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by Davidadelong on 07:56 PM February 27th, 2006 EST (#1)
I know Men that have spent time in prison for domestic violence for just hitting their significant other. I talked to a guy the other day that hit his wife back, and went to prison, lost his business, and now lives in a trailer. Add to that the ease of a Woman in getting a stalking, or restraining order, and you get a clearer picture. It is a picture of organized oppression against Men. It is a wonderful life if a person sticks their head in a whole somewhere! "It is a good day to die!"
by Thundercloud on 10:12 AM February 28th, 2006 EST (#2)
This is a bit off topic, but I was amazed this morning that on NBC's "the TODAY show" they actually had a segment on GIRLS and VIOLENCE and how females are becoming more "aggressive" and "violent".
How ever it was not done with that serious a tone, and when a girl who was a guest on the show told Katie Couric that she had punched a boy in the face at school because he was ahead of her in line Couric and everyone had the predictable "good laugh" about it. It was the usual; "it's cute and funny when females are violent towards males" attitude.
No mention was made that female violence is dismissed almost all the time and that the "girls kick ass" theme in movies and television has something to do with the phenomena.
Also there was no mention of female on male domestic violence and it's steady increase (and acceptance) in society.
Also no mention of female rapists or paedophiles.
But this IS the mainstream media. So one cannot expect TOO much truth from them, especially the truth about violence and females.
"Hoka hey!"
by RandomMan on 04:18 PM February 28th, 2006 EST (#3)
If society has already "approved" women using lethal force to defend their sense of entitlement over something so trivial as the amount spent on flowers, just imagine the violence it will endorse against men when we start undoing the myth of women as victims, or the presence of women on the list of people who need special "protection", or the presence of women (a privileged majority), in employment "equity" legislation...
The only way out is through, gentlemen. They can't round us up and kill all of us, which would be a proportional reaction to the changes I've described, using this woman's "socially acceptable" actions as a guideline.
by Davidadelong on 05:17 PM February 28th, 2006 EST (#4)
It is amazing the situation that our "social scientists" have gotten us into isn't it? By speaking the truth and not going along one becomes a target. That way the main stream press can "smooth over" certain things when they report it. The problem has always been how to control the Men of any society, as history will show that Women sell out much easier, and Men have always been controlled through the Women. Yes RandomMan, the problem needs to be fixed, through, over, around, or under, but fixed all the same. "It is a good day to die!"
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