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Some "MRAs" believe that we should let the bitches help us and that without them we're completely lost.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by khankrumthebulgar on 10:05 AM April 12th, 2006 EST (#2)
This is no doubt to Gender Equity Feminists or their enablers. They are incensed that Men and Boys are getting any attention at all. They are Criminals who dispise Males and are assisting in the creation of a massive underclass of Males.
The Gynocracy that the US has become sees Men as an exploitable resource. As Men have not in large enough numbers yet rebelled to their exploitation. The sleight of hand techinque labelling Men as a Patriarchy is rubbish. The majority of Men are ruled by other Men. Or as an Uncle of mine is fond of saying. "If your'e not the lead dog the view never changes".
Dumbing down our Schools to create a citizenry who are easily controlled is essential to impose a Dictatorship on us. Those who cannot think for themselves are more easily ruled over. And take orders much better.
by MR on 10:47 AM April 12th, 2006 EST (#3)
Looks like more propanganda. "Senior scientist at the women's studies research center," is, IMO, quite an adulteration of the term "scientist," considering the methodologies gender feminists use to pursue "science."
Women's ways of knowing, "connected knowing," where women sit around in circles, tell stories, then establish theories based on anecdots is hardly what I would call "scientific?" I don't see any footnotes, and the National Education Association can hardly be considered to be unbiased (as far left leaning as that organization is).
I see the Ford Foundation is also mentioned, but I would hardly consider them unbiased based on the way their money is allocated to liberal, and gender feminist causes to the exclusion of conservative or any male projects/programs.
Have these two made their research available for critical review. If not I would be skeptical of anything they have to say.
The War On Boys by Christinna Hoff Sommers paints quite a different picture from that presented by these two authors.
One thing that fails to get mentioned in this story is the actual classroom results taking gender into account. In sexist classrooms where boys are treated as 2nd class participants, the pygmallian effect can be devastating to boys achievement, "If you structure curriculum to look down on boys they will fail to achieve."
"Among whites in Boston public schools, for every 100 males who graduate, 104 females do."
...and what are their GPA's? Notice how that is missing.
"Although we have been hearing that boys are virtually disappearing from college classrooms, the truth is that among whites, the gender composition of colleges is pretty balanced: 51 percent female and 49 percent male, according to the National Education Association."
...again, no mention of their actual achievement.
"Obsessing about a boy crisis or thinking that American teachers are waging a war on boys won't help kids."
Why not? It's the truth!
by AngryMan
on 03:43 AM April 13th, 2006 EST (#10)
"Obsessing about a boy crisis or thinking that American teachers are waging a war on boys won't help kids."
>Why not? It's the truth!
It won't help girls. And that's the only thing that matters.
"Those who promise us paradise on earth have never produced anything but hell." Karl Popper
by quetzal on 02:47 PM April 18th, 2006 EST (#21)
I agree with most of your points.
However, it is wrong to associate left-leaning people with the the fact that men are not being treated as equals in our society. The problem is that it appears this way, because many feminists are leftist. But that is not the big picture. For example, more than a few Republicans have earned their reputations partly by supporting domestic violence shelters, special programs for women, etc. Let us not forget that there is a "big business" out there, consisting of things such as DV shelters, women's clinics, womens education programs, etc.
It is incorrect to patently associate the majority of this with "liberals".
by brotherskeeper on 12:02 AM April 19th, 2006 EST (#22)
Quite right. There is no question that the chivalrists from the right do exist, and have caused significant damage. However, would you agree that they have largely fallen into a category, relative to men's rights, that could be categorized as 'weak followers' or foolish posturers? Whereas the rad-fems on the left are the primary driving force.
Please do reply. Am interested in what others think. This dichotomy is of great interest to most MRAs.
by MR on 10:51 AM April 12th, 2006 EST (#4)
The one thing that fails to get mentioned by the politically correct is that black males are also the major portion of crime stats, but the politically correct never break crime stats down by white male and black male. They just lump all males into a group and treat them as criminals or criminals waiting to happen as is the case with domestic violence law. They even go so far as to say d.v. cuts across all race and class lines (notice d.v. insiders also untruthfully omit gender).
