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by mcc99 on 07:33 PM April 6th, 2006 EST (#1)
Notice the article didn't mention the shelter the men were staying at. I wonder why? I suppose it could be for safety, as DV shelters do not routinely disclose their locations. Still, the article doesn't mention the fact that almost all DV shleters do not accept male victims, as has been regularly documented and reported here on MANN and other places where the truth will not stay hidden.
Important quotes from this article:
"She came running up to me with a knife, and I end up doing six months over it," he said.
All three men said they were reluctant to call police. Leo said he thinks in the case of a dispute, an officer would believe a woman's story over a man's.
"Whether it happened or not, if she signs that affidavit, you're on your way to jail, you're on your way to jail, no investigation no anything."
The last two are pretty weak, but all things considered... a good article.
by MR on 08:48 AM April 10th, 2006 EST (#8)
This was supposed to have been on TV as well, Paula Zahn. My cable provider showed her on at 11 p.m., but when I tuned in they were airing Anderson Cooper. It appears these stories still don't run in prime time, if they run at all.
by oregon dad on 11:22 AM April 7th, 2006 EST (#3)
I did.
I also included images from the the US website: e3_6.htm
that shows that children are victims primarily of women. this is domestic violence yet our laws only protect women.
by Thundercloud on 11:34 AM April 7th, 2006 EST (#4)
Yeah, I guess men NEVER feel frustrated or angry. Or if they do it's still no excuse unless you are female. It's the tired old excuse of; "But it's different."
"Hoka hey!"
by oregon dad on 11:58 AM April 7th, 2006 EST (#5)
Its the burden of the uterus that makes it different!
by Thundercloud on 02:49 PM April 7th, 2006 EST (#6)
The thing that gets me is that there's a saying by "abuse victims advocates" and that of course is:"There's no excuse for abuse". Yet when women abuse whether it be men or children all they DO is make EXCUSES for the female perp.
Don't women think that MEN get angry and frustrated at times? And even if they did have such an epiphany, would they think that that anger and frustration was an excuse for a man to abuse? No, of course they wouldn't.
But There's ALWAYS an excuse, ALWAYS when a woman does it.
In fact THAT is one of the reasons men are "angry" and "frustrated".
"Hoka hey!"
by oregon dad on 05:22 PM April 7th, 2006 EST (#7)
Actually, this points back to the superiority of men. Typically, in the face of overwhelming abuse, men remain stoic, calm, and restrained.
Women, as the emotional creatures that they are, are less "controlled" in their emotions. They tend to be the ones raising their voices, throwing things, pounding on kids and husbands.
This shows the children who is the NATURAL LEADER and HEAD of the household. It is the person that shows calm, restraint, and clear headedness, even under the most trying conditions.
by Thundercloud on 11:42 AM April 10th, 2006 EST (#9)
Well, personally, I don't subscribe to the "men are superior to women" theory, but good points other wise, O.D.
"Hoka hey!"
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