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Redefining Marital Happiness?
posted by Matt on 07:07 PM March 17th, 2006
The Media Return of the King writes "Ellen Goodman once again gives us a biased one sided only perspective on redefining marital happiness. Her sexist muse is a follows: The question is not whether women should lower their expectations (on men - implying that it is men alone who need to change). It's whether men will kick it up another notch and make progressive (feminist) women happy. She wants women to express their feminist views with men they date to scare off future "ex-husbands." Nice."

Ed. note: Saw this in the local paper right above the Goodman article; it discusses how the same-sex marriage rights battle inevitably ushers in the permissibility of legalized polygamy/polyamory. I just laughed, seeing the two columns sitting there on the same page togther.

Good News on Prostate Cancer | Men also suffering from media/society body image pressures  >

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Goodman (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 08:11 PM March 17th, 2006 EST (#1)
Where does she come from? The traditional marriage was with the Man working, having little time for his Children, and the "little woman" took care of the rest. Hence the skewed way our Children were raised. Then the government came out and made Men passe by being the breadwinner for the women, with a lot of brainwashing and coaxing. It used to be that Men were the only ones stressed out from working themselves to death. But now the poor Women are feeling the pressures of having to perform, and they are not happy. They better get used to it! Because that is where we are heading. Both parents working long hours and with little time for their Children. With government funded day care centers, as well as corporate funded day care centers, to include schools Parents will have little influence on their own Children. Welcome to the land of the free! Anybody know where that is?
Re:Goodman (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 08:25 PM March 17th, 2006 EST (#2)
Read the other article, and it is interesting. I personaly believe that there should be social contracts for anything other than a traditional marriage. With the cost of living nowadays more and more People are sharing apartments/houses and depend on each other for financial support. The reason that social contracts were not pushed is that the government, and corporations didn't want it to fly as they would lose money. Hence the battle of gay marriages versus traditional marriages, they new they were safe. Traditional marriage is all about having and raising Children, at least it used to be. I have a problem with indoctrination of Children period. I suppose I am somewhat prudish in that respect. As far as pologmy is concerned at least that is more traditional(at least there is a Father/Mother) relationship. Personaly I have only tried to live with one Woman at a time, considering the politics of today, and the general attitude of most Women find that exhausting, and unhealthy. Just my opinion.
The usual "cater to me!" attitude (Score:1)
by canaryguy (nospam.canaryguy@nospam.stealthfool.com) on 10:35 PM March 17th, 2006 EST (#3)
As usual, we hear more on how men should try harder to please women with unreasonably inflated expectations. Nowhere does she mention the happiness of men. Only the happiness of women matters to her.

Of course our happiness does matter. There is a marriage strike going on, but what about a dating strike? There are lots of men who are rejecting marriage, but what percentage of (straight) men are rejecting women?
Re:The usual "cater to me!" attitude (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 10:27 AM March 18th, 2006 EST (#4)
Straight Man who doesn't date, thats me. I love the Female form and I miss having a Woman in my life. But as a child that has gotten their fingers burned to many times due to playing with matches, I have been celibate for over five years, and do not date. The price that I have paid, and the price that I would have to pay to have a Woman in my life scares me. Being somewhat of a dreamer I hold out the hope that I will meet a Woman that actually will be my friend first, but I am not holding my breath! I know a few others that are doing the same. Mostly in their forties and fifties, and mostly having been burned just to many times.
Re:The usual "cater to me!" attitude (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 10:04 AM March 19th, 2006 EST (#5)
>"but what percentage of (straight) men are rejecting women?"

Well, you can start counting with me.
I "rejected women" going on 15 years, now.
I never plan to marry, and I don't (and won't) date, either.
Too many women out there suffer from "Black Widow" syndrome. (Female Black Widow spiders kill the male spider after mating) All an unsuspecting man has to do is sleep with a woman once and if she wakes up the next day regretting having slept with you, you will find yourself in jail on rape charges.
If you are a man and marry a woman, if she decides you aren't the man she married (read; she couldn't change you) then you're in for a nasty divorce where in most of your money and belongings will be taken from you and given to the ex, not to mention you stand a 97% or more chance of losing your children and possibly never seeing them again.
And let's not forget, She can verbally, psychological and physically abuse you and likely get away with it. But if you, just ONCE, raise your voice to her, or raise a hand to defend yourself from her abuse it is likely that YOU will end up in jail for "domestic violence".

