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by Davidadelong on 10:48 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#1)
It is awfully easy for a Woman to discount the fact that Men are made into wage slaves under the guise of the "justice department" and the courts to help pay for the cottage industries that sprouted up when all this crap started. She has never, or never will be on the receiving end of the system treating her as nothing more than a glorified mule. There is nothing more devious than lying to a Child about who their true Father is to ensure a good monthly pay check for the "mother". The reality is that the Child was used to gain a pay check by the woman, nothing more. I guess that would cause some problems when Children find out that they really weren't wanted as an addition to the family, but as a pawn so that the "mother" doesn't have to work for a living! The system not only allows this, but is dependant on it. Someone should do a study on how many jobs would be done away with if the Family "courts" were operated with real Humanity, and concern for "everyone" involved. Then they should discern how much money the "taxpayers" would save if this was done. Aw hell, we already know the answer...Talk about a bunch of pissed off unemployed "womyn"!
by Thundercloud on 11:40 AM January 24th, 2006 EST (#3)
Yes, well said.
Actually, we should stop calling children "children" and call them what they have now become. And that, of course, is 'PAWNS'.
"Hoka hey!"
by gatsby on 11:57 AM January 24th, 2006 EST (#4)
Two points that jump out at me. 1. The fact that the judge in this case actually BLAMED the guy for not questioning paternity sooner and 2. The concern about the child "losing the only father he ever knew". What about the child finding out that his mom is a manipulative, fraudulant criminal that used the child for her own gain in the guise of helping the kid! This is absolutely ridiculous and if a woman found herself the victim of something a 10th as duplicitous as this, there would be federal intervention, round the clock news coverage and the usual talking heads would say their usual lines about the "Big Bad Men" and the "Poor Defenseless Women". Give me a friggin break.
by Davidadelong on 11:37 PM January 24th, 2006 EST (#8)
If our Children are pawns, what does that make us? Oh, I forgot, slaves don't need a title! "Hoka hey!" Thundercloud
by brotherskeeper on 07:17 AM January 24th, 2006 EST (#2)
This is simply more false, vicious compassion from the left. Basically this woman is advocating ruining men's lives so that she can appear to be compassionate.
by bull on 01:13 PM January 24th, 2006 EST (#5)
Does the biological father even know he has a child? How much effort has been put into locating and notifying him. Perhaps he would step up to the plate and meet his financial obligations if he knew? Perhaps he is being denied the opportunity to have and raise his child solely because the system has already trapped someone into paying the bills?
by AlMartin on 08:12 PM January 24th, 2006 EST (#6)
Screw "financial" obligations. That's all men are these days. Freakin sperm banks and ATMs.... I am more than a wallet and sperm donor.
by amperro on 11:36 PM January 24th, 2006 EST (#7)
Drive the point home that women are the villains when it comes to paternity fraud.
by Davidadelong on 07:21 PM January 25th, 2006 EST (#10)
Yup, they are. But they couldn't do it without the laws being interpreted as they are. The system is in partnership with the feminists, either side has been, either dem. or rep. and still is. They sit back and pit Men and Women against each other and laugh all the way to the bank. Men and Women need to realize who the real villain is, the system. We are but pawns in a game of control, and we are losing, or to be precise, we lost long ago. If we just concentrate on villifying Women we are playing into the hands of the controlling factions. Just a thought....
by brotherskeeper on 12:30 PM January 25th, 2006 EST (#9)
and self-righteous pontification one would have seen coming out of the press had this been a woman coerced into carrying a forced pregnancy to term.
The moral bankruptcy of feminists and their spawn is truly stupefying.
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