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by Roy on 01:47 PM April 15th, 2006 EST (#1)
Is it at all worth pondering why there has been no American men's rights activism adopting the obviously effective U.K. tactics for mass media exposure?
I know we Yanks consider the Brits to be a bunch of reserved wussie-poopies? (T-Cloud reference, thanks man.)
But they seem to be demonstarting a degree of testosterone that's sadly lacking in the men inhabiting their former colonies.
Maybe we won the war, but lost the battle?
by MR on 12:11 PM April 16th, 2006 EST (#4)
"Is it at all worth pondering why there has been no American men's rights activism adopting the obviously effective U.K. tactics for mass media exposure?"
"...they seem to be demonstarting a degree of testosterone that's sadly lacking in the men inhabiting their former colonies."
Respectfully, what's this, chopped liver?
NCFMLA Protest last week of San Diego domestic violence council's men's leadership forum
NCFMLA Protest of PBS
NCFMLA October Street Protest of Domestic Violence Law Corruption
NCFMLA Protesting Paternity Fraud in Los Angeles and Hollywood
NCFMLA Protesting homelessness
NCFMLA Protesting Female False Accusers (in the rain in San Diego)
NCFMLA Protesting at a college in Santa Monica where Gov. Schwarzenegger was present. His car drove within ten feet and he likely saw this.
NCFMLA Protesting at the San Diego domestic violence gala in 05
NCFMLA tabling inside the UCLA School of law
A couple of guests visiting NCFMLA's booth at the International Family Violence Council
There's more, much, much more, but you get the idea. NCFMLA has been on the streets for a long time. We are still on the streets and planning for more activism (indoors and out).
Who will join us? We need men and women to hold picket signs, write letters, show support for men's issues, and other men's issues projects. NCFM is a national organization so go there now and join even if there's not a chapter in your immediate area.
Then, you will become a part of the oldest men's rights organization in existence. NCFM needs you, but as importantly, we all need the work NCFM is doing. To find out more about NCFM go to
by AngryMan
on 02:43 PM April 15th, 2006 EST (#2)
I saw it on the Channel 4 evening news on Friday, so it did get some coverage, if somewhat distainful, from a female reporter.
There's nothing to stop you guys in the USA doing this kind of thing too, as long as you stay within the law. I guess you always have a better chance of getting shot by the cops than we do.
"Those who promise us paradise on earth have never produced anything but hell." Karl Popper
by Roy on 09:50 PM April 15th, 2006 EST (#3)
Nice comment about gun control, AngryMan.
Yes, we Yanks tend to shoot at each other a lot more than you Redcoats.
We shot at your ancestors while hiding behind trees, and your great-great-grandfathers just kept marching in line, all heroic and shit while they died.
Actually, I am on your side now.
Too many thugs with guns = a Congress about to accept all illegal aliens with 100% amnesty!
Guns in the Ghetto?
Ya'll like UB40 right?
by MR on 04:24 PM April 16th, 2006 EST (#5)
"There's nothing to stop you guys in the USA doing this kind of thing too..."
If those guys in F4J showed up anywhere in Los Angeles, Hollywood, or even just CA, they'd be laughed at hysterically. Some of the comments:
"Who's their tailor,"
"Who's their physical trainer,"
"How boring and unoriginal."
You can go down to Hollywood Blvd. any day of the week and see dozens of costumed characters from movie roles in elaborate costumes (with props). Their costumes are expensive, fit properly, and the people wearing them are very physically fit.
Evidently, you haven't read my post above. NCFM has been doing an excellent job of legal activism long before F4J ever came on the scene. Perhaps F4J can learn from the long term activism of NCFMLA. Personally, If I'd seen anything worthy of emulation from F4J, that I'm not already doing, I'd already have incorporated it.
I'm not trying to say F4J hasn't had its successes, just that I won't be looking to F4J anytime soon for leadership tips, or tips on how to protest.
