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by brotherskeeper on 01:13 AM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#1)
The idea that Carol Gilligan should be within a light year of a male child is frightening in the Orwellian sense. That Newsweek (the American Pravda) is promoting her work is beyond the pale. Carol Gilligan was one of the leading lights in the 'girls self-esteem' movement involving the AAUW (Association of American University Women). Christina Hoff Sommers has a very nice treatment of this on pages 151-155 of 'Who Stole Feminism'. Suffice it to say that the 'girls self-esteem' movement, for all intents and purposes, was essentially the 'War on Boys'. This despite the fact that all data pointed to the fact that boys were the ones being shortchanged.
As regards Michael Gurian, I have read very little about him. He may very well have something valuable to say -- it will be necessary to keep an eye on his writings more closely from now on. However, I will say that his take seems to be that we are just now discovering how boys REALLY should be trained/raised. This seems disingenuous at best. We have known for a very long time how to raise boys. The fact that the hate-filled rhetoric of the feminists has convinced us that little boys (little boys!) need a form of indoctrination does not change the fact that most people once knew (and still do, in my opinion) how to raise boys. There really is no secret as to what has happened to them.
I read the article several times and as far as I understand it this feminazi scholar actually says the following;
"Now that the education system is completely feminized we come to the conclusion that boys' masculinity doesn't fit in the system. All we have to do now is feminizing the boys and everything will be fine.
I feel sorry for the sons of that pervert.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
Bert you took the words right out of my mouth. Gilligan is simply blabbering her archaic "socialization trumps all" bullshit and seeking boys to become more like little girls. This woman couldn't celebrate diversity if it was injected in her veins. It's all about her and her sex and how everyone should be like her.
I do pity her boys.
Tom, what pisses me off most with feminazis like this one is that once boys are grown up, they expect them to be men and risk their lifes in wars defending western democracy, which means of course defending feminazi-style "democracy".
This pervert doesn't give a rat's ass about her sons and other boys, she is full of hatred for all males, young and old. "If they're young silence them by feminizing them and if they're grown up send them to war to get rid of them." That's how fascists like this think about men.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Daoistfire on 08:23 AM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#3)
I am a student in college, one day a new teacher arrived and asked "Where are the girls"
I answered "There isn't any in this class."
The teacher said " O, thats why this class is always in troible and noisy."
I told her stop saying things that make no sense. She just got very mad and shouted "What is your name ? how rude are you!!!"
This world is full of feminist and stupidity.....
Here is an Interesting Article
A few quotes;
* And then there were the messages from parents, fathers and mothers both, who felt that their children had been treated badly at school specifically because they were boys. "It is almost as if the boys' presence is less appreciated, and even burdensome," wrote the mother of a young boy.
* The father happened to be at school to witness the incident that was the last straw: "As I approached, my son and another boy were giggling as they walked in line. The teacher yelled at [my son], who instantly turned and walked in line, but the other boy shoved him as they passed a trash can and he fell against it. The teacher yanked him up by his arm and practically dragged him along until they got to class. Once at the class, she had him stand against the wall outside of the door and told him that he did not deserve to be allowed in with the other students (including the boy who pushed him!)."
(I would've beaten the crap out of that bitch, as sure as hell. But that's my opinion)
* I have come to believe that schools need to do much more to adapt to the way boys learn. This belief has been bolstered by the stories of other parents, who tell me that they are being pushed to put their active young sons on Ritalin. "Being a boy is not a disease," one parent writes.
* One mother writes, "I just had to pipe in on the teachers don't like boys theory. I know it's not all schools, but it is certainly like that at our grade school! My son is now in high school (an all-boy parochial high school), and he is so happy because of the difference in the way the boys are treated that for the first time he is starting to enjoy school."
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Thundercloud on 12:32 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#5)
Strangely enough, Just about a week ago, PBS actually ran a documentary called; RAISING CAIN in which they illustrated the "boy crisis", in public schools.
And just last night NBC nightly news ran a story about the same thing, plus there was more coverage on it on the TODAY SHOW this morning (also NBC). I wonder what gives?
Is our out cry actually being heard by the usually anti-male media?
I have my doubts, but let's see what happens.
