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by Davidadelong on 07:58 PM January 27th, 2006 EST (#1)
I wonder if I were to rant on about my penis if I could start a rebellion? You know, if I were to say that I was worried about my penis, and all the other penis's out there, and how they were being abused in the dark, do you think anyone would listen? If I were to talk about how those penis's were being made into wage slaves, and had to work themselves to death, does anyone think I would get an audience? I read eves' message in her ad for her new show. Talk about a self absorbed vagina! The world is going to hell and she thinks it is time to withdraw and worry about her stomach! Yech! The sad part is that there are a lot of women out there that buy into this crap. But maybe if they did become so self absorbed they wouldn't care about oppressing Men anymore! Naw, they would still find the time! Some of what she said made sense. About stepping off of the treadmill, and taking stock of ones self. Other than that I saw it as self absorbed BS.
by MAUS on 03:36 PM January 28th, 2006 EST (#2)
What do you call someone who uses their genitalia as a soap box for reviling tirades against the opposite sex?.......A FEMINAZI CUNT
In light of such products as the "All men are bastards"kitchen knife rack, anyone who builds dental prosthetic devices such as bridges and dentures is missing out on a great product opportunity. If they were to make an appliance that resembled the mouth of a barracuda, sculpin, alewife (locally refered to as a "mother-in-law" fish) or that thing in the movie "Alien", that could fit into a vagina they could stand to make a fortune.
by Davidadelong on 08:35 PM January 28th, 2006 EST (#3)
Christ Man, I've been afraid to get laid for about five years now, you just gave me more nightmares!
by Thundercloud on 10:18 AM January 30th, 2006 EST (#10)
The thing from ALIEN?
"Hoka hey!"
by Yanyan on 09:06 AM January 29th, 2006 EST (#4)
(Eve Ensler:)For several years i've read about this deranged woman and her fantasies.
Before Christmas BBC World ran a talk-in/phone-in/text-in about domestic violence. Who did they pick for the major spokesperson? The self-same intellectual maggot. This is par for the course for the international arm of the Femibeeb.
Seeing her 'in the flesh' explains it all. Hearing her voice the same old empty platitudes sent me directly to 'tired' mode. I used to have other alternatives like 'Angry' mode, or 'Activist mode' but they are no longer effective.
Screw it. Western men have only one strategy left. Switch it off and walk away.
No violence, no arbitration, no nothing.
We still have our own sense of honor, our skills and our knowledge and we'll take them elsewhere.
by Davidadelong on 07:12 PM January 29th, 2006 EST (#5)
Where would one go? There is no new frontier. There is no more land to steal from indegnous People. Just where would all these Men go? I think we should use our honor, skills, and our knowledge to change things. I don't think they have an active real estate program on the moon yet.
by Yanyan on 07:33 AM January 30th, 2006 EST (#6)
I live in south-east Asia - happily. Fred Reed lives in Mexico. His stuff is worth reading. If you don't aleady know of him try: tm
or, tm
by Yanyan on 08:10 AM January 30th, 2006 EST (#7)
Oops, sorry, posted the same link twice. Anyway, I hope you have fun exploring the site. Try 'In Praise of Mexicanas'. I could say similar things about our countrywomen but he writes better than I do.
I wasn't proposing a mass migration of men because it won't happen. Just as a universal uprising of men against the feminazis won't happen. Just because you're 'awake' don't forget that most of our brothers are still sleeping. Check the polls.
