people that make their livings oppressing other fellow Citizens. "It is a good day to die!"
by Roy on 10:27 PM April 27th, 2006 EST (#6)
You know Davidadelong, I've been thinking about your sig line -- "It is a good day to die!"
Of course the quote is from a well-known book of Lakota-Cherokee history, eyewitness accounts of Little Big Horn.
But you know what?
You can't arrange a "good day" to die in a culture that worships death, promotes war, and commodifies people as objects to be exploited.
The great chief and visionary Sitting Bull was murdered by Indian traitors who were serving the White Man Government that he repeatedly warned his people NEVER to trust.
That was a good death. (It should not be necessary to explain why...)
Men today are simply anonymous sacrificed wage-slaves with no honorable culture remembering their names.
Twenty homeless men died today in Chicago.
Do you know any of their names?
This is no small point.
by Davidadelong on 10:45 PM April 27th, 2006 EST (#7)
You question my devotion to a saying that I have lived since I was 12 years old. Yes, I have lived it Roy. You do not know my history, but yet you question my honor. Those that know me do not question either. My life has not been an armchair intellectual battle against unseen forces, mine has been a documented fight against the system. You ask me a question that you know I do not have the answers to, but what have you done in your life to resist the tryanny that has oppressed not only me but countless others? I know for a fact that there exists a file with my name on it with the FBI, the BATF, and unfortunately a few other government organizations. I have been nothing but civil in my actions, but I have been persecuted. You want to make a small point Roy? Do you want to actually compare lives, I have proof of what I say, and I am willing to back it up. Do not even try and demean me as a Man of honor and integrity, because Sir there are many People across this country that know me for who I am as a Man. I have earned my respect, the old fashioned way, what about you? Yes, given the right circumstances, it will be a "Good day to die!"
by Roy on 10:54 PM April 27th, 2006 EST (#8)
Nothing I have written above is a criticism of Davidadelong or his contributions to MANN, which I value.
Sometimes a single word --- like "you" --
needs to be revised.
Language is a bitch, yes?
by Davidadelong on 10:55 AM April 28th, 2006 EST (#9)
Sometimes a Persons skin can be a little thin as well Roy, and perhaps mine was getting that way? Language isn't the only bitch around, eh what? Have a great day Sir Roy........
by n.j. on 08:36 PM April 29th, 2006 EST (#11)
A bit off-topic, but: how do all the horror stories about sky high child support payments fit together with half a billion dollars collected for 378k kids == about $110 per child each month?
Sounds like a reasonable amount to me.
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