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by Davidadelong on 01:27 AM February 1st, 2006 EST (#1)
I left home when I was 16. I had sex with many older Women, not one of them took advantage of me. I have met many young Girls that were seeking sex with older Men. I have never taken advantage of that, well twice when they told me they were eighteen, and I found out they were 17, but that was when I was in my twenties. Now, the reason that I bring this up is very simple, I think that the laws should be interpreted to take those situations into account. I have seen many Female predators that were young seeking experiences. Why should the Guy have to suffer? Why should this Women have to suffer, the young Men she "dated" were street People. Hustlers on the street. Maybe she was kind to them, maybe she gave them a nice warm/clean place to sleep for a night or two. They didn't say that she was molesting 10 and twelve year olds, they only said that they were under 18. I just think that the laws should reflect the actual behavior of Human Beings within the confines of decency. For crying out loud one of my ex Girlfriends sister tried to bed me and bragged she was having an affair with her school bus driver, she was 16. I turned her down, and I was 26 at the time. Maybe I'm the only one who is crazy.........
The article says these boys were underage. Second, this pedophile is in a position of authority while the boys are in a position of dependence. Any sexual act between a person in authority and a minor in dependence is unethical and in most countries forbidden.
If the roles were reversed hell would break loose, so it's only right to put this pedophile behind bars. Period.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Davidadelong on 06:44 PM February 1st, 2006 EST (#6)
The article, and I read it twice doesn't say whether the "perp" was actually working at the center. It did say she was there illegaly, and failed to register. I happen to agree with you "Any sexual act between a person in authority and a minor in dependance is unethical and in most countries forbidden." My point was aimed at the laws that are somewhat inhuman, and openly designed to control the mating practices of People to benefit the system. You are also right about the genders being reversed, if so there would be no compassion.
The article, and I read it twice doesn't say whether the "perp" was actually working at the center.
The article says
An American woman working with street children in Kenya
she on diverse dates between the years 2004 and 2005 at Bahati children rehabilitation center in Nairobi ... indecently assaulted" the boys
So I think there is no doubt that she was working with them at the center. That she was there illegaly doesn't matter, at the time she worked there the boys were minors in dependence to her.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Thundercloud on 02:37 PM February 1st, 2006 EST (#3)
Isn't it interesting how they find euphemisms to describe a female raping a boy?
When a man does it to an under aged girl it is called "statutory rape", or "sexual assault" or "a crime".
But when a woman rapes an under aged boy it is called things like "indecent assault", among other dismissive things.
And of course the boy "ASKED FOR IT".
"Hoka hey!"
by n.j. on 04:18 PM February 1st, 2006 EST (#4)
The US laws regarding sex with minors are deeply rooted in puritanism and, frankly said, outright stupid.
Fortunately, at least here in Germany we are not that hysterical and a relationship between a 14 year old and a let's say 24 year old is not a crime as long as certain criteria are met. Check this out:
Generally, the US could learn a thing or two (at the very least) from the way sexuality is handled here, and accusing someone of being a pedophile after sexual contact with a pubescent person is complete nonsense. 14-16 year olds can be parents, they're not children anymore. "Statutory rape" is mostly a ludicrous concept.
But this is not the point. The point is if female and male "perps" get the same treatment, which is evidently not the case. But I'm not happy either when a woman gets jail time for contact with a 16 year old, because currently, this only means that said hysteria is even stronger than society's will to relieve women of responsibilities.
You should read the website you provided very carefully:
For a person over 18 years (young adult and adult) sex with young persons between
14 and 16 is forbidden if accompanied by money or gifts of value, or if the adult takes
advantage of the distressed situation of the young person (eg. homelessness) in order
to procure sex.'
Again, read that very carefully, because that's what we're talking about here and that's why this pedophile should be locked up for the next 20 years or so.
FYI, I live just a few miles from Germany and I know enough about German law to know that you're talking bullshit.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by n.j. on 08:47 PM February 2nd, 2006 EST (#8)
Yes, *in this case*, it is probably very much justified to have her locked up. It was a general comment.
For your own information, you know nothing about German law if you say I'm talking bs and I don't like your personal attacks - the full text of the law is on the web anyway, so wtf, read it yourself.
What that page says about our law is exactly right. Actually there was a case all over the papers not long ago where a 14 year old girl had a steady relationship to an older man and the courts said "there is nothing we can do". What would have been done in the US at the request of the disgruntled parents is perfectly clear.
I don't like your personal attacks
You come here attacking an entire nation because you don't like their laws, on the other hand you show lack of knowledge of the law in your own country. So I don't give a rat's ass about what you like or what you don't like.
Read that site again wuss.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
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