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"Donor 401" Sperm selling like hotcakes
posted by Matt on 02:13 PM March 21st, 2006
Fatherhood Anonymous user writes""Donor 401" has fathered eleven babies... now the are trying to find out who this mysterious donor is. There's a waiting list for his sperm! I don't blame this guy (blonde haired, blue eyed, athletic, 6'1) for trying to conceal his identity. If you think one child support is bad... try eleven and counting."

Ed. note: Posted not to belabor the topic, but as an interesting follow-on to yesterday's post on the topic of artificial insemination. All I can say is, the world just gets weirder and weirder. Is this some sort of strange kind of polygamy-at-a-distance thing? If I had any reason to believe this story was fiction, perhaps I would, but don't.

NYTimes: Wanted: A Few Good Sperm | WP Columnist: Bush is too, "manly"  >

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Sign of the times (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 10:49 AM March 22nd, 2006 EST (#1)
Interesting that these successful carreer Women can't find a Man to make a life with. Let's see, once they have the kid they what, pawn it off on a nanny? Come home to tired to actually be a Parent? Raise another spoiled pampered but emotionally vacant Child for society to have to contend with? Perhaps if these Women weren't so intent on ammassing so much in the material world they might be able to actually have a life. Instead of having a Child to control and have a sick and twisted relationship with to fill the void that they themselves have created. All Human Beings should be barred from artificial birth unless there is a couple that has a minor medical problem with consception. Just a thought, I mean why do we have the natural born equiptment that we do? If it were otherwise we would be born with both, but we are not. Not only are we as a race perverting nature around us, but we intend to pervert ourselves as well!
Re:Sign of the times (Score:1)
by John Doe on 04:25 PM March 22nd, 2006 EST (#2)
The problem is that the genie's been let out of the bottle. It couldn't be banned anyway, the inseminators would just go to another country. The question is how to avoid this turning into some weird mass experiment with inevitably disastrous results? The parallel with eugenics is positively scary.

-- Silence is the voice of complicity
Re:Sign of the times (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 05:07 PM March 22nd, 2006 EST (#3)
Yes, the "genie" has been let out of the bottle. But, on the other hand there are many things available that are not sold to the public. I wonder how the majority would vote on this if they actually had a say, and their vote counted. As far as eugenics is concerned, yes it is scary. Just think how hard the controlling factions of society are working to produce clones and drones, so that actual rights and freedom will be for the elite only. Instead of using brainwashing and divisionary tactics on the populace they just produce as many People as they want or need. I pity the Human Race if we don't "wake up" and start realizing that all of the resources belong to all of the People. Anyway Mr. Doe, talk it up! "It is a good day to die!"
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