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by oregon dad on 03:41 PM February 3rd, 2006 EST (#1)
It is about the WOMEN who set up the situation to begin with. Women should be prosecuted for fingering a man as "the father" when they certainly know that he is not the only candidate.
The fact that Florida forces a father to be current before challenging the paternity test with DNA evidence - and that there are no refunds (!) if his results eliminate him as the father...!!! SHOULD BE A CRIME!! How can a government fleece men of income and then say there is no refund when they find out they are wrong?!!
Let's elevate THAT to the Supreme Court!!!
by amperro on 01:23 AM February 4th, 2006 EST (#6)
"How can a government fleece men of income and then say there is no refund when they find out they are wrong?!!"
Because men don't give a rat's ass about these things! The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Remember the remarks by Harvard President Larry Summers on women and science? He has since atoned for his "sins" with tenure offers and recruiting efforts. The women have a lobby! The women speak up! The men do not!
by Trueman on 03:52 PM February 3rd, 2006 EST (#2)
Assistant County Prosecutor Laura Gallagher said. "Since the men weren't paying it as ordered in the first place, most mothers' budgets won't be devastated. It's the kids who feel it the most."
Do you believe the audacity of this bitch! Gee, maybe they weren't paying because the knew the mother was lying! Then Gallagher goes on to say that it's the men's' fault that they were being extorted. Unf#@%ingbelievable!
Why is it that women can not figure out that equality means responsibility for you actions!
Chivalry died with the birth of Feminism.
by Roy on 04:59 PM February 3rd, 2006 EST (#3)
Since feminists have long and vocally argued that fathers are not essential and that children are perfectly fine as long as they have "parenting figures" of either sex, who need not be biologically related ....
how come live-in fathers, who are apparently irrelevant to the child's well-being, become incredibly important when they can be extorted for money as an absentee dad?
How come when a father finds out through DNA testing that "his" kids are not his, it's suddenly important that he not have the choice to not support his adulterous intimate partner's spawn?
Feminism's definition of a father appears to be that he is at best just "an ATM machine in shoes."
by brotherskeeper on 08:41 PM February 3rd, 2006 EST (#4)
This kind of data is worth its weight in gold. Keep it up, Marc.
by Davidadelong on 10:10 PM February 3rd, 2006 EST (#5)
I did research on Child extortion when I was in college, 89-94. The first George Bush signed away the Constitutional Rights of the American Male, waived them to be exact. The reason was simple. The wellfare programs were breaking the bank. They needed a scapegoat to pay the bills. I lived in Wisconsin at the time. I was told by the family court commisioner that I could pay for a DNA test, but I was considered the legal Father, and it would make no difference. The project was proceeded by the Granparent liability law that was tested in WI as well, but the Seniors in that state lobbied against it. As far as elevating this situation to the U.S. supreme court, I have written them, as well as the aclu, and was informed by both that they were not "looking" at that situation at that time. Whatever the feminist movement has accomplished was done with the consent and duplicity of our government. I also sued the attorney that "represented" me in WI during this extortion. He told me that if I complained that I would be put in jail. I had a closed hearing with a judge that laughed at me and said that the $500.00 that I was charged was the going rate, and found for the attorney. I petitioned the court as my own attorney and did partially what I had wanted. I had been warned that if I did I would do time. As far as DNA testing is concerned, how do we know how valid the tests are? Specifically the ones from years ago? How do we know that the DNA labs are not being run by feminists? It would be awfully easy to have the computer print out what they want to subjugate a particular Male. Considering the duplicity of the past with the government, why would that be so far fetched? We have been had Gentlemen, and not just by the feminists! By the way, our Constitutional Rights have not been returned as of yet. This information is on file at any federal reserve library by law, all one has to do is look it up.
by LSBeene on 09:29 AM February 4th, 2006 EST (#7)
When I first got on the internet I had been "stewing" about the injustices done to me by the PC feminists I spewed out some angry stuff.
This is a victory gentlemen and ladies.
Now we need to get this to be the law (upheld to the highest state courts) in all 50 states.
I agree with the above poster that much political hay was made of "deadbeat dads" as the country's welfare programs were breaking the back of our budget.
A further element in this is getting back the money from the mother, as opposed to the other "dad". Why her? Because SHE is the one who perpetrated this fraud.
A victory at a time. We'll roll back the injustice.
