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by al_nbd on 07:53 AM February 25th, 2006 EST (#1)
"The findings that women in this study were particularly vulnerable is a concern "
This clearly implies that if men were "particularly vulnerable in this study" - this would not be a concern.
by Thundercloud on 01:21 PM February 25th, 2006 EST (#2)
What DOESN'T harm women, these days?
I mean, all you ever hear is that this, that, and the other thing is "harmful to women". The way we hear it EVERYTHING is "harmful to women". (Including testicular and prostate cancer)
Of course NOTHING is harmful to men.
But, wait, I thought women were stronger, tougher and just out and out SUPERIOR to men in every way. That is what we are told, isn't it?
So how come EVERYTHING is harmful to them?!?
"Hoka hey!"
by canaryguy
on 02:55 PM February 25th, 2006 EST (#3)
But, wait, I thought women were stronger, tougher and just out and out SUPERIOR to men in every way. That is what we are told, isn't it?
So how come EVERYTHING is harmful to them?!?
I remember feminists in the 90's saying these two contradictory statements:
1. We are weaker, give us power.
2. We are stronger, we should have more power.
This whole "harmful to women" thing is part of one of the tenets of feminism: "Women are precious, men don't matter."
by Thundercloud on 12:38 PM February 26th, 2006 EST (#5)
And notice something else, that women's concerns, issues and rights take precedence over, not just men's, but CHILDREN's as well.
A country that does not prioritise it's future generation is doomed to destruction.
It is women and women alone that the West prioritises.
"Hoka hey!"
by A.J. on 03:25 PM February 26th, 2006 EST (#6)
What DOESN'T harm women, these days?
Everything is sold as being disproportionately harmful to women. Following is the mother of all women-as-victims spins. It’s by none other than Hilary Clinton and no, it is not taken out of context, I have the text of the entire speech..
“Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.”
by Davidadelong on 10:07 PM February 25th, 2006 EST (#4)
Most temp agencies supply mules to sweat shops. I know as I have been employed by them. The company saves a ton of money by using temp agencies because all they have to pay is an hourly rate. One of the banes of the People trying to make a living is in fact the temp agencies. It provides a buffer between the business people, and the working People. I have heard the story that some temp positions lead into permenant jobs, but come on folks, you have to be a total mule and be willing to sacrifice any life for your job to be accepted through any temp agency for permenant work. I have been there, and done that.......
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