Anyone who believes this story on face value needs to run outside and immeditately start shouting, "girls have been in crisis, the sky is still falling."
by Thundercloud on 01:02 PM April 12th, 2006 EST (#5)
Of course the feminists want to ignore it. And they don't want everyone to know about it either.
I have heard more than one feminist say; "Women are takin' over". And they mean it. That is exactly what their agenda is. And they can't do that if boys are on an even par with girls.
The fact is they KNOW there's a "boy crisis". They don't care. This is EXACTLY what they want to happen. If girls are doing better than boys WHO is going to get the top jobs, including "positions of power". They want most if not ALL those jobs filled by WOMEN.
As we all know, by now, Feminism is NOT nor has it ever been about equality. It is about the subjugation of men and ultimate power for women, plain and simple. Of course the feminists will and do deny this, but just remember the Nazis denied they were killing the Jews and Iran said it didn't have plans for a nuclear weapons program. Of course they deny it. They don't want to be found out until it's too late to do anything about it. And that is exactly what the feminist movement is all about.
Intercept males when they are young. Deny them what they need at an early age when they are too young and helpless do resist, be sure that girls have every advantage over the boys and the future will be; males on the bottom, females on top.
Any one who thinks that this is anything less than the feminist's agenda has their head in their..., well a very dark smelly orifice. Let me just leave it at that.
"Hoka hey!"
by Hunchback on 10:17 AM April 13th, 2006 EST (#11)
I've been saying the same thing over and over until I haven't the breath to blow out a match: feminism is NOT misguided, feminism is malicious. Back in the late 60s/early 70s, there were declarations of gender war. Talking to men who were ambivalent about the movement, I'd have to ask "What part of 'gender war' don't you get?"
MRAs have an unsettling habit of claiming that feminism is on its last legs. BS! These batches are not only more powerful than ever, they're attacking our sons. (One reason they are so adamant in supporting female custody status quo.) While making our daughters the future elite, they are condemning our sons to being a permanent underclass. Moreover, they know that if they can sustain this for another generation or two, the effects of their assault will be irreversible: poorly educated, dysfunctional males will hardly be equiped to create a movement to counter them.
Feminism has ruled the roost for roughly 3 gen(d)erations; fellas, we are in the fourth quarter and down three touchdowns. We blow one more generation and THE GAME IS OVER.
by Thundercloud on 11:32 AM April 13th, 2006 EST (#13)
You know what I'd like to see? American men marching in the thousands the way Latinos did this past week. That would really be something.
"Hoka hey!"
by khankrumthebulgar on 01:46 PM April 13th, 2006 EST (#15)
The Lies and Propaganda and Double Talk of Feminists is evidence we are headed towards a Violent Civil War in the US. We are now drugging 4 million US Boys according to the FDA. We have crossed the line of departure. FemNags have been at war with Men, Children, Marriage, and Heterosexual Women for 3 Decades. We are coming towards a John Brown Harper's Ferry Moment in US History.
Feminists are mentally ill and must be purged from Western Civilization if it is to survive.
by Roy on 12:57 AM April 14th, 2006 EST (#19)
"...we are headed towards a Violent Civil War in the US."
I accept that this is an observation and not an endorsement of actual violence, eh?
The war KKB sees is already here, but it is being prosecuted in typical feminist passive-aggressive fashion.
Cripple boys' in school. Destroy fathers in Family Court. Promote the "raunch culture" of sluts and whores as womenz' liberation. Kill the feminine in what's left of femininity. Buy politicians, judges, clerics, and scribes.
In other words, capture the CULTURE and all else will follow.
Americans today are where Russians were in 1929 when the Bolsheviks took over and began to legislate by fiat.
VAWA needs to go away. It just got renewed for another five years of funding.
Paint a symbol on your door.
To keep the feminazi vampires at bay....
by Marc A. on 02:46 PM April 12th, 2006 EST (#6)
Dear Editor,
I was amazed to read Caryl Rivers and Rosalind Chait Barnett argue that the boy crisis in education is “largely a manufactured one” because it only affects inner city, minority and rural boys but not white suburban boys. (“The Myth of 'The Boy Crisis',” 4/9/06.) Even if true, why should that matter? Do these feminists suggest we should only care if it affects white suburban boys? Someone should remind them that minority and low-income boys are the hardest hit by society’s neglect of men’s issues. They’re more likely to drop out, skip a grade, be placed in special education, become homeless, become incarcerated, or take physically risky jobs.
