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by Davidadelong on 10:29 PM January 27th, 2006 EST (#1)
I only wish! I have had a female accuse me of harming my Daughter, causing her to receive stitches over her eye when she was 1, 1/2 yrs old. She had 3 guys confront me in a parking lot with intent to beat me up. It didn't happen, and I left. It just so happens that I was in another town on the day, and time that my Daughter was injured. Seems her mothers son pushed her into a table. She then pressed charges against me, as her boyfriend, one of the 3, listened to me when I told him if it did happen why didn't she tell the police. Well they harrassed me, but after I got an affidaved from the teacher of the class I was in they left me alone. My point, it's simple, I don't trust women. How many Daughters do you know that would lie to their Fathers? Maybe the aide did do something wrong, but the tape, and witnesses say he didn't. Maybe the Father is another Man that is controlled by females? Maybe the aide got a raw deal, and for once things are happening the way they should?
by Davidadelong on 11:32 AM January 28th, 2006 EST (#8)
If I were the Man that was punched, I believe that I would make a deal. If the Father would take classes, and go to a Mens group in the area I wouldn't sue him. Sueing him without enlightening him would only make him an enemy. Now he is ignorant. Ignorance can be cured, willful ignorance should be eradicated.
by Davidadelong on 08:25 PM January 28th, 2006 EST (#15)
Perhaps I am to lenient, one does hate to see a Male get abused such as this, or anyone for that matter. But, what if he did wise up? Someone like him would make a great crusader for EQUAL RIGHTS, wouldn't he? The legal aspects of retribution are necessary at times, even I have utilized them on occasion, when they really work they do afford some satisfaction, and financial remuneration. But then again it can take up to 7 years to get satisfaction from some courts, by that time the sting wears off some what, no? The legal course in this should be to press charges against all involved in the frame up. They send Boys to state run schools, and even Girls. A year or two of proper indoctrination at their age might wake them up, but the key would be proper indoctrination. As far as the radio station; there ought to be a way to make them lose listeners, hit em where it hurts, in the pocket! If we were only as organized as the Women, we could accomplish much! Yes, the Father is a dumb ass!
by Davidadelong on 11:04 AM January 28th, 2006 EST (#6)
What an idiot! This young womyns' Father needs to learn about female manipulation. The young feminazi needs to learn a harsh lesson. His ending comment in this article is all to telling, he is proud of himself. He should apoligize to the innocent Man that he offended, both physically, and the Mans' character was assaulted as well. Good thing that the other young Women that were asked to lie told the truth, as well as the spy eyes that were working.
by Thundercloud on 11:42 AM January 28th, 2006 EST (#9)
This is one of the main reasons I support the idea of single sex schools. The boys should go to an all male school with all male teachers and the girls to all female schools with only female teachers.
It wouldn't solve the problem entirely, but I'll bet you'd see a LOT less of this 'female student falsely accusing male teacher'.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 01:18 PM January 28th, 2006 EST (#11)
I am not sure I can agree with you on this one TC. I believe that the only way the genders can learn to respect each other, and learn to get along is through positive exposure to each other. If we were to allianate both genders going so far as to restrict teachers to the same gender would we not end up with something similar to what we have now? A total revamping of the curriculum is in order, but I am not sure sequestering the genders is the answer. Just my opinion....
by Thundercloud on 10:01 AM January 30th, 2006 EST (#19)
I see your point, David.
The problem is that GIRLS are NOT being taught to respect males, while, on the other hand, boys ARE being taught to respect females.
Girls are taught to DISrespect males at an early age. The female teachers often do this unconsciously (or even consciously) because they themselves are frequently brainwashed with feminist propaganda.
If we solve that problem then, okay, I am for co-ed schools.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 03:27 PM January 30th, 2006 EST (#22)
That Sir is why I am against the "system" that supported this movement, and allowed it to come to pass! You are correct, schools are nothing more than breading grounds for propaganda, as well as all the "social service" systems. We have a lot of work to do! "Hoka hey!"
by klp on 11:19 AM January 30th, 2006 EST (#20)
It wouldn't solve the problem entirely, but I'll bet you'd see a LOT less of this 'female student falsely accusing male teacher'.
More likely you'll then see same-sex accucations--some legitimate.
by Daoistfire on 09:06 AM January 28th, 2006 EST (#5)
I think the Government should jail this girl for 10 years or so. Or else there will be more and more of these cases coming out.
by Thundercloud on 11:44 AM January 28th, 2006 EST (#10)
I don't know if 10 years is fair (or maybe it is) but this girl DOES need to be held accountable for her actions.
Chances are, though she'll get a slap on the wrist and maybe counseling, or something.
"Hoka hey!"
by Luek on 11:17 AM January 28th, 2006 EST (#7)
School surveillance cameras show the aide was not even in the room when the 15-year-old said she was touched inappropriately
What would the outcome have been if there were no surveillance cameras? When I went to high school there were no armed guards, surveillance cameras or metal detectors. In retrospect maybe there should have been.
Men have got to start protecting themselves. If they work around females men should insist it be a workplace standard that surveillance cameras be in place. Also, men have got to start sueing the snot out of these lying females and their male lackeys and not just putting the incident behind them and not feeling bitter about it! In addition, there should be laws against false accusations with real prison time to the offenders as in this case.
by Return of the King on 02:43 PM January 28th, 2006 EST (#12)
When one alleges rape, her name is not published. When a person (read a man) is said to have committed a rape or sex crime his name and face is hung in disgrace upon the public in all media outlets
A person's name should be withheld until proven guilty in a court of law. One allegation can ruin or severely harms ones reputation and life.
There is no recourse in fixing ones name in the public. Avoiding jail is considered the payoff for proving one’s innocence.
Today, even simple domestic matters end up in the police logs and everyday fathers are lumped in with drunk drivers and crooks because they had arguments with their wives.
The feminist inspired media is quick to jump to action on any matter that denigrates men. If like in this case the man was falsely accused, he can never again have the same reputation, professionally or personally.
MRA’s should fight for legislation that protects then identities of the falsely accused. If the story was front page news, then a fact that the person was innocent should be on the front page too and the name of the alleger should be published.
We live in an insanely biased world against men today….
by mcc99 on 11:34 PM January 28th, 2006 EST (#16)
Certainly I am not defending the girl's father's actions. Simply note the comments though and ask if it were the girl's mother who had acted violently, would they be phrased the same way with the implications around them. For example, take this:
"We have a father unable to control his emotions, unable to control his behavior, who came down and assaulted one of our employees, and that's against the law," Dearing said. "We will not drop the charges, we will pursue them."
Now imagine if the mother had attacked the aide, would the schhol superintendent have said this?:
"We have a mother unable to control her emotions, unable to control her behavior, who came down and assaulted one of our employees, and that's against the law," Dearing said. "We will not drop the charges, we will pursue them."
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by Yanyan on 08:33 AM January 29th, 2006 EST (#18)
Hang on! Let's Keep this in prespective. 'Father of the year' thinks that the answer to life's problems is to punch somebody in the face (but only if it's another man). This knucklehead deserves a 'moron of the year' award. Will male activism make any kind of progress if we ally ourselves with these idiots?
I think not.
by klp on 12:28 PM January 30th, 2006 EST (#21)
My mother is herself a retired public school teacher.
In her day, teachers were typically pressured by the local school board to drop criminal charges against students who assault them or vandalize their vehicles or residences.
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