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by alphamale on 03:29 PM April 11th, 2006 EST (#1)
Hey, let's be honest. This is Canada. One of the most heavily feminized countries in the world. I know as I have suffered living there my whole life. Nobody seriously believes that the police are even looking for four women. They are probably looking for four men dressed up like women. If it turns out later that the perpetrators are in fact women, they'll have some excuse that they will blame on men and they'll get off. Look at Karla Homolka. The world's most notorious female murderer/rapist is freely walking the streets thanks to the 'chivalry' of Canada's justice system. In Canada there is but one motto - women can do no wrong. Ever. After you accept that, living here is easier. Sickening, but easier.
by Ragtime on 05:41 PM April 11th, 2006 EST (#2)
This is getting wider coverage than I expected. Good.
Thankfully, this poor sod's murder hasn't been getting the demeaning "Weird News" spin as so often happens when women murder men, and no one seems to be claiming that is was men-dressed-as-women. Helps that there's video...
Toronto Star: Four women sought in bingo hall death
Man beaten, robbed of his winnings
Apr. 9, 2006. 01:00 AM
Yousif Youkhana walked out of the Finch Bingo Country hall $1,000 richer on Friday night. He never got the chance to enjoy his winnings.
Police say four female bingo-hall regulars who wanted his jackpot mugged and killed Youkhana, 58, of Brampton, in the parking lot of the Islington-and-Finch area parlour.
As he walked to his vehicle around 10 p.m., he was approached by four women who demanded his winnings. He refused, and an attack occurred that left him badly beaten.
Despite being repeatedly punched and kicked, he managed to escape back into the hall where he collapsed, mortally wounded... (more)
CTV NEWS: Video camera captured fatal bingo hall attack
Four women were apparently caught by a surveillance video camera allegedly attacking a man -- who later died -- outside a Toronto-area bingo hall and police say they will be caught soon.
The suspects are described as:
• A black, 250 lbs woman, 5'7" tall with short black hair.
• A white, 150 lbs woman, 5 feet tall with straight black hair worn in a pony tail.
• A black, 150 lbs woman wearing a black baseball cap with her hair pulled through the back of the hat.
Police do not have a description for the fourth woman. (more)
See also the T.O.Crime blog:
When your numbers come up... they come up. Fifty-eight-year-old Yousif Youkhana found that out last night, when, after calling out "BINGO" at a hall in north Toronto, he was beaten to death for his winnings.
The suspects are four women. Four bingo-playing, death delivering bitches from hell. They followed him into the parking lot and demanded his winnings. When he refused to turn them over, they began to punch and kick him. He managed to get back into the hall before succumbing to his death. [CP24 Story here].
What the f*** is this about? The winnings, when split amongst them, would have amounted to $250 each. Enough to maybe cover your phone bill for a couple of months. Enough to get you a cheap, bottom line stereo. Enough to supply you with cigarettes for your bingo playing addiction for about a week!
Worth a man's life?
The animal quotient in this city is on the rise. When B4 or N49 mean the difference between life and death, we're really hurting.
I know people have died for less, but that doesn't matter to Mr. Youkhana or those he's left behind. His luck ran out fast, and now the four... I'm holding my tongue here... women who took his life will have hell to pay.
The good news for them... I think the Kingston Pen has a Bingo game every sunday night.
I'd like to get these gals in custody fast.
Yahoo: Toronto man dies after bingo hall beating
Globe and Mail: Assailants in bingo hall death will be found, police say
The Uppity Wallet
The opinions expressed above are my own,
but you're welcome to adopt them.
by TachyonMale on 03:37 PM April 12th, 2006 EST (#3)
Worth a man's life?
I was under the impression that our lives aren't worth anything any more.
by Thundercloud on 12:08 PM April 13th, 2006 EST (#4)
And I was under the impression our lives never meant anything to begin with.
"Hoka hey!"
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