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Former Female Nazi Guard: She was "manipulated"
posted by Matt on 03:50 PM February 25th, 2006
The Media The Washington Post, which normally and rightly condemns people who commit the most heinous of crimes, again balks when the perp is female. Their latest offense against common sense is here.

All she wants is to set the record straight, Margarete says, for others to see her for the manipulated young woman she believed herself to be, not one of the criminal "blond beasts" that female SS are seen as. Her family learned her secret first -- and they believe her. When her daughter, Monika, was 16, Margarete recounted her life story. "At the time, I was enraged," Monika told one of Jacobeit's researchers in 2004. "But when I learned it wasn't voluntary -- that she'd been sent there -- well, what kind of chance did she have? What could she have done?"

Well, she could have refused, for one thing, accepting execution like any number of male draftees who refused to go along with the Nazi "program", or she could have worked within the system to undermine it in some way. But instead, like so many others of both sexes, she just went along.

Lesbian Teacher Pedophile Will Not Be Charged | 'Tis the Season: The Vagina Monologues Re-emerges  >

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Survival at only cost.... (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 09:51 PM February 25th, 2006 EST (#1)
This is why "IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE!" By going along only just to survive one actively helps the enemy. Good post, and good lead in. One must never sacirfice their Humanity in order to survive, for then they are lost.......
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