Rivers and Barnett also forgot to check the Digest of Educational Statistics, which shows boys – even white boys - drop out of high school at higher rates than girls within their own race. _107.asp.
Even if some research shows equal capabilities between boys and girls in verbal and other skills, the achievement gaps tell us boys are not fulfilling their capabilities the way girls are, and the problem is increasing. The number of boys who said they didn't like school rose 71 percent between 1980 and 2001, according to a University of Michigan study. Male enrollment in colleges dropped from 58 percent to 44 percent in the past 30 years. Regardless of whether Rivers and Barnett choose to admit it, this is a problem. As U.S. Secretary to Education Margaret Spellings stated, it “has profound implications for the economy, society, families and democracy."
Marc E. Angelucci
National Coalition of Free Men, Los Angeles chapter
by MR on 03:31 PM April 12th, 2006 EST (#7)
One thing that should really jump out at all of us is how blatantly "RACIST" the title and tone of this article is.
This article tries to establish that it is primarily black inner city young men who are failing in education. Apparently black inner city males qualify as non-human's at the Women's Studies Research Center. It appears that once a conclusion was reached that it is primarily black males who are failing, the whole issue of males failing in education is dismissed as a "myth."
I would be extra cautious of an article using such "RACIST" reasoning in its very opening premise.
by Roy on 08:25 PM April 12th, 2006 EST (#8)
The transparent dishonesty of feminist researchers, journalists, and academics is in the spotlight in this story.
It's intriguing to ponder why all "insignificant differences" become MAJOR CRISES when girls or women are "disadvantaged;" however, any objectively proved discrimination against boys and men becomes "trivial."
I conclude that among the trivial differences would be -
* men die 7 years on average earlier than women
* 90% of the street homeless are men
* men's suicide rate is 7 times that of women
* 75% of "no-fault" divorces are filed by women
* only 18 year-old MALES must register to be drafted
* boys represent some 70% of ADHD cases in K-12 schools and get the full Ritalin program
What I find most illuminating is when feminist journalists write about men's issues their obvious ideological bias kills the story on arrival ---
it's their utter lack of curiosity in finding out the truth that indicts their false expertise.
A journalist who is convinced of her perspective is a shill, plain and simple.
What journalism school did they graduate from?
Gloria Steinham Community College?
by Hunchback on 10:45 AM April 13th, 2006 EST (#12)
It's intriguing to ponder why all "insignificant differences" become MAJOR CRISES when girls or women are "disadvantaged;" however, any objectively proved discrimination against boys and men becomes "trivial."
Yep, these are the same ones who "womened" the ramparts when a bogus study showed girls have "low self-esteem"—due more to body image than academic prowess. These are the same folks who got the vapors over Summers' mild statement, or who get unstrung when Barbie has too big a busom-to-waist ratio. Yet, boys are being nudged over the cliff like reluctant lemmings, and we're not supposed to care?
What really galls me is that these polemicists are allowed to monopolize the public eye and ear—their words as gospel, their conclusions as scientific.
by MR on 12:41 PM April 13th, 2006 EST (#14)
That'll fit on a 4 X 8 sheet of plywood in 8" letters. 15 letters per line is max.
by Roy on 05:18 PM April 13th, 2006 EST (#16)
You know that slogan would look even better on highway billboards across FemAmerica.
Anybody own an advertising agency with billboard real estate?
Maybe we could get up a F4J type stunt crew and print the slogans out at Kinko's and plaster them up after midnight....
Or maybe go the minimalist route --- reduce all the slogans to decals and stickers and put 'em on everything like MRA wallpaper.
I picture Kim Gandy @ NOW picking up her cell phone and seeing a "WAKE UP MEDIA TO THE WAR AGAINST MALES" sticky right over where she usually blows her bile into the mouthpiece!
And when she goes to use her computer to report the MRA assault, another of "MR's" slogans just keeps popping up until she gets the blue screen of death!
One may dream..... ;-)
by brotherskeeper on 12:34 AM April 13th, 2006 EST (#9)
Excellent letter.
What I would like to see, when the time is appropriate, is a public challenge to the authors of such a piece. Not sure what the best forum/format would be. It's hard to imagine getting fair and equal time from the WaPo or Time magazine. Possibly FOX News would work. Not sure what the best format would be. However, would like to see the MRA organizations band together on one of these, and, if at all possible, making it happen.