"Hoka hey!"
by brotherskeeper on 01:11 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#6)
Make sure you (and everyone) notes and deconstructs these shows carefully. Otherwise, we will almost certainly see more of the following:
1. We want to 'help' boys to become all that they can be (read: girls).
2. 'The crisis for boys and how it hurts girls more.'
Further, these very news outlets need to be pilloried, as they have been one of the chief tools of feminists.
by Thundercloud on 04:10 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#9)
I suspected that was the case.
They never said WHY boys are having trouble. They just said that they were.
We, here, ALL know why, though.
"Hoka hey!"
by Return of the King on 02:17 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#7)
The feminists are disguising themselves in the values of the mainstream (in this case - the improvement of education for boys), by claiming to champion the values that will help boys, but in reality they are hijacking and perverting the educational systems - and will continue to implement feminist orthodoxy.
by mcc99 on 02:39 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#8)
... is simply look out for the spin on this. They will acknowledge something is going on and somehow spin it to show it is the fault of the boys. They can't spin this right away like this because they haven't had time to fabricate 'statistics' or 'studies' but look for it soon enough.
There will soon come a time when maybe 10% of the students in any given college are male and admins and feminists will complain that "too many boys are on campus posing a threat to the girls" in the form of, oh, I dunno, potential date-rape and also their very presence is threatening, and that in any case they bring all the standards down, and so there should be "separate but equal" (insofar as they can have them) facilities for them, but perhaps not on main campus. And mandatory ROTC for them too since that is where they may be of the most use after graduating: the armed forces, of course.
Think I am just running off? Check back in 20 years; I'd put money on it.
by khankrumthebulgar on 05:25 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#10)
This is the result of the failed idealogy of Feminism. That gender is a social construction and not biology. When they failed to turn little Boys into little Girls they had to drug them into submission. Now our Boys are failing our Men are not going to College and our Culture is going down the Toilet. This is the fruits of a bankrupt and insane Gender hatred belief system.
Yank your sons out of Public Schools, Home school them or private school them. Don't let Feminist indoctrinated Teachers damage your Sons. This is what Feminism has done to our culture.
by gatsby on 12:15 PM January 24th, 2006 EST (#18)
Has anyone noticed that once again, a WOMAN is looked upon as having all the answers to the problems that men and boys face? As always, nothing is ever deemed true or of vital import unless it has been sanctioned and validated by a woman! The oppressed group does not even have control of defining the nature of its own oppression! Did it take southern whites to teach blacks that they were oppressed? Should we have only listened to concerns about the attrocities committed during WW2 after the GERMANS brought it up? Now dont get me wrong, I am not saying that women are slave owners and Nazis, (well maybe slave owners), but in any case they are not in the moral position to dictate what constitutes issues of importance to the very group that THEY are in fact oppressing.
by Davidadelong on 07:36 PM January 25th, 2006 EST (#23)
Well, Women are currently the equilivent to the slave managers of the old south. Not quite at the top, but enjoying privelage and renumeration for their work. Since it seems that Women/womyn only listen to another Female, maybe that is what it will take to initiate some change. Sad, very sad.....
by mcc99 on 11:10 PM January 24th, 2006 EST (#20)
by Davidadelong on 09:20 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#12)
They tried to figuratively castrate the Male Children of this nation, so that the Males would be more like the Females, easier to control. But, they have failed. Now they are trying to cover up their pitiful social experiment by admitting that there are differences between Children of differing genders. What is glaringly apparent to me is that they could not have done any of this without the consent of the government. Look how quickly it happened. They ruined a whole generation of not only Male Children, but Female Children as well. To blame only the feminists is to fail to see the cooperation that they had from government, and academia. Just my opinion Folks.......
by jabes1966 on 11:46 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#13)
The first msnbc one is insulting. We can make boys alright again by feminizing them. Just out & out insulting.
The second one isn't so bad, but it's just more of the same crap. Even the articles that treat the boy education crises use smoke & mirrors. These articles use psuedo-science to show "why boys natural suck" compared to girls. Izzatso? Then how come this has only been going on for the last 15 years? If they naturally suck then how come they haven't always sucked? And how come boys score so much higher than girls in japan?
