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by Roy on 08:16 PM March 26th, 2006 EST (#1)
I've read that approximately 75% of children diagnosed as ADHD are boys. It's a fairly recent diagnosis, didn't exist twenty years ago. Seems to coincide with new drugs that require a new diagnosis to be widely prescribed.
ADHD has been linked to a K-12 school culture that is anti-boy, controlled by female teachers, and increasingly hostile or indifferent to boy's learning styles. (i.e. boys don't particularly prosper when they are coerced into sitting quietly in rows of desks and ordered to not bother their neighbors... and "recess," that blessed interval of physical release and brief masculine joy, has been universally banned as "too dangerous...")
A major study published this week reveals that two-thirds of people who take anti-depressant drugs are not helped, or are actually harmed by these psycho-active chemicals.
Depression and ADHD are inventions of the pharmaceutical companies and the university researchers in their employ, in league with the mainstream medical establishment, to make billions of dollars by promoting the Suffering Industry.
It's even more profitable than the DV Industry, because so far feminists have not been able to invent a single pill to cure masculinity.
It will happen in our lifetimes, count on it!
by Concerned Teen on 09:08 PM March 26th, 2006 EST (#2)
As a high school student, I witness blatant sexism nearly every day. Somehow the govenment has got it ib their heads that boys learn in exactly the same way as girls. Thinly veiled favoritism and a sexually biased staff are what caused the drop in boy's test scores. Boys are treated as deficient girls in the educational system. Double standards are also rampant. A feminist club was started to much applaus, but when I created a Male Rights orginization, I was criticized by teacher and student alike.
by Davidadelong on 10:50 AM March 27th, 2006 EST (#3)
It existed when I was 13, I'm fifty one now. When I was in the Methodist Home they diagnosed me with hpyer tensive activity disorder and made me take pills for a while. They didn't work, and I quit taking them. They just have refined their diagnosing skills, and upped their agenda. We are entering into the modern version of the dark ages. At least the religious organizations aren't allowed to torture People any more!
by Ragtime on 02:21 PM March 27th, 2006 EST (#4)
Depression and ADHD are inventions of the pharmaceutical companies and the university researchers in their employ, in league with the mainstream medical establishment, to make billions of dollars by promoting the Suffering Industry.
I'm at a loss for words. This is simply not true.
Granted, many, even most, of the boys currently diagnosed with, and treated for, ADHD or ADD don't have the condition. They are simply being drugged for the convenience of their female teachers, and to make them behave more like girls. (Girl behaviour is Good; boy behaviour is Bad.)
It's also very likely true that unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies and feminists are quite willing to *exploit* and profit from false diagnoses or ADD/ADHD or depression.
To claim, however, that ADD/ADHD or depression don't exist and are simply fabrication is to deny the very real experience, suffering, and difficulties of those who have one of these conditions. It's an insulting slap in the face.
Don't dare try to tell me that what I have experienced in over 50 years of life, and only discovered was called "ADD" a few years ago is an "invention of the pharmaceutical companies."
Geez, Roy, what were you thinking?
The Uppity Wallet
The opinions expressed above are my own,
but you're welcome to adopt them.
by Davidadelong on 12:15 AM March 28th, 2006 EST (#5)
As a person that was diagnosed as ADHD as a child, and have lived with the experience for fifty one years I have to agree with a lot of what Roy says. History shows that most of the greatest contributers to society had the behavior of what they call ADHD. There are mental exercises that can be taught to Children with this condition to help them concentrate without drugs. It didn't stop me from going to college, nor did it stop me from surviving. My work record reflects my own integrity, and personal choice to be civily resistant to the treatment that I have received from my own government. It has been said by experts that Children with so called ADHD should be allowed to learn at their own pace, which in most cases is faster than the norm. The frustration that these People feel at being hindered is tantamount to torture. Hence the "acting out" that causes these Kids to be drugged. In the past they didn't have the drug cartels that they do now. For most of these People it is hard to soar like an eagle when you are being held back by turkeys. ADHD is nothing more than an excuse to hinder the brightest Kids in school that have little or no future because they are usually non conformists by nature. Just a thought Ragtime....
by Ragtime on 10:38 PM March 28th, 2006 EST (#6)
Just a thought Ragtime....