I know you've done this before, and it's much appreciated. I'd just like to see more of it.
by Robbie on 07:50 PM April 13th, 2006 EST (#17)
I agree. This is an excellent letter. Personally I've given up writing letters to newspaper editors. They want short, pithy comments not a serious analysis. I have been following this issue ever since the Newsweek article was published. If you go to
and scroll down on the right you will find links to lots of blogs where this article has been discussed or mentioned. I added my comments to the blog that had the Washington Post article because I think the authors are so completely outrageous with their comments. Personally I think everyone should blast the authors (their emails must be publicly accessible) with comments. That would be a lot better than just talking to ourselves on this site. For the record, my comments (that, surprisingly were not blocked) are as follows:
This article is a typical feminist response. The moment some light is shed on the problems of men or boys, a certain brand of feminist rises up to insist that, indeed, there is no problem. They simply cannot stand the fact that boys might get some overdue attention.
Yes, the problem is especially severe in the black community and in certain other ethnic groups as well. By saying there is no ‘boy crisis’ the authors would consign boys from these groups to a life of underachievement. Boys in these groups are in desperate need of help now.
And the problem exists beyond these groups but perhaps not as glaringly. Why is it that in most high schools across the country the preponderance of scholarships, valedictorians, advanced placement and honors students are female? Why aren’t boys achieving in roughly the same proportion as girls? Could it be that so much attention has been lavished on girls over the past thirty-five years that boys have been left behind and ignored (I realize that this is only one of many reasons contributing to boys underachieving)? Of course another brand of feminist rises up at this suggestion (I’ve seen it on many discussion board and in a few letters to the editor of my local newspaper) to say it’s about time the boys learned what it’s like to be second class as girls have been. As if this type of thinking addresses the problem! Trying to figure out what’s gone wrong rather than seeking revenge for past wrongs should be everyone’s focus.
We cannot afford to have a large corps of undereducated people - whether boys or girls of any race. This will only create a greater number of social problems down the line. In particular, a large number of undereducated, low achieving young men is not healthy for society. We will pay the price one way or the other.
And with regard to college enrollments, yes the proportion of white males and females is roughly equal in Ivy League schools and many state universities. But many smaller schools, especially those that focus on liberal arts, are having great difficulty maintaining any semblance of parity between males and females. And anyhow, colleges are at the receiving end of the line and can only deal with an applicant pool that that high schools create. As boys continue to underachieve at the elementary and high school level the proportion of males and females entering colleges is only likely to widen in the future. Maybe when college enrollments skew to 70% female or more (and this isn’t an unlikely future scenario) people like the authors of this article will finally accept the fact that there is a ‘boy crisis.’
by brotherskeeper on 09:50 PM April 13th, 2006 EST (#18)
What I find appalling is that a very good case has been made by Hoff-Sommers that there never was a girl crisis. Yet, measures that can only be described as punitive were taken against boys (e.g. take our daughters to work day). Serious corrective action should be taken based on what has actually transpired.
Girls were not merely assisted, boys were falsely blamed for the non-crisis girls were in (too agressive, crowding the girls out, etc.).
I still have not seen a truthful refutation of Sommers work.
I continue to contend that it would be valuable to publicly challenge those such as the authors in question. I agree, letter writing does no good.
by khankrumthebulgar on 03:06 PM April 14th, 2006 EST (#20)
I am not endorsing violence. I see it as inevitable.For the first time there are those who are talking about Illegal Aliens taking over the Southwestern US. The absolute failure of Multiculturalism, Socialism, Liberalism, & Feminism is beyond any doubt. That Feminists have not abandoned their hatred and continue to rachet it up blows away their lies that they care about equality. They want to establish a Dictatorship.
Realistically gents you got one of two choices, engage in guerilla warfare or split. I will be retirement age in less than 15 years. I plan to leave this cesspool and Gynocracy. I refuse to date AW. Refuse to. Older Women pre Feminism are so superior to the trash trying to be Men today it is just pathetic. Want to see what a 40 something Woman looks like have you seen a recent photo of Madonna. Yikes she is just nasty looking. There wouldn't be enough Viagra to get me up to do that.
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