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by Davidadelong on 06:10 PM April 21st, 2006 EST (#1)
Unfortunately the prediction of many vampires getting rich off of the misery of a few is common place in this day and age. I truly feel sorry for the accused, and the other members of the team. If there truly was a rape by team members, then whomever did it should pay. But, either the information is sketchy, or the Duke alumni have powers of persuasion that the rest of us could use. Once again a complete video of the situation could have saved the day one way or the other. I wish I was a fly on the wall, at least I would know what really happened.....
by MR on 09:11 PM April 21st, 2006 EST (#2)
"If there truly was a rape by team members, then whomever did it should pay."
...and if there was no rape, then their really is no comparable penalty for lying to what the alleged rapists are now facing. Filing false accusations of rape is only a misdemenor, that way the law encourages lying females to make false accusations of rape against men for fun, profit, and/or political agenda.
Woman Charged With Making Up Campus Rape Story
False Rape Claim Hurts Real Victims
by Davidadelong on 10:21 AM April 22nd, 2006 EST (#5)
I know first hand how the system works. I had a false temporary stalking order filed on me by tenants that I was having a problem with. It was the womyn that went to court and filed the complaint. I was able to listen to the tape of the initial hearing, and was amazed, as was my attorney that cost me $1,000 to protect me. It never went to trial as my attorney requested one; the complaining party did not have a case, but my attorney was concerned with what judge we might get. I asked about filing charges against the womyn for damages. My attorney told me that it would "NEVER" happen as Lane County OR has a history of abusing stalking and restraining orders against Men, and they would not allow any form of legal charges against a womyn that abused the "system". Something having to do with attorneys not wanting to kill the golden goose that provides them with an above average life style....."It is a good day to die!"
by bull on 09:45 PM April 21st, 2006 EST (#3)
Sounds like politics may be overshadowing juctice in this case.
Click Here for a perspective.
by Luek on 06:40 AM April 22nd, 2006 EST (#4)
This has got to be one of the most obvious false rape cases ever. An "on the make" DA who is desirous about getting reelected. Rich and spoiled college males getting some social street justice payback regardless if they are guilty or not. And of course paying homage to the idol of the "sacred feminine" as in "women have to be believed no matter how ludicrous the circumstances or obvious the innocence of the accused male(s)because it is essential to perpetuate the myth that women never lie about being raped."
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