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Female Teacher Sentenced
posted by Matt on 10:12 PM March 23rd, 2006
News Anonymous User writes "She has sex with four students under 16 and gets '4 to 20 years.'

Teacher tries to use the same defense that Debra Lefave used too. Interesting quote: "Debra LaFave, a Florida teacher facing similar charges avoided prison this week. What was different?"

Uhm, she was a pretty blonde..."

DADS UNITED to Hold March in London - June 2006 | Even in State Repression, Chivalry Reigns  >

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Not A Pretty Blonde (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 10:31 AM March 24th, 2006 EST (#1)
Not that it should make a difference! She did have multiple victims. She is not good looking. She is in a different area. But she will end up doing four years, one year for each victim. Know any Men that would receive such a light sentence for having sex with four underage Girls? Remember when a Person gets a four to twenty year sentence it is unusual for them to do more than the first part of the sentence. She still was treated with deference because she doesn't have a penis...
Re:Not A Pretty Blonde (Score:1)
by pondguy on 04:12 PM March 24th, 2006 EST (#2)
There was JUST a news report last night about men who were going on the internet to find children 12-14 to have sex with (young girls).

They were facing up to 50 years each. I applaud their efforts, keep these pedophiles off the streets.

But these women having sex with 12-14 year old boys need 50 years, too. I just laugh now...a reporter will literally talk about a 50 year sentence for a man and a 5 year or zero sentence for a woman for the same crime...and with a straight face!
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