Steven "Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. Sleep safe tonight, we're on the job."
by Davidadelong on 10:44 AM February 4th, 2006 EST (#8)
The political hay that you refer to was not about dead beat Dads at first. The language of the acts were explicite in that it was an attempt to recover finances at the xpense of the American Male, henceforth the fact that they waived our Constitutional Rights. Dead beat Dads was a mantra that the Womens' movement used to take advantage of the situation, and quiet those that complained. If we roll back the injustice we must hold the designers of this oppression responsible, or we will be duped again. I for one am tired of being lied to by our own government, having them pit Men and Women against each other, destroying whole generations, and People are afraid to lay the blame where it belongs. I guess it is easier to blame just Women, and safer too. Just my opinion Folks.....
by LSBeene on 11:54 AM February 4th, 2006 EST (#9)
I am replying to this part:
" If we roll back the injustice we must hold the designers of this oppression responsible, or we will be duped again. I for one am tired of being lied to by our own government, having them pit Men and Women against each other, destroying whole generations, and People are afraid to lay the blame where it belongs. "
Policy makers or the advocates will NEVER be held accountable. I used to think the way you did, but after endless discussions with lawyers, political types, and others I know it will never happen. The system can never be held accountable.
It's like this: an ADA backs a ridiculous prosecution because it's politically popular. He/She gets a finding of guilty. Turns out a decade or two later the guy is proven innocent. Do they release the poor sod? Not freaking likely. I've heard tell where they promised to release as soon as the falsely imprisoned signed a contract not to sue the state and not to seek justice (rather under duress wouldn't you say!?) or they will stonewall the release.
And even if this is PROVED, not one is disbarred, let alone jailed. The policy makers and the courts have an incestuous relationship wherein they are all lawyers (ok, ALMOST all) and if ONE goes to jail, it sets a precedent. And we can't have THAT can we.
That's the short version. But I hope it sets you to thinking. Trust me, I think they should go to jail too (just like us "little people"), but it won't happen.
The best we can do is to set free the innocent, punish the individual (citizen) who is guilty, and shut down the feminazi hate-machine one part at a time.
Hope that helps.
Steven "Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. Sleep safe tonight, we're on the job."
by Davidadelong on 01:49 PM February 4th, 2006 EST (#10)
I prefer to choose my own battles instead of letting the system use me for their own purposes. If I read you right you are saying that "that is the way it is, accept it". I do not share the defeatist attitude that you espouse. Hope that helps. "It is a good day to die!" By the way, how many changes were made in the past by people that accepted the way things were?
by Davidadelong on 05:43 PM February 4th, 2006 EST (#11)
By the way, I too have been lectured by lawyers, judges, and political types as to why I should just go along, I guess that is why I am considered a hardhead, I just won't accept bullshit, when I know it is bullshit. Of course I have had 46 years of my 51 years of my life practicing, and I have gotten pretty good at it. While it wasn't easy, and at times down right frustrating, I at least still respect myself, and my decisions.
by LSBeene on 10:02 PM February 4th, 2006 EST (#12)
I think you misunderstand me. I am not in any way defeatest or "just taking it", but rather giving you a heads up on something.
Look at how in 1964 the Civil Rights Act got passed despite heavy opposition by Democrats. And all those lawyers who defended segregation, the politicians who wanted to keep "separate but equal", and those town mayors who resisted integration .... none went to jail. Ok, maybe a FEW really aggregious cases, but they were the few exceptions.
But, the good news is the laws DID change, and the policies were put into place.
I wasn't "giving up", just trying to give you a different view. I want the laws to change.
Hell, if I had my "dream" come true I'd have ALL American men just go on strike (and our female supporters too) and give our gov't a list of demands (I dunno: equality and justice to those who wronged men ...) and we'd just NOT WORK until the laws were changed and the guilty in the gender war were jailed for a few decades on civil rights violations.
But, that's what it is, a dream. I can however attempt to get present laws changed so that the generation of men (and women!) who grow up behind us don't have to know the pain of the gender warfare we endured.
Give it some thought.
Steven "Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. Sleep safe tonight, we're on the job."
by Davidadelong on 11:27 PM February 4th, 2006 EST (#13)
Steven: I have given it a lot of thought. I have also studied enough history to know that as long as our current system is in place the injustices against the people will continue. I used to think that by working within the system, thereby endorsing it, that real change and justice could be achieved. But if one studies the way things go, one oppressed group is traded for another in this, and other countries. I wouldn't discourage you from doing that which you feel is correct. I just don't agree with you. I am tired of playing the game, which for me includes self delusion for me to do it. I see what I see, I know what I know. I suppose I could join the system so to speak; one organized group or the other, and expend my energy working on what is a serious burning problem in our society. But, having the knowledge that it is nothing but a shell game, and my energy would be used against other Humans that don't deserve it just doesn't fit my character. Perhaps it would be best if we agreed to disagree. We need People that think like you, and we need people that think like me, I don't believe that it was I who was trying to instruct anyone, I was just voicing my opinion. One should read "A PEOPLES HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES" by Howard Zinn. I do not agree with some of his premises, but the information is solid. Since the beginning of this Country one oppressed group of "CITIZENS" has been traded for another. Who shall be next? I have actually had many opportunities in my life so far to make a lot of money. I have turned them down. My point of view is not an easy one to take. It can cause an individual much stress and complications. But, what the hell, it is my life, and I have to please me. Anyway, have a great super bowl Sunday Steven! I'm not a fan, but I am going to a party anyway, free food, and fertile minds!
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