Personally, I have a real problem seeing how some of the illegal protests of F4J, burdening men who already have legal problems with more, has really helped those men overall in the long run.
Again, I won't be looking to F4J for leadership anytime soon, but I will continue looking to NCFMLA for leadership. Good luck to F4J.
by Hunchback on 06:51 AM April 17th, 2006 EST (#6)
First, regarding tactics, the whole customed idea wouldn't fly in the U.S. If anything, it would just reduce credibility.
Second, demonstrations must have sufficient numbers to be seen as significant. Fathers, and men in general, do not have the leisure time to congregate during working hours—the most effective time slot.
Third, the Lace Curtain. Fathers' rights demonstrations occurred in the early 90s, one I know of tied up traffic just like ACT-UP (the gay activists), and they never got any press. Apparently, the gay protest, while admittedly larger, was seen as more legitimate by the fem-informed media.
Bottom line: we need recruitment in very large doses.
by Raymond Cuttill on 12:24 PM April 17th, 2006 EST (#7)
I'm not addressing any post in particular but I think some are misunderstanding the success of F4J or the tactics involved. I've been at protests in the UK and the USA before F4J existed. Most had less than 10 people. The F4J marches were in the hundreds, but that was only because of the spectacular protests. The most famous one was Spiderman at the Tower Bridge. This was reported around the world. The whole point was the publicity. A few people with a radical publicity idea can get world attention. So get the publicity then members will follow. As for what will work in the USA you will have to experiment. As for being shot by the police I guess it's nice to be in a country that has a constitution :-), but seriously you have to find out what works. Saying F4J won't work in the USA, as some people have at various times on this site, is NOT the answer. You need a PR orientated campaign including someone familiar with marketing/advertising and one or more activists. The activists have to do Spiderman like activities whether it be protesting on top of a bridge or the Empire State building or whatever. This has to be backed by a PR campaign alerting the local media to it and explaining why it's happening. A handful of people can achieve this if you're inventive enough and daring enough. Try little things first and build on that. Please don't give in before you've started.
by AngryMan
on 07:09 AM April 18th, 2006 EST (#8)
Hey, we are all supposed to be on the same side here. I was trying to respond in an encouraging way to Roy's comment
"I know we Yanks consider the Brits to be a bunch of reserved wussie-poopies? (T-Cloud reference, thanks man.)
But they seem to be demonstarting a degree of testosterone that's sadly lacking in the men inhabiting their former colonies."
I am not trying to score any points about gun control, past wars or anything else. I am sure there already is some effective fathers rights activism going on in the US - I'm not suggesting that you should look to F4J for leadership, or that the same tactics would work over there. We need to develop our own tactics relevant to each country. If I see some reports on the BBC about men's activism in the US, I'll be happy.
"Those who promise us paradise on earth have never produced anything but hell." Karl Popper
by Thundercloud on 12:14 PM April 19th, 2006 EST (#9)
I think that, eventually, we Yanks will have an equivalent to F4J. But I fear that things are going to have to get a lot worse here in the U.S. for men before we do.
We are trained early on as males that we "oppress women" and that we "deserve punishment" simply by our birth right. A lot of American men actually BELEIVE that they DESERVE to lose their constitutional and civil rights because of what "Men do" or what "Men did". They have been brainwashed to think that it is all JUSTIFIED. Also you have to keep in mind the "Wussie-poopie factor". There are more and more men in the U.S. who LIKE to be hurt by women and enjoy being dominated by them. Their wet dreams consists of total female domination and total male subjugation. (This is extremely evident on the West coast, like in California, especially Hollywood)
Not too mention the fact that American men are also conditioned to put up with a lot from women. But all things eventually reach a saturation point and I think we are beginning to see it. Right now it is most evident in Great Britain, but I believe it will take hold eventually in the rest of the Western world, including in the (so called) United States.
"Hoka hey!"
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