They MENTION Christina Hoff Sommers name, but don't give her any article space (or quote her) in some kind of two-bit lip-service to open debate.
Nowhere is mentioned the IMMENSE changes in the way teaching is being done, due to the AAUW (american association of university women) releasing their bogus report: Short-change girls short-change america. Using this report they lobbied legislators, text book printers, and department of education directors to change the way teaching happens. Gone was recess, gone was competitive learning games, gone was war poems & mystery/horror novels, and they made the text-books more colorful to distract boys (who react differently to garishly colored objects--have you ever noticed when you're looking for something specific on the bathroom counter you're wife can find it no matter how many insanely colored consumer packages are on the counter?) and math books are over-whelming word problems. These feminist pig-dogs lobbied directly to those in control w/out consent of parents or teachers to F*CK Boys! Nuff said!
by jabes1966 on 11:54 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#14)
One last note. These feminists changed teaching methods for the WORSE for girls & boys. But much more so for boys.
American students consistently score much lower than all other industrialized nations. And that has accelerated astronomically under this insane teaching method. Just frigging unbelievable
by Uberganger on 08:34 AM January 24th, 2006 EST (#16)
I've read somewhere that, educationally speaking, science and engineering are in terminal decline in the USA. If things carry on as they are, in ten years time America won't be producing any science and engineering graduates worth counting, and will have to import all such professionals from abroad. It's the logical endpoint of playing to girl's 'strengths'. Or rather, their one strength, which is creative writing. It's surprising just how many subjects can be turned into creative writing, with knowledge replaced by opinion and emotion (more usually, emotionalism). However, with some subjects that just doesn't work, or does it? Here in the UK, physics education has been in decline since the early 1990s. In typical Socialist fashion, the government is considering creating a new kind of physics qualification which, rather than being about equations and principles and laws, will be about the social effects of physics. In other words, it'll be a creative-writing version of physics! Expect lots more female 'physics' graduates in future.
by Thundercloud on 11:35 AM January 24th, 2006 EST (#17)
This just goes to show that we Indians are on to something when we have said; Tinker with the natural order of things and we will destroy ourselves.
That's a bit out of context but it is applicable in this case, too.
We are messing around with the natural order of males and it WILL come back on us. It already is, I think. And the results COULD be catastrophic. And we have our good friends the feminists and their wussie-poopie "house boys" to thank for it.
I do, so hope, they will be held accountable for what they have done. I am not above public flogging for the lot of them, in this case.
"Hoka hey!"
I am not above public flogging for the lot of them, in this case.
Damn Thundercloud, I have a horsewhip here of which I'm not sure whether it's Lakota or Cheyenne. It has an artfully carved and coloured wooden handle and four rawhide straps of about one and a half foot long. A fine piece of native art and you made me wonder how it sounds when these rawhide straps strike a bare feminazi ass.
Damn, I would love to hear that sound.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Thundercloud on 09:35 AM January 25th, 2006 EST (#21)
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 10:31 AM January 25th, 2006 EST (#22)
I have thought in the past that stocks, head and hands locked up tight would go a long way to re-educate People that were anti-social. We could have a stream of People from the surrounding community pass by and tell the perp. what they thought about them. The length of time in the stocks would depend on the infraction against the People. If the crime is one of those that require removal from society for good, well then remove them. It is more of a crime to maintain prisons filled with actual murderers and rapists, than to end their existence. Prisons are just another cottage industry of control. By the way Thundercloud I agree with you "one hundred percent". The farther we go from nature, the worse we become. "It is a good day to die!"
by jlad1105 on 10:44 PM January 27th, 2006 EST (#24)
In the 01-30-06 edition of "The Nation," editorialist Katha Pollitt comments on this education issue with a piece titled "Girls Against Boys?" It's clearly another slap in the face (kick in the balls) to the entire male gender. In typical ultra-liberal vitriolic feminist rhetoric, she condemns the notion that America's school system is short-changing its male children; instead, perpetrating the myth that it's still a mysoginistic institution. There's too much in the article to mention here, but it's too aggravating to ignore. I wrote a rebuke to it, so I'll see if they have the courage to print it. After all, God forbid a man should talk back to a woman!
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