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by Tumescent on 09:29 AM March 16th, 2006 EST (#1)
I see this sort of stuff all the time where I work. In fact, I work at one of the large companies listed on the web site that uses the "careerwoman" services. Where I work, there is a "women's career day", a "women's networking seminar", and it goes on and on and on. The sad thing is, after a while, one gets used to the obvious bias this represents. I'm not an attorney but this service is probably legal because the large companies that utilize this particular service would be quickly sued if it weren't. The funny thing is, they probably would be sued if they subscribed to a similar "careerman" employment service.
by klp on 09:52 AM March 16th, 2006 EST (#2)
In her best seller Slander Ann Coulter asked why it is that men have jobs and women have careers?
Any ideas?
by Davidadelong on 11:07 AM March 16th, 2006 EST (#3)
For one, historicaly the ruling systems that existed always controled the Women to control the Men. See any difference in our situation? The Women in our country were held down for years, then all of a sudden they gained unchecked privelage and control. But, they serve the system in order to gain those privelages and control that Men used to have. Men got tired of being mules and abused, so they gave it to the Women, divided the genders, and in the mean time broke the back of the working class family, talk about isolation, they have done their work well....No wonder this country can't get a solid organization going, they have pitted us all against each other! "It is a good day to die!"
by shawn on 07:12 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#6)
Granted men and women have had different roles through history, but to maintain there was "oppression" of women, or that they were "held down" is simply to give credence to the bizarre feminist "patriarchy" myth.
Such claims are the Big Lie of feminism. Don't buy into it.
Indeed. I look at my parents, who are now in their 70's. My mother stayed home. My father worked all day at a boring and tedious job in order to support a family. He had no choices, no options. This was typical of most American families of only a few decades ago. I don't see this as example of women being held down. If anything, I see the opposite.
by Roy on 11:54 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#9)
I have been reading too many MRA sites for too long... and I'm becoming a jaded conspiracy theorist as a result.
While MRA's are busy bemoaning the travesties of feminism, a more insidious force -- globalism -- is destroying men's earning power, vaporizing the American middle/working class, and selling our nation out to multinational corporations.
The gender wars are a convenient distraction, keeping men's focus off the actual virus.
When American families have to subsist on a Chinese wage, rest assured --- feminism will no longer be a problem.
Feminism is a psychosis that only the relatively rich can afford.
The Free Market is extinguishing feminism as we MRA's t-y-p-e---------
by Davidadelong on 09:58 AM March 17th, 2006 EST (#10)
Roy, I have to agree with you. Corporations, big business, certain families, and religious organizations have conspired for years to achieve globalism, and it is going to happen.
My comment about the oppression of Women was in reference to them not having the vote, nor actual rights as a U.S. citizen, historical facts. The reversal was planned. The diversion you refer to is real, and affective. But as we type perhaps some might actually think about what we type. Just a thought........
by Roy on 06:26 PM March 17th, 2006 EST (#11)
What will happen after Hillary is slam-dunked in the next election?
When the post-election stats show that few women voted for her?
And most importantly, how will NOW's Kim Gandy spin that outcome?
How much longer can the official feminist apparatchicks pretend that they represent any thinking female?
Sadly, VAWA ensures that the billions will keep flowing....
by HombreVIII on 11:20 AM March 16th, 2006 EST (#4)
'cause she's disadvantaged. So we need to set up all these incentives to hire and promote women, take tax dollars from both genders and use them to fund female entreprenuers, provide encouragement to do business with female-owned companies, change the job requirements when not enough women can meet them, create 1000s of organizations to give prestigious-sounding awards which only women can "win", as customers be almost twice as likely to buy from a female salesperson, give bigger tips to women in tipped jobs, and make sure that no person, group, or company is legally allowed to offer any of these advantages to any man.
This is all necessary because women are a disadvantaged minority and it makes up for that patriarchy of unspecified groups practicing undemonstrable sexism which gives all men unidentifiable benefits. To further thwart the financial oppression this evil patriarchy heaps upon women, everyone is trying to help women have better work environments and also be more successful at school. There's even been a lot of talk over the last few years of gender-based taxation. Guess whose supposed to pay more? Guess whose going to have more money go to their needs? Perhaps there's an incentive to keep throwing the "patriarchy" word around?
by n.j. on 08:41 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#7)
Let them have a taste of capitalism. Let them work long hours, have little family life etc.
I have no objections to that. Companies just want more people they can exploit.
by Roy on 11:35 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#8)
Check out the "About Us" page on their web site!
It looks like two wannabee porn stars who had to settle for a scam consulting biz as "diversity providers." (WTF? I'm not making this up....)
This is the web equivalent of a van on 42nd street in NYC that sells Rolex watches for $20!
Blonds.... very blonds.
Link at --
by Thundercloud on 01:39 PM March 19th, 2006 EST (#12)
I think I will make a website for these women called; "BITE ME.COM".
Where they can come to..., well..., MUNCH MY BUTT!
"Hoka hey!"
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