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Boy Murdered for Refusal to Comply with Gender Dysphoria
posted by Matt on 07:31 PM March 26th, 2006
Domestic Violence Ragtime writes "I'm really not sure what I can add to this bit of horror. -- Four-year-old Jandre Botha disobeyed an order to call his mother's lesbian lover "Daddy''. So the lover, Engeline de Nysschen (33), viciously assaulted Jandre while demanding that he must call her "Daddy". Jandre died from his injuries, which trauma expert Professor Mohammed Dada said were similar to those of a person who had fallen from a double-storey building. -- Appalling story here."

Couple Directs Young Daughter to Beat Neighbor Boy for No Apparent Reason | Wendy McElroy Tracks Legal Redefining of Dads  >

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Apathy in the divorce courts (Score:1)
by Concerned Teen on 07:58 PM March 26th, 2006 EST (#1)
To me, one of the most appaling aspects of this story is that a divorce court would award custody of a child to a woman who would not intervene during the horrific abuse of her child.
Goes to show you! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 10:42 AM March 27th, 2006 EST (#2)
The gentler more sensitive gender? Lesbians are better role examples than the natural Father? Indoctrination of a three year old includes death if resisted? The Father and Grandparents ought to be able to bludgeon those two to death with clubs! Poor Kid was only three, but he died a Man! It makes me sick.........
Re:Goes to show you! (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 03:57 PM March 27th, 2006 EST (#5)
You're right, David. That little guy DID die a man.

  "Hoka hey!"
Closer to home (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 11:19 AM March 27th, 2006 EST (#3)
This case, closer to home, at least was resolved with a lengthy sentence. But why was it barely reported locally and not at all nationally—only in a UK publication? We know. And the reporting...
    The boys have been placed in foster care along with their sister, 12, who was also living in the home but was not subjected to the same abuse. One of the boys, a 10-year-old who is biracial, is reported to have suffered the most, including being kicked in the groin by Jenkins while she shouted racial epithets, according to a report in the Akron Beacon Journal.
...while nodding to the racial aspect of the abuse, nearly ignores the OBVIOUS antimale component of the abuse. Nor does it raise the question of boys being raised by man-hating lesbians. It may take a village to raise a child, but apparently, lesbians do a more thorough job of torturing their sons.
Re:Closer to home (Score:1)
by Alitax on 12:07 AM March 28th, 2006 EST (#7)
"lesbians do a more thorough job of torturing their sons"

one lesbian is evil, and you conclude that 'lesbians' (which is a universal, no?) are evil.

what a knee-jerk reaction.

Re:Closer to home (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 11:02 AM March 28th, 2006 EST (#9)
You of course are correct. But there is a theme amongst both homosexual groups, Male and Female to raise Children in their own likeness. This isn't right period. I have lived long enough, and rubbed elbows with enough People that worked for a living, and those that did not to know a reacurring theme that I have noticed in my travels. I have lived in nine different states, north/south, east/west to know what is happening. I have talked to Men that have been "turned out" by both their fathers and mothers, as well as Women that had the same happen with their mothers. Let's not forget the heralding of a lesbian rape of a young Girl in the v monologues which went nation wide. We must protect our Children Folks. It is and will continue to be an alternitive life style. There is no scientific facts to argue otherwise, just well worded theories. To "push" this on a child should be a crime against not only the Child, but Humanity as well. I do not, and have never believed in nothing more than EQUAL RIGHTS for everybody. But I do not believe that a select group of People that have chosen an alternative life style should have any more rights than anyone else. The farther we stray from nature the more harm we do to our future, our Children, and make it easier for the current system to divide us beyond repair.
Violent Femmes. (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 02:28 PM March 27th, 2006 EST (#4)
I know that I'm not alone in noticing the increase in female violence. And while this is a bit off topic, it's really kind of still applicable.
As I said I have known of the increase of aggression and violence in women for some time, but I witnessed the effects of it first hand just the other day.
My Mother is elderly and not in good health so I accompany her to the store and pet store to help her load and unload the groceries.
Anyway, on this particular day, I went with her to the pet store to get food for her cats. On Saturdays they have puppies out for people to see, play with and hopefully adopt. There was one particular little puppy that was EXTREAMLY cute and playful and a young woman was on the floor with it and teasing it. One of the store clerks asked the woman to stop mistreating the little pup. End of story? Not by a long shot. The woman that was teasing this little dog picked the puppy up over her head and SLAMMED it to the concrete floor as hard as she could!!!
My mother had to grab me and hold me back, and there was a female clerk whom fellow employees also had to hold back, Had either the clerk or myself gotten to this b!*#h we couldn't have been responsible for what we would have done! (And yes part of my code of honor is to not hit women, but I was ready to make an exception in the case of this b!#ch) The woman that hurt the puppy quickly left the pet store as another store clerk called the police.
Fortunately the little puppy wasn't hurt seriously. His upper gum was bleeding a bit but other than that, he seemed okay and as far as I know he's doing alright, now.

