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by Davidadelong on 10:50 PM January 21st, 2006 EST (#1)
It is about time! How many Men are behind in their child support due to the fact that it isn't based on their actual income? If men were so violent I believe that the murder rate against Women would be tragic. But, cases like this shed some light on the facts. Women are much more devious, vengeful, and homocidal than Men. If only this would start a trend, if only........Perhaps we should do a study........The average Joe would be lucky if they were to have received the "justice" that this Guy did in life, he got his Kids, and in death, his ex is going to pay. Why isn't this on CNN, and all the other channels?
by OldManSenile on 07:57 AM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#2)
I'm not sure about Virgina laws, but where was CS at. She was $7,000 in arrears. Isn't $5,000 the magic number to have you put in jail, or does that just apply to men.
I'm thinking if they would have arrested her for 7 grand in arrears, the children would still have a father.
by gatsby on 12:04 PM January 24th, 2006 EST (#3)
You cannot take a mothers child away and expect her to be the same? God gives children to mothers? Do we even fit into this equation at all? No wonder guys feel like they are only good for procreation and financing. This woman in her pleas just summed up what they really think of us. We are disposable supplies. We supply them children and money. Anything else, (love, companionship), is just a bonus. We give them money to take care of women now, and children to take care of women later.
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