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More U.S. Women Swap Briefcase for Diaper Bag
posted by Matt on 10:00 PM March 15th, 2006
The Media Clancy writes " March 10, 2006— More and more American women are swapping briefcases and office suits for dungarees and diaper bags as they opt to stay home and raise children, putting the brakes on decades of female advances in the workplace."

Ed. note: Notice how this is described, "putting the brakes..." Also, they don't discuss who is financing these women's choice to stay home. Do their husbands really have any choice to stay home vs. go work? Then what choice do they have when their wives leave them and stick them with the alimony and C/S debt?

The Manly Man's Man | Vigilantism: It's okay if you're Female  >

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Ed. Note (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 10:09 PM March 15th, 2006 EST (#1)
Correct, the Men have no choice, at all, not here we don't. Mens' Rights does not mean we go back to being the only mules does it? Or does Mens' Rights depend on Human Rights to succeed? I really don't think that we can differentiate between Mens' Rights and Human Rights, because if we do the spin doctors will have us right back where we were before. Just my opinion.....
Paternity Fraud/Bastardy (Score:2)
by Luek on 12:55 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#2)
How many of these ex career cows are financing their little trek into mommyhood through conception deception?

How many were sluttly enough to trick a man into economic slavery by the child support racket claiming they were on the pill and couldn't get pregged up?

Around 35% of the births in this country are now to unmarried women. We have turned into a nation where bastardy is acceptable and actually is encouraged by the state. This is known as social degeneracy.

Re:Paternity Fraud/Bastardy (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar on 01:32 PM March 17th, 2006 EST (#3)
We must shut off the Baby Spigot. When Men gain Reproductive control over our Sperm again. We will be in charge again. We need a safe and effective, low cost contraception for Men. When that day arrives and we turn off the Baby Rabies enabler the FemNags will go insane. Their game will be over. Watch for the US Government to restrict such a capability for Men. And watch our Women go bonkers.
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