And of course, lest I forget, the odds are better than ever, these days, that she will have an affair with an under age boy and get away with that, too, relatively Scott-free.
The list goes on, but I'm getting tired of typing.
The point is I joined the marriage strike a long time ago, as well as the dating strike.
And before some one says; "But Thundercloud, there are lots of nice women out there." All I can say to them is; Yeah, could be. But how can you tell the good from the bad? They don't exactly wear signs or labels so that you know one from the other. Not to mention the fact that there are nearly NO women that haven't been influenced at least a BIT by Western feminism.

Even THAT is too much for this tired old warrior.

  "Hoka hey!"

Re:The usual "cater to me!" attitude (Score:1)
by oregon dad on 05:38 PM March 19th, 2006 EST (#6)
Guys. Don't be fools. A traditionalist wave of marriage is sweeping not only this country, but all other western societies.

In speaking with a woman from korea, she states that men there are becoming unhappy with the marriage prospects of working women. They are, instead, marrying phillipino women or women from other "more traditional" cultures.

It is not something that is happening only in the USA and Europe.

I suggest we make this message available to all males, particularly college grads that need to hear it.

Marry traditional women. You'll be happier in the long run. It won't make the "progessive women" happy here at home, but nothing makes them happy (except maybe your credit card) anyway.
Re:The usual "cater to me!" attitude is illegal (Score:2)
by Roy on 09:26 PM March 19th, 2006 EST (#7)
VAWA 2205 just passed into law and it contains a provision called the "Foreign Brides" act that requires any Americam male seeking to employ an international "bride recruitment" service to disclose his entire financial, marital, educational, and criminal history.

It is a felony to not disclose your traffic tickets, your ex-wife's racketeering scheme, your DV misdemeanor for "ingorning her needs."

Be forewarned, Big Sister is watching your every move!

Re:The usual "cater to me!" attitude is illegal (Score:2)
by Roy on 09:28 PM March 19th, 2006 EST (#8)
And hopefully running a spell-checker.... sheesh!

(Obvious two-fanger typist...)
Re:The usual "cater to me!" attitude is illegal (Score:1)
by A.J. on 09:54 AM March 20th, 2006 EST (#10)
“ingorning her needs”

Don’t be so hard on yourself Roy. “Ingorning” her needs is a legitimate form of protest against the current regime. Whether you know it or not, “ingorning” is still legal in all 50 states (and Puerto Rico) and will remain so until the fembots that monitor this site assign a definition to the word and educate the public about the associated horrors. Then we’ll understand how women have suffered for generations at the hands of men who take pleasure in “ingorning” women.

It will carry a sentence of 10 to 20 before the end of the decade. But for now - "ingorn" away!

Re:The usual "cater to me!" attitude is illegal (Score:1)
by oregon dad on 09:50 PM March 19th, 2006 EST (#9)
So don't use a "service". What possible good can they do? other than making you pay for something that you should be investigating yourself in a very personal way. For example - go to korea, phillipines, malaysia, etc.

When you deal with it on a personal level - my traffic violations won't be an issue.
Heads I Win, Tails You Lose (Score:1)
by Martian Bachelor on 05:55 AM March 21st, 2006 EST (#11)
There was another study Goodman didn't turn up, the one that showed the more traditional a man was in his views the more likely he was to be married -- and also divorced.

This makes perfect sense when you look at the dating/mating system, which still requires the man to do all the old traditional courtshit stuff like do the asking out, pay for the date, etc., buy a diamond mined by slaves, get down on one knee, etc.... In other words, women are selecting for the most traditional men to marry. If you're not the sort of Neanderthal who hits on women for dates, or you expect to split the tab -- well you're just not marriage material in the modern female eye. (thank lucky stars...)

But then these women expect this traditional guy which they've so carefully chosen to change diapers, do laundry, and love watching Oprah and The View!! Hence the second part of the study's results wrt divorce.

I thought it was a beautiful commentary on the state of things and how men just can't win.

Maybe when it all finally falls apart for good we'll go back to arranged marriages or something, because I don't think women are proving their competence in this area very well, all the bogus happiness stats aside.

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