I have never seen anyone do such a thing before.
And it just illustrated to me further what I have known to be true, but never witnessed personally, that women are getting more sociopathic, violent and vile by the day.
Needless to say that when I read about this lesbian couple and what the one woman did to that child, I wasn't a bit surprised.
It almost seems like women are at war with children or even small helpless animals, or something.
What the Hell, man???

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Violent Femmes. (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 04:07 PM March 27th, 2006 EST (#6)
Women have always been violent. What we are seeing is a result of license. Female aggression is normally of the risk aversive sort. By nature and/or rearing females are loathe to willingly take risks, hence, they only express their violence when there is little chance of reciprocal violence. What we are seeing is how females behave when increasingly they have little to fear from repercussions for their acts. From little girls kicking boys in the nads once they learn they can't hit back all the way to grown women skating on "burning bed" defenses, we see grrrl power giving women permission to do things no man would ever dream of getting away with.

And in light of the gender disparity in consequences, expect this pathology to get worse in the future.

Re:Violent Femmes. (Score:1)
by Alitax on 12:10 AM March 28th, 2006 EST (#8)
"what the hell" indeed?

I've never abused a child or an animal. Seems that your comment is based on one vile experience and your own assumptions.

Strangely enough, creating a theory doesn't make it true. What you have "known to be true" might as well have been hallucinations.

Re:Violent Femmes. (Score:1)
by Sick Boi on 11:33 AM March 28th, 2006 EST (#10)
"What you have "known to be true" might as well have been hallucinations"

Leave it to a Femme-Nazi to come back at you with the "you must have been hallucinating!" excuse here. Because it is unthinkable that a woman could do such a thing, right? While we are talking about things being based on one vile assumption, why is it that most men are denied the right to children, a decent education, or due process in our court systems? Could it be because of vile assumptions of men? I wonder? Why is it in every man hating propaganda book I read it is commonly stated that all men are the same, all men are worthless, all men are evil? More vile assumptions? Come back and talk to us when you have something worth while to say. Go troll on someone else’s boards lady. This is our spot to speak our minds freely (and I know that men speaking freely without consequence is something that frightens the Femme-Nazi regime) no matter how much it bothers you.

Men have rights too!

Re:Violent Femmes. (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 12:27 PM March 28th, 2006 EST (#11)
Thank you, Sick Boi.
No need for me to respond to the Troll, You've already done so perfectly.
Again, Thanks.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Violent Femmes. (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 07:55 PM March 28th, 2006 EST (#12)
Psychologically speaking, as well as anthropological studies have concluded that the Female species of Human Beings have been documented as being more vicous. The laws of society should be implemented equally to deter either gender of the Human species from acting out on deviant behavior. In todays society the current paradigm is designed to oppress Men more than Women, which incourages the less intelligent, or more deviant Women to take adavantage of the situation. There are plenty of intelligent sensitive Women out there that don't take advantage of the situation, because they have not lost their Humanity, and they have integrity. Let's face it, Men and Women need each other, and to think otherwise is foolhardy. The actual statistics tell the story, sort of like placing Children in a candy store and telling them that if they scream loud enough at the owner they can get away with it. There will be some that take advantage of the situation, and there will be others that have enough integrity to obstain. His vile experience does not stand alone. I could share many myself, but I actually think that you know what is going on and only desire to bait. I guess it takes a very mature person to admit things aren't right and take a stand to correct them, especially when they might have to give up some privelege to gain true equality, just a thought Alitax....
Re:Violent Femmes. (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on 12:15 PM March 30th, 2006 EST (#13)
It's my opinion that women and young girls have become more violent as a group, but also that the media isn't ignoring female violence as much as it used to. So even though it's on an incline I don't think it's on as much of an incline as it might appear.

Sociopathic behavior includes more than physical violence however. Other things like making false accusations, denying a child access to his or her father, lying about being on birth control and similar behaviors qualify as well. These might make for better examples as I think the abuse of small animals by both women and men is still pretty rare, (fortunately).

An interesting thing about sociopaths is that they never feel guilty for what they do, because they feel no empathy for their victims. Women do tend to empathize with each other however, just not with men, (and to a lesser degree children).

I recently happened into a conversation between two single moms who were complaining about men and saying it's too bad women can't have children with each other. I asked them a few questions about how they would handle taking care of the child. Their first answer involved moving in together, so I asked them what if they ended up finding out they really couldn't live together, how would they handle things then. With some prodding, they came up with the answer of shared custody, no child support, never complaining about the other in front of the child, and both having equal say in parenting decisions, even if they strongly disagreed with each other. I took it a little further and asked them if they would do that even if they thought the other was being a big jerk, and they said yes. I asked each of them individually if they would feel like that was fair or if they felt like they were letting themselves be exploited by that arrangement. They said it was fair. I then asked them if that would be true even if they knew they could get guaranteed custody, have total legal say over the parenting decisions, and get a large child support check every month. At this point, they realized where this was going and refused to answer or continue the conversation. Funny how much different fairness seems when you recognize the humanity of the person you're dealing with than when you don't.
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