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by brotherskeeper on 12:41 PM April 23rd, 2006 EST (#1)
As the family court system rolls on, more and more high profile men are being publicly destroyed. We should, eventually, be able to recruit a good one (one that has not been a womanizer, feminist supporter, etc.) to assist in the movement.
Some of the most obvious, affected recently, have been Sheen, Letterman, Baldwin, and Aylsworth. None of these have struck me, for various reasons, as the kind of person that could help out.
My question to the forum is: What kind of person would make a good 'press' face for the movement?
by Hunchback on 01:09 PM April 23rd, 2006 EST (#2)
Maybe Robin Williams—Mrs. Doubtfire—although I think he has an amicable relationship with his ex. Another might be Pierce Brosnan, who made probably the most father-friendly movie in the past twenty years.
We should, eventually, be able to recruit a good one (one that has not been a womanizer, feminist supporter, etc.) to assist in the movement.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that one who was a feminist supporter would be the ideal person to help us out. One who put all his support into feminism, and subsequently had that very feminism come back to bite him in the ass, would be the perfect person to tell the public "I was wrong. Feminism nearly destroyed me, and I'm sorry I supported it."
Not sure if such a high-profile man would be willing to make such a statement, but he would definitely get some attention, IMHO.
"Existence exists. A is A." -Ayn Rand
by MR on 05:28 PM April 23rd, 2006 EST (#4)
Considering the political climate of Hollywood, IMO any man coming forward from the entertainment crowd would never work again in that town.
by A.J. on 10:28 PM April 23rd, 2006 EST (#5)
For what it’s worth, I think we’re more likely to get support on specific, less threatening issues than a general condemnation of feminism (as nice as that would be). Maybe something much more subtle like speaking out against circumcision. Maybe just encouraging boys to stay in school and close the education gap. Or encouraging the drug companies to speed up development of a male birth control pill. Feminists wouldn't like the thought of paying attention to men but they could hardly hammer someone publicly for this type of thing.
These don’t get to the core of the problem but when the problem is as entrenched as feminism we have to start by knocking individual bricks out of the wall. Just talking seriously about things that affect males would be enormous progress IMO.
by khankrumthebulgar on 06:39 AM April 24th, 2006 EST (#6)
Celeb Divorces are all about Division of assets and Money. Charlie Sheen is no exception. Denise Richards is looking for a juicy settlement, and children are a great bargaining chip. She wants more "Adult Support" from Charlie. She knew what kind of a Bad Boy he was. Did she expect him to change because her Vagina was irresistable? Please the ignorance and arrogance of Women is amusing.
Charlie was banging Ginger Lynn Porn Star for a few years. Probably got tired of hitting that and wanted something with fewer miles on it. So he met Richards and wooed her. Charlie Sheen who used Heidi Fleiss's Services. Yeah that Charlie Sheen.
The gossip and accusations are intended to shock who? Some idiots living in a Cave. These are just tactics to gain a bigger payoff for Denise. Probably at the advice of her Attorneys. Lets not forget David Hasselhoff of "Baywatch" & "Nightrider". His ugly Divorce same kind of accusations only in his case he was "Violent".
Now i know how he, Alec Baldwin, and Nick Lachey feel...i hope that one of these days, they'll look back on this and get smarter by telling themselves: "Did I really have/want to marry that bitch who wasn't even worth marrying???"
Looks like 'Fem-America' has created a a bunch of Gen-X/Boomer Desperate Housewives...and Broken Boys!
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by Roy on 07:41 PM April 24th, 2006 EST (#8)
You clearly have a "backstory" that deserves some explication.
And, no, not because you are ostensibly black.
Write more.
Please at least confess that you're not a Jewish mother trying to save her son from the tragedy of becoming an MRA!
"You write so increadibly well..."
(Chris Rock reference to subtle racism about Colin Powell...) ;-)
Oh, don't worry Roy, for an intelligent black masculist, there is not a damn thing that she's gonna do about pulling her son away from the men's movement...after all, the girls have their own league [although they don't always promote equality!].
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by Thundercloud on 10:29 AM April 25th, 2006 EST (#9)
I think Sheen and Richards are BOTH coo coo for Coco puffs, frankly.
But I also think that Richards is either exaggerating things and/or making things up just to tear Charlie down. She is an American woman after all. They have been taught to do that from get-go.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 10:34 AM April 25th, 2006 EST (#10)
On the news this AM the list of accusations that Mr. Sheens vile deceitful blood sucker wrapped in a pretty package claimed against him is telling. She accuses him of being involved in gay porn, telling her he hopes she contracts cancer and dies, (so what?) telling her he hopes she gets cancer of the face, (so what?) Even the news casters were smirking about the list of accusations by this manipulating female. Let us hope that the court system down there in hollywood can see the obvious like the rest of the People in this country. I would like to see Mr. Sheen win, and sue this lying bitch for defemation of character, taking her money as well as any rights to their Children. Why? Because she is obviously without any moral fiber or integrity, and who needs any more Children being raised in this fashion? Good luck Charlie, may the force be with you!
by Thundercloud on 01:43 PM April 25th, 2006 EST (#12)
Yeah, even though I think Charlie's a bit of a loony toon, I guess I'm rootin' for him, too. She (Denice)is probably just as much if not more of a whack-job than Sheen.
If all these accusations against Sheen are proven false (and they likely are) I'd love to watch it all explode in that pretty face of hers, and get turned back on her. It'd blow her mind.
And me? I would laugh...!
"Hoka hey!"
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