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by Roy on 10:25 PM April 25th, 2006 EST (#1)
I just came back from grocery shopping.
95% of the women I had to cue behind to get through the "organic health-food aisle" were large cows.
My dad's a veterinarian.
So I recognize actual cows.
by Gregory on 11:10 PM April 25th, 2006 EST (#2)
In reading these relationship articles and book excerpts over the years, my impression is that they are usually written by women, for women, for the purpose of venting women's frustrations. Notice the message that women can do just fine without men, and that women have changed for the better, but men have not. The Schwartz woman neatly divides middle-aged, single men into two categories: the fat, poor losers, and the handsome, monied hunks. Imagine her reaction to a guy categorizing middle-aged women that way. These articles are shallow, one-sided, male-resenting propaganda pieces. You're generally getting a bigoted, sexist (and hypocritical) female perspective.
by Roy on 11:33 PM April 25th, 2006 EST (#3)
When, if ever, will men realize that most women view them as PREY?
Men like to hunt, mostly, right?
So why do men have a hard time realizing when THEY are being hunted?
I wish this was complicated... but it's not.
by bull on 03:25 AM April 26th, 2006 EST (#4)
Most women I see at the local Walmart have butts so large that as they waddle down the junk food aisle it looks like two Volkswagens trying to pass each other. Are these the women who find it beneath themselves to date an overweight guy who is "just" earning a decent living?
“For women, ages 20 to 74, 62 percent are overweight (Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 or more) and about half of that population (34 percent) is obese (BMI of 30 or more).”
Click Here for the details.
Not that weight is a big factor for me; I’d rather date an overweight woman with a decent personality than a skinny, pathological fem-nag any day.
...I can't because I'm nearing my 30s and have been waiting for the right person; however, I have not been successful. This maybe an intelligent choice seeing that the family courts have knived us in the back. If only the male pill and pregnancy option were available as soon as possible, then we [men] would be immune from the generational storm and not worry a damn thing about the femicunts!
Male independence from women is just a heartbeat away...
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by khankrumthebulgar on 11:42 AM April 26th, 2006 EST (#8)
Truth is that the Internet Dating Sites show that Women have unrealistic expectations of what they are looking for in a Male Companion. And Men who are not high wage earners are used as "acceptable companions". Until the Bigger Better Deal comes along. Women have devalued character, morals, ethics, loyalty, for excitement, "Romance" etc. What Women want is Romantic Love the most transitory, least permanent form of Relationships there is.
They are juvenile and not realistic about Life. Let them stay single. They can thank Lifetime Brainwashing for Women, Lack of Oxygen Channel, Oprah and the other FemNags for their lot.
by Roy on 09:45 PM April 26th, 2006 EST (#9)
Some MRA has a site where he claims that nearly all women using the Internet's numerous dating/match/eharmony/singles/rent-a-vagina
sites are mostly populated by women with very serious personality disorders.
This seems like a no-brainer.
The really honest gals demand a cash-transaction-on-demand.
The smart ones already have a PayPal account! ;-)
by Davidadelong on 09:59 AM April 26th, 2006 EST (#6)
Other than the obvious anti Male jibe by the feminazi it wasn't a bad article. Highlighting the Mans' ponit of view and the actual demographics of the area. The feminazi spouted propaganda, and the Men told the truth. The Men interviewed were successful and have chosen not to get married "Yet". All the Men interviewed stated that they would get married, but they haven't found the right Woman yet. These Men hang out together, offer support to each other, and are not settling for the first Woman to come along. I guess the cry and hue here is "Where are all the GOOD Women!" I would have to say that most GOOD Women are either confused, or already married. No wonder an intelligent successful Man that has a support group isn't married yet!
I was discussing why people marry, and what mistakes are made, with my boss and a collegue. One thing that got brought up in the discussion is that guys don't have the same social networks they used to.
I brought this up because after my relationship ended, I suddenly found myself surrounded by a support group of three or four friends who had been through similar circumstances with their exs (left them with no notice and cleaned out their bank acounts and homes). Each of us has sworn off women. We are all extremely leary of the motivation of women who show an interest.
