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by Pietatoes on 02:57 PM March 1st, 2006 EST (#1)
I'm 15, and any student... boy OR girl who even brings a cigarette to school is suspended and maybe even brought to trial if it's an illegal drug. A 6 year old girl took it to school. She should at least be suspended... at LEAST. 5 bucks says the father/brother/uncle/other male relative is blamed for this.
by Davidadelong on 03:23 PM March 1st, 2006 EST (#2)
First I want to thank you for being interested enough to to read this site. Second you are correct. Never lose interest in your RIGHTS as a HUMAN BEING!
by Pietatoes on 03:30 PM March 1st, 2006 EST (#3)
I agree wholeheartedly. I've read this site for a few months... but only joined recently. I have a history teacher who's a feminist, and we've clashed horns from time to time when she tries to implant feminism into our minds. I've even recruited a friend to the cause, if he hasn't joined the site. I was accused of touching a girl sexually, when I was just helping her not trip. I had a crush on her too... shame. Everyone in the room, friends of me and her alike, vouched for me that I grabbed her waist, and my body was nowhere near her rear. So I feel strongly about this.
by Davidadelong on 03:33 PM March 1st, 2006 EST (#5)
Consider yourself a Warrior Young Man, and be proud of it. Be civil, be correct, and speak the truth from your heart, and you will always like what you see in the mirror.
by dudejo on 08:13 AM March 2nd, 2006 EST (#6)
thank god i'm done with high school.
i remember the off-time study periods.
most of the girls were hogging the teacher because they couldn't do their math problems so i couldn't ask for help (if i tried i waited like 10 minutes on the half hour period).
by Davidadelong on 03:30 PM March 1st, 2006 EST (#4)
Well at least the article says that there is an investigation. And yes, if a seven year old Girl is being used by a dope dealer to corrupt other Children then whoever they are, Man or Woman they should PAY! I doubt the seven year old Girl is a mover and a shaker in the dope market. Whoever she got that from is the real culprit. Where the gender preference will come in is that if there are two parents only the Man will get charged, want to bet? Or if the mother has a live in boyfriend only the boyfriend will get charged, even if she has a two hundred dollar a day habit, and spends the money made from the sales! I am curious as to how this transpires, would like to see a follow up...........
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