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by MR on 06:39 PM February 26th, 2006 EST (#1)
Things gets bizarrer and bizarrer.
I did take exception to this statement on her web page,
"I have three older brothers who would never hurt a woman, and would hurt any man that would."
How does perpetrating violence against a man who may have hurt a womam help to break the cycle of violence in his life, often created by violence at the hands of a woman in the first place?
The largest group of child fatalities committed against children by any group are committed by the biological Mom. re4_2.htm (no spaces)
"This pie chart indicates that 30 percent of child fatalities were perpetrated by the mother acting alone."
More children are fatalities in year, than women killed by intimate partner homicide.
by HombreVIII on 09:19 AM February 27th, 2006 EST (#8)
"I have three older brothers who would never hurt a woman, and would hurt any man that would."
How does perpetrating violence against a man who may have hurt a womam help to break the cycle of violence in his life, often created by violence at the hands of a woman in the first place?
I'm not sure if that quote is meant to justify that her brothers would attack men whom they see hurting a woman or if she's just acknowledging that they would. It does prove the point that men are not the violent attackers of women feminists and to some extent the general media like to portray us as.
by Roy on 08:32 PM February 26th, 2006 EST (#2)
Some people are able to see far ahead and discern the mature version of new social movements like feminism even in their infancy, by closely observing the fundamental nature, beliefs, and behaviors of the new ideologues.
This excerpt seems to capture the gist underlying TVM:
(Quote) -- "There is still the extremist women’s lib solution: to abandon sex, or rather heterosexuality, altogether.
There is no question but that this at least would solve the child-rearing problem.
The charge of Lesbianism used to be considered a venomous male-chauvinist smear against the liberated woman. But in the burgeoning writings of the New Feminists there has run an open and increasing call for female homosexuality.
"Let it all hang out. Let it seem bitchy, catty, dykey, frustrated, crazy, Solanisesque, nutty, frigid, ridiculous, bitter, embarrassing, manhating, libelous.... Sexism is not the fault of women – kill your fathers, not your mothers."
(quote from a feminist manifesto)
And so, at the hard inner core of the Women’s Liberation Movement lies a bitter, extremely neurotic if not psychotic, man-hating lesbianism.
The quintessence of the New Feminism is revealed."
Originally published as "The Great Women's Liberation Issue: Setting It Straight" in The Individualist, May 1970)by -
Murray N. Rothbard (1926–1995), the founder of modern libertarianism and the dean of the Austrian School of Economics.
http://www.lewrockwell. com/rothbard/rothbard4.html
by mens_issues on 09:00 PM February 26th, 2006 EST (#3)
My colleague in The Patriarchy, Tom Fullery, has written an absurd poem that is as pretentious as the Vagina Monologues.
[Disclaimer: The following is, of course, satire]
My Warrior Penis
by Sir Thomas Richard Jacob Fullery the Younger
(aka Tom Fullery)
My penis is my strength
The blood of The Patriarchy flows through its veins
My saber, my sword
I wield it with impunity
Fear me, fear my penis
My penis is a warrior
It gets me in and out of tight spots
Erect and proud or flaccid but ready
Eager for action, game for anything
Multifunctional, versatile
I am my penis
My penis is me
Can any of you make up your own "Penis Monologues" poem?
by Roy on 11:52 PM February 26th, 2006 EST (#4)
My penis fills a tragic emptiness,
when invited,
in feminine spaces,
if they still exist.
(neo-Haiku form...)
Can any of you make up your own "Penis Monologues" poem?
I could send you nice a picture of my dick, but I'm afraid you guys will die from jealousy.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by mens_issues on 08:50 AM February 27th, 2006 EST (#6)
We never said he was modest.
No need to be modest with a dick like mine.
Now isn't that a nice poem?
I know, it doesn't rhyme, but it's one hell of a nice dick.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by HombreVIII on 09:22 AM February 27th, 2006 EST (#9)
That's very nice of you to look out for us like that.
by Davidadelong on 10:56 AM February 27th, 2006 EST (#13)
After reading your challenge I "whipped out" a poem this AM. Thanks for the challenge, I hope that I have "risen" to the occasion! Yuk, Yuk!
by RandomMan on 09:49 AM February 27th, 2006 EST (#10)
...this to be produced onstage? After all, they like to run around trumpeting their "open mindedness" and their role as the bastions of "academic freedom". They allow hateful shit like the vagina diatribes on stage any old time the local women's center pleases, including depictions of pedophilia (homophobic pedophilia at that, as it stereotypes homosexuals as pedophiles), and speech considered too "offensive" for basic cable, so would they allow a legitimate parody of the work, which is a defensible form of free speech, thanks in part to Larry Flynt and Hustler?
I think not. I guess that homophobia and pedophilia are OK, as long as a woman is doing it. It's a good thing most serial killers aren't women - feminists would be behind them every step of the way, and forget completely about the consequences. Ever see Monster, where the feminist propganda mill turned a female serial killer and a 400-pound, toothless bull dyke into a victim and her sexy, innocent lover? Questions?
So. Talking vaginas are OK. Talking penises are kidnapped and imprisoned by university officials. Could the symbolism be any clearer? Someone ought to do a play about that. Of course, the universities would refuse to show it, too. Propagandists and ideologues don't like sunshine.
I suppose that at the very least, this woman's work will help highlight the hypocrisy of academia, where men's studies courses don't exist, or only exist as part of androphobic, heterophobic, misandric women's studies programs.
As for the author and the work itself, as MR pointed out above: she expects paternal/fraternal protection from men, increasing the number of male victims of violence to benefit her, all from men who are devalued, insulted, enslaved, imprisoned, killed and forced out of society and families at every turn. I don't think so, sister. Thanks to feminism, you can fight your own damned battles.
by Davidadelong on 10:29 AM February 27th, 2006 EST (#11)
I find this somewhat sad. This is being done by a Woman! I guess if a Man tried to do it they wouldn't be able to.
by Davidadelong on 10:50 AM February 27th, 2006 EST (#12)
My penis is a part of me.
I used to allow it to almost run free!
It led me places that at the time,
I thought that I wanted to be.
My penis is a part of me.
Over time I realized that its' desires
were making my abuse easy for the enemy!
Through societies laws,
and deceptions of my penis's natural inclinations
Not just I, but the oppression of all Men
In this once great nation!
My Penis is a part of me.
Gone are the days that I allow it to be free.
When needs be done I take things in my own hand,
For that is the only way my penis and I
can stay free!
My penis is a part of me.
A once proud symbol of my masculinity.
Now it serves by staying hid,
It comes out when I lift the lid.
It is a sad state of affairs
That my penis and I are in!
By David A. DeLong
Men are from Mars
Women are from Venus
Spare me the Jezebel
I'd rather have my penis!
here's another one:
The only good woman I fall in love with is a good phallus!
What do you think????
Emmanuel Matteer Jr *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by Lord Chesterfield on 01:51 PM February 27th, 2006 EST (#15)
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