And you're entitled to it. I don't agree with all you've written, though. Especially, "ADHD is nothing more than an excuse to hinder the brightest Kids in school that have little or no future because they are usually non conformists by nature." That's just silly.
The set of experiences and behaviours that are labelled "ADD" and "ADHD" most certainly exist. They are not "fabricated." And they existed and were recognized well before the horrors of feminism ruled the classroom.
So everyone knows, ADD stands for "Attention Deficit Disorder" and ADHD stands for "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." ADD is just like ADHD, but without the (sometimes violent) hyperactivity and tantrums.
Primary characteristic is difficulty in staying focussed on the task/job/work at hand, and being easily distracted by other, interesting, things. People with ADD, seemingly almost as a compensation, also have the ability to go into "hyper-focus," where they become more engrossed and totally absorbed by a task than can be achieved by others without the "disorder."
People with ADD/ADHD have other characteristics that are "markers." Not all have the same ones, but all have some of them. One of the markers is high intelligence, another is the presence of a speech or communication disorder (stutter, dyslexia, etc.) Also, ADD people can be astute observers of others, but very poor observers of themselves. They tend to have a very strong sense of fairness.
Certain drugs don't work on them like on others, and some drugs have a different effect, most notably the stimulants. Ritalin, though a stimulant, has a calming, grounding effect on ADD/ADHD people. Some anti-depressants can be helpful.
[The gas that dentists use, NO2 (nirous-oxide) has absolutely no effect on me, BTW. I had an extraction last year and my dentist offered me gas. I'd never had it before and said, sure let's give it a try. He kept asking me, "how do you feel now?" and I'd tell him that I didn't notice anything different. He keep increasing and increasing the flow until it reached a point where he refused to turn it up any higher. I was still lucid and talking clearly. I truly never noticed any effect. We just gave up at that point. :) ]
Sometimes I question the "disorder" part of ADD/ADHD, and wonder if perhaps it's not just a variation of behaviour that is exhibited by (and normal for) some highly intelligent people. The behaviour is removed from average, "normal" behaviour, but I question whether it's a "disorder" or simply a difference. On this point we have some agreement.
And, yes, I agree that the public school system does not deal well with out-of-the-ordinary children. It certainly didn't work well for me when I was a student in the 50s and 60s. With the hostile treatment boys are subject to now, it must be hell.
ADD has had a definite impact on my life, and, in spite of lots of "smarts" my path has not been easy or always successful. When I was finally diagnosed in the mid-90s, it was a revelation for me. So much of who I am and why I do what I do was explained. That knowledge has allowed me to deal much more effectively with my behaviours that get in the way of my goals, and I'm much more successful (financially) than I ever was previously.
I use drugs sparingly in dealing with my ADD. If you've found a way to fit-in better with "normal" day-to-day society without them, good for you, David. I find I profit from their help sometimes (I use Ritalin and Wellbutrin). I use them only when I feel they're necessary to help me be a more effective, productive worker. (I'm a systems analyst, and I want to excel at my job.) Other wise I don't take them -- I *like* who I am. :)
I like the other aspects of my "disorder" -- wide-ranging interests and hobbies, a voracious appetite for news and information, mastery of more than a few disciplines.
I believe feminists in the education system are opportunists who will use "ADD/ADHD" to make their lives easier by drugging inconveniently boisterous little boys into behaviour that is convenient. And they will push for more boys to be diagnosed for that reason. Simple selfishness.
I don't think the fact that most of the diagnoses are false, or that the little boys are being harmed, raises much of a second thought in most of them. They're "entitled" to an easy ride, after all. It's *hard* dealing with boys, especially ones stressed out by being forced into a relentlessly girl-centric environment.
Boys are more work, and males in general just don't seem to matter much to most women unless they are creating and providing wealth and comfort for them. I really don't think there's any more of a big 'conspiracy' than that -- it's just narcissism, callousness, and entitlement.
The Uppity Wallet
The opinions expressed above are my own,
but you're welcome to adopt them.
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