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by Davidadelong on 08:21 PM February 4th, 2006 EST (#1)
At the risk of my Humanity suffering, and everyone that will mourn the passing of this "womyn" telling me to "go easy" YAHOO! I celebrate her passing as a provocatuer of hate, divisionary actions, and the destruction of the American Family. Not to mention the millions of Children, Men, and Women that her propaganda has harmed. Nuff said...........
Now I have to put those damn lights on again.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by amperro on 09:45 PM February 4th, 2006 EST (#3)
Friedan was by no means the worst!
She couldn't hold a candle to Andrea Dworkin, Marilyn French ("all men are rapists and that's all they are"), or Robin Morgan ("kill your fathers, not your mothers").
Not all nazis were as bad as Hitler, Goering, Goebbels and Himler, but they were still nazis.
All the lights are on, now let's open a bottle.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Thundercloud on 09:40 AM February 6th, 2006 EST (#13)
I honestly can not celebrate anyone's death. Not even an enemy.
I am sorry a human being is dead. However I am not sorry that this doorway from which hatred for men spewed is now closed.
"Hoka hey!"
by Luek on 08:07 AM February 5th, 2006 EST (#5)
I don't know about the rest of you out there but as for me I am checking into the Heartbreak Hotel over this....sniff, sniff,...
by MR on 10:16 AM February 5th, 2006 EST (#6)
My deepest sympathies to all gender feminists out there, however, don't the let glass ceiling myth hit you on the way out.
by Roy on 10:56 AM February 5th, 2006 EST (#7)
In her memoir published in 2000, Friedan charged that her husband of over twenty years abused her.... the eighty year-old former husband was outraged over the charge and set up a web site to defend himself. He wrote -- "I have not lived 80 years of an honorable life to have it trashed by a mad woman... I've been divorced from her for 30 years and still she haunts me and disrupts my life. I must have committed some heinous crimes in a previous life to be cursed so." Betty Friedan later backed away from her charges, saying "My husband was no wife beater and I was no passive victim of a wife beater. We fought a lot, and he was bigger than me." Carl Friedan still calls himself a feminist, but says -- "I would just advise a person not to marry one." (Excerpted from Kate O'Bierne's new book WOMEN WHO MAKE THE WORLD WORSE: And How Their Radical Feminist Assault is Ruining Our Schools, Families, Military, & Sports.
by Luek on 12:42 PM February 5th, 2006 EST (#8)
I think I read that she was once committed to a mental hospital after she got into an altercation with her now ex husband and stabbed him with a knife. I believe she often got into violent altercations with her spouse and sons.
Don't ever trust anything that calls itself "women's rights advocate" or babbles about "equal rights for women" and bullshit like that, even if some people think they're moderate. This one isn't even the slightest bit of a moderate, it turns out to be nothing but an ugly evil men hating bat.
Let's open another bottle.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by AngryMan
on 07:22 AM February 6th, 2006 EST (#12)
She was certainly no heterophobic man-hater like Dworkin, but it seems that she had to end up paying lip service to the radical lesbians after they took control of the movement. Her questionable accusations of (and apparent personal involvement in) domestic violence seem to have been some kind of attempt to gain victim points (and therefore feminazi credibility). And of course the best line of all, that the average American suburban home was a 'comfortable concentration camp'. Oh dear. RIP Betty.
"Those who promise us paradise on earth have never produced anything but hell." Karl Popper
by Roy on 09:16 PM February 6th, 2006 EST (#14)
A link from Angry Harry's web site produced an excellent essay on the true origins and political genesis of Betty Freidan's feminism.
Starting with the fact that she was a dedicated Stalinist-Communist well into her 30's.
Her Marxism disturbs me not at all; though her successful morphing of "class wars" into "gender wars" with her seminal book THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE still wreaks havoc on our society.
The same article testifies to her personal history of domestic violence and aggression against her husband, and her obvious mental health problems.
And this disturbed, deranged woman is being celebrated on the N.O.W. site as an icon, an exemplary model of feminist character and integrity?
Kim Gandy (NOW's Ms. Prez) is following in Betty's foorprints ....towards certain psychosis and ultimately a room in a nice sanitorium with padded walls. dan.htm
by mens_issues on 09:59 PM February 6th, 2006 EST (#15)
I was watching "The News Hour with Jim Lehrer" tonight on PBS, and of course they came up with a tribute to Betty Friedan as "having opened up so many opportunities for women" and all the related sycophantic nonsense. I had to change channels to the other PBS station in Denver after just a couple of minutes of this. That had the BBC news on it, but then they aired a promotion for a play called "Jesus Hates Me." Real nice, as I have been going to church again in the wake of a family tragedy. (I wonder how Muslims would react to something called "Mohammed Hates Me.")
I turned off the TV in anger and was almost shaking with resentment toward PBS.
And they want me to donate to them during their pledge drives...
by Thundercloud on 12:55 PM February 7th, 2006 EST (#17)
Yes, I saw that, too. And like you, I had to change the channel, after just a few minutes of trying to listen politely.
What a bunch of garbage.
Stupid PBS.
And the real kick in the a$$ is that it's funded by tax payers. US!
"Hoka hey!"
by klp on 09:34 AM February 7th, 2006 EST (#16)
Once again David "Radical Son" Horowitz has laid out the fact on Betty Friedan: e.asp?indid=1328
Did you notice that none of the MSM obits mention her communism?
There's at least as good a write-up of Andrea Dworkin: e.asp?indid=1951
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