The usual pattern is that men vote with their feet. Later, usually very much later, politicians spot the trend and start to do something. Don't hold your breath.
by Roger on 09:08 AM January 30th, 2006 EST (#8)
I wish I could really "switch it off." The problem is, this pathology is seeping into every crack and fissure of our society. I thought the "vagina" craze was something to be endured only once a year on the campus where I teach, and I could just look away from the "Vaginas are Coming" posters. But a few weeks ago, the campus Feminist Majority set up a stand to sell chocolate vaginas in the hall just a few yards from my office door. For an entire day, I could hear the brassy, carnival-barker voices yelling: "Vaginas for sale, come get your chocolate vaginas!" And every time I walked out my door, I was greeted with a "Would you like to buy a chocolate vagina?" I just answered with a scowl. What could I do? If I tried to argue with those self-absorbed twits, I'm certain that it would be turned into an "incident," of hate speech or whatever. I've come to learn in the classroom that an "offended" female student is taken seriously by administrators, who will fall over each other trying to show how tough they can be with the offender (i.e., the male professor). Actually, I was deeply offended by their tactics. But would an offended male ever be taken seriously? They would tell me to "get a life," that I should lighten up, or suggest that, just maybe, I suffer from a complex because my penis is small (it isn't, but I guess I don't have to make that point here) ... they would come up with any response but a serious one. Of course, the campus feminists would be bouncing off the walls like gibbons if, say, a fraternity sold chocolate penises. Feminist Majority = Hypocrite Minority.
by Davidadelong on 09:54 AM January 30th, 2006 EST (#9)
I'm with you Roger. I'd rather switch it on, and maybe get something done about it! Must be tough to be an educator, and be enlightened. But, just think of the fertile minds that do listen! There used to be a time when I would enjoy a chocolate vagina, days gone by!
by Yanyan on 12:03 PM January 30th, 2006 EST (#11)
Roger, I sympathize. You're young, aware and up to your neck in feminist shit. Your options are limited. For what it's worth, I'd say just this:
Don't fight the system, play it.
If you want to be a crusader go ahead but don't imagine that legions of men will fall in behind you coz they won't. Despite decades of abuse they're still sleepwalking.
Make your own lifeplan. Keep posting whenever you can but look out for yourself. If our brothers awaken sometime, so much the better. If they don't, at least you'll have the satisfaction of saying. "I told you so!"
Tread carefully and best regards!
by Yanyan on 02:20 PM January 30th, 2006 EST (#12)
I'm with you on working for change, but not at this trivial level. Brother Roger gets chocolate vaginas stuffed in his face (so to speak). What can he do?
He might quip, " No thanks, I might vomit" or even, " at least they taste better than the real thing". Such tactics would get him nowhere. He might just scowl and walk away - same result.
However infuriated we may feel this silly game is not worth the candle. We do what we have to do and retain our sanity. Feminism is poised to destroy itself. Look at international news. We have to ask ourselves if western civilization can stand anymore.
We should be polite, build our bunkers and hunker down.
by Davidadelong on 03:10 PM January 30th, 2006 EST (#13)
the only way "I" can maintain my sanity is to be an activist. I have lived it, and played the system. Or perhaps the system played me? Either way I will do nothing to benefit the "actual system". I cannot in good conscience do nothing and only think about myself. I will do what needs be done to survive, but my real avocation is a political activist. I am content with that, I would rather be seen after I am gone as a person that assailed an impregnable wall, than as one that camped at the bottom because I was daunted by its' visage. How many more generations must be destroyed before the system destroys it self? I for one think the time is now. If more People felt that way it wouldn't be discounted as trivial, or not worth our time.
by Davidadelong on 10:29 AM January 31st, 2006 EST (#14)
Roger, I understand. But, please don't turn off your mind to what is the most invasive problem that we have to deal with. I have been personally fighting this since my first marriage, 33 years ago. I have written to the U.S. supreme court, informed that they weren't dealing with that right now. I have written to the aclu, same thing, but one womyn laughed at me on the phone. I have written to courts, and petitioned the same becuase I couldn't find an attorney to take the case. Yes, I have been accused of being crazy for resisting, mostly by "womyn", the real Women that I have spoken to at least showed some compassion. I have had attorneys tell me that I was correct, that my constitutional rights were being ignored, but "thats the way it is!". I have learned, and I have been hardened to resist until there is nothing more to resist, or I draw my last breath. We need educators such as yourself that are able to think for themselves. You have the opportunity to enlighten many minds, so enlighten! As I said, we need more People like you. Just my opinion!
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