What sprung to mind during the discussion with my collegues, was that this group of guys fulfill some of the needs we had previously tried to fulfill with women. Being straight, the only thing we can't get from each other is sexual gratification (likely better since that removes a potentially contentious issue). But since we have such close social ties with each other, we don't feel the urgency to date.
I think guys have forgotten that close friends can serve most of the relationship needs humans have. Most of the benefits without all the confusion and jealousy and other crap.
by Roy on 09:59 PM April 26th, 2006 EST (#10)
Do you think there might be a coincidence between the deteriorating career security of working men and the lack of a male-friendship culture?
Let's face it.... FemAmerica (GlobalismUSA) defines all men as disposable.
Why would you want to make a friend of some guy who's gonna be fired next week, when you have at least six weeks to go before YOU get fired?
Globalization and U.S. corporations disinvestment means more of the same in the future.
If you deprive a man of his agency (his power to choose his direction in life), then you have what we have now....
Not too pretty of a future for the Land of the Once-Free, yes?
by RandomMan on 01:06 AM April 27th, 2006 EST (#11)
It ties in to the fact that only women can form exclusive, gender-specific clubs and organizations, and that any attempt by men to form a social organization or bonds or even hire other men (i.e. freedom of association) is immediately attacked by feminists and their male collaborators, who insist that we must be keeping things from them and "denying them access to the old boys network", despite the fact that most men are still conditioned (and hardwired, in my experience, unless they're seriously "broken" in some way), to offer protection to and make sacrifices for women and children in their lives, and the fact that women happily deny men "access" to their organizations and networks.
Just as the feminists know that denying boys one generation of exposure to their fathers will break the process of passsing on masculinity in our culture, they know that letting us organize ourselves is a danger to their agenda.
(You once said I was big on conspiracy theories, Roy. How's that?)
by Roger on 08:10 AM April 27th, 2006 EST (#12)
I've often wondered, too, whatever happened to the male friendship culture that was once so strong, as is attested by so many works of literature. Now, when anyone reads about the likes of David and Jonathan, they simply conclude: "Must have been gay." So many people these days seem unable to think of close male friendship in any other terms.
I've noticed over the years how my wife subtly sabotages my friendships with other men, and I've noticed the same thing among other couples I've been able to ovserve closely. It's always OK for "the girls" to get together, to go out shopping together, or for a drive, or whatever, but there seems to be a tacit (though irrational) understanding that "the guys" are not supposed to do anything without their wives. As a single young adult I had a strong network of friends, but now my only male friends are "appended" to their wives, and I never see them or talk to them without their wives around. One of them once had some issues he wanted to discuss with me privately, and we had to plot and connive to meet for lunch without our wives' knowledge!
Sometimes I can't escape the impression that whenever women see two or more men together, the want to rush in shouting "Come on guys, break it up, break it up." Or is that just a product of the current feminized climate?
by Davidadelong on 10:17 AM April 27th, 2006 EST (#13)
I have watched many Men go "down" where I live. Here, Eugene, Springfield area Oregon when a Man gets a divorce the entire Female community in positions of power go on the attack. The pressure is astounding, many move away left with nothing. It reminds me of a conversation I had with a Federal investigator that told me that one of the most radical anti Male movements in the country started in Portland, and has moved to the Eug. Spring. area. The Women for the most part around here are sisters first and foremost, wives nad whatever else second. Of course this is not the only place a Man is at a disadvantage, it is just a little more blatant here is all. Men around here are afraid of making their Women mad because of the far reaching repercussions that they may suffer. It is truly sickening to see. I tell as many Men as I can about this site, if for no other reason than to give them somewhat of a different perspective. Of course most hide the fact that they read the site from their wardens, ie. their wives.........
by khankrumthebulgar on 11:51 AM April 30th, 2006 EST (#14)
Portland Oregon has a huge Lesbian Population that is very militant. Not sure why exactly just does. It also has a huge Heroin problem and drug problem. Lots of junkies hang out in Portland. I lived across the river in Vancouver Washington. Beautiful scenery but very Leftist politics.
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