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by Davidadelong on 07:07 PM February 7th, 2006 EST (#1)
Seems the Col. wants to try and divert attention away from the fact that she is a vicous bitch huh? What better way to get the feminazis and the anti war group behind her than to divert attention to the terrible Men that are serving our country? I don't happen to agree with this war, but I'll be damned if I will rally against the Men, and Women that are over there putting their lives on the line to make the corporations rich! Very few Vets that I have spoken to agree with the wars that they fought in,(in hind sight) but they take an oath, the bane of the poor is sometimes their honor. As for this chicken shit bitch, I hope she hangs!
by khankrumthebulgar on 07:29 PM February 7th, 2006 EST (#2)
Colonel Karpiniski should face an Article 15 hearing and be court martialed. She is a disgrace as an Officer. She was accountable for what went on under her command. Again she is trying to create an issue to get even for her failure of her command. Summary court Martial is what this Witch should face. Her conduct is unbecoming an Officer and discredits the US Army and our Service Men.
by al_nbd on 07:55 PM February 7th, 2006 EST (#3)
"Several female service members have died of dehydration because they refused to drink liquids late in the day due to fear of being raped by male soldiers if they had to use the women's latrine after dark."
It already has been noticed long ago, that when a feminist wants to lie, she makes her lie as nonsensical and absurd as possible. When people see that a story is incredible, they do not pay attention to the details of the story at all, and all what they do is irrationally compassionate to victims in the feminist's lie.
by Clancy
on 09:19 PM February 7th, 2006 EST (#4)
I could not help but wonder how any female solider would put up with funny business. My suspicions were confirmed by a woman, no less, who had this to say:
As a military spouse for 30 years of an E9/CWO3, former Command Master Chief, I have spent my share of time around E7, E8, and E9 rated women. Frankly, I wouldn't want to surprise any of them in the dark and I would not want to be a man who tried to attack or rape one of them either, whether another enlisted or an officer. Forget being battled hardened, they made it through boot camp. These are not demure little wall flowers, these are hard, tough broads who don't take "crap" off anyone, least of all some sneaking sexual predator. The guy, if he lived, would be up on charges so fast and his butt would be in the brig and his discharge would say, "dishonorable." The operative words being, "if he lived."
I had some sympathies for General Karpinski when the Abu Graib scandal first broke, but only a few minutes of listening to her, showed me that she is everything that gives women in leadership a bad name.
Posted by Sara (The Squiggler) at February 6, 2006 09:38 PM
by RandomMan on 04:05 AM February 8th, 2006 EST (#5)
Gee. More false accusations of rape by a woman to save her own criminal ass, all of which are demonstrably false. Just another nasty bitch trying to unload her responsibilities on men. Not to mention the possible repercussions for the men she's insulting and accusing of rape, conduct unbecoming, etc., etc. Not that her self-obsessed little feminist brain gives a damn about anyone but herself, of course.
As if that weren't enough, I was absolutely disgusted at the comments near the bottom of the article from brainwashed, braindead, permanently angry, pathetic, privileged, victim-wannabe college girlz, who swallow this crap hook line and sinker, looking for any excuse they can to maintain their usual misandric state. Any excuse they can find to feel like a victim, and they wallow in it like a farmyard full of overfed pigs. An extremely appropriate image, don't you think?
These imbeciles need to get over themselves, and stop believing every fairy tale they hear just because it supports their victimology and persecution complex.
As for this being a sign of a psychosis, let's ignore the chronic lying for a moment, which is in and of itself indicative of a serious personality disorder. If an average western woman actually considers herself a "victim" with all her privileges (and ours) and a private army to help her get more, then she's in desperate need of thorazine, because she's suffering from a paranoid psychosis. Seek help, girlz.
by Return of the King on 12:13 PM February 8th, 2006 EST (#6)
from Matt
"it is unabashedly tiltted to the right which..."
Please do not presume anything as a moderator. I am 100% to the right, most media outlets are 100% to the left, so lets not make apologies about this fact. Most of the nasty feminist BS that men have to deal with today as outlined here on this website were spawned and are propagated by liberal leftist efforts.
by RandomMan on 02:56 PM February 8th, 2006 EST (#8)
So explain to all of us why it is then that the "right", which controls both the Senate and Congress, much of the federal judiciary AND a hardline, right-wing President, UNANIMOUSLY re-approved VAWA. Bush re-funded it himself!
A right-wing government where I live was the one that passed the "shout at your spouse, lose your house" laws I now live under.
How did the "liberal leftists" coordinate that, exactly?
You assertion that all media is leftist is unqualified and completely untrue. Most of it provides a best effort at balanced coverage, and most of it is OWNED by wealthy corporations, which by and large are run by wealthy white guys, most of whom vote for and send donations to right-wing politicians. Provide some evidence if you're going to make such blanket statements. Or try reading a different newspaper or changing the channel.
I'm a centrist, and an MRA. If you take your political blinders off, you see that BOTH the right and left wings are to blame for the shit that this particular bird has dropped on men's heads. The left invents it, and the right implements it.
by Clancy
on 03:38 PM February 8th, 2006 EST (#9)
Actually, that comment was from me. Matt quoted it verbatim. I never thought that adding such a qualifying statement would raise anyone's ire. It wasn't really intended as an apology but more of a warning that this article, as good as I think it is, contains content that will probably offend some members of MANN. If any of my submissions are accepted in the future, they won't have any personal comments. I'll just let the cards fall where they may.
by Davidadelong on 09:59 PM February 8th, 2006 EST (#10)
Clancy, I don't think that anyone was actually responding directly to your statement. I believe that someone made an erroneous statement about r/l wing politics that is espoused by propaganda, and some took it upon themselves to respond to that. I wasn't offended by your statement. Good post.
by RandomMan on 01:25 AM February 9th, 2006 EST (#11)
Exactly right, Davidadelong, I was responding to the r/l political propaganda in one of the comments, not to Clancy's statement (or Matt's faithful use thereof). I always try to warn people of the political bias of a source when I refer them to something, too. Your personal input in a news submission would probably be welcomed by most, Clancy. I know I appreciate it.
BTW, thanks for the post, Clancy, I saw this dimwit woman on TV a few weeks ago, where they were trying to create sympathy for her cause (and her new book). I guess book sales might also explain part of the motive for her misandry...
As for my response to the political diatribe above, it was in no way influenced by your statement. All I can say is that sadly, misandry knows no political boundaries.
by Clancy
on 01:30 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#12)
Thank you, fellas, for the kind words. I was actually responding to what Return of the King had written. Maybe something just went whizzing over my head, I'm not sure. Oh well. RandomMan, is this woman still being paid by your's and my tax dollars? Can someone in the service write a "I was framed!" book while still on active duty? I think the soap treatment given to private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket should be part of her going away ceremony. Follow that with the tearing away of her epaulets (probably don't wear those anymore but the visual is appealing), ripping off her ribbons, snapping her saber in half, and lastly - tying her to a horse facing backward and firing a pistol shot in the air to encourage it to gallop out the gate faster than Seabiscuit. Witnesses are encouraged to wave as she passes by.
by Davidadelong on 01:10 PM February 8th, 2006 EST (#7)
The right is just a controlled "party" that helps balance the "left". I try personaly to seek the truth, "if any" out of any information that I read or hear. Critical thinking I believe the "intellectuals" were calling it at one point. Other than that the article had much good info, written by Warriors that are "in the shit". As I have said before I am not for this war designed to oppress the populace of the U.S. and make the military industrial complex mucho big bucks. But, I won't blame the members of the military for what they didn't create, at least the peons.
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