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by Thundercloud on 01:53 PM January 17th, 2006 EST (#1)
Isn't Selleck a conservative?
Or would that actually make any difference?
Any way, I did not watch this movie for two main reasons. One; I know that these movies are geared towards women. Two; Being such, I knew their would be the obligatory sexual violence against a man or several men, Because all movies and TV shows made for women have the same formula.
So, as you might understand, I am not at all shocked that this happened.
"Hoka hey!"
by Thundercloud on 02:15 PM January 17th, 2006 EST (#2)
I just learned, moments ago, of something rather disturbing.
The Quentin Tarantino movie "HOSTEL" which serves up gobs of anti-male sexual torture as "entertainment", has now topped "NARNIA" and "KING KONG" at the box office.
Frank Rich predicts that; "The torture movie will sweep the heart land".
If this is true, then you can expect Hollywood to crank out more and WORSE of these types of movies. And TV will also follow suit.
IMO, we are just now seeing the BEGINING of a trend that was already pretty bad, that will grow MUCH worse, within the next few years.
For almost a decade I have told anyone who would listen that THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!
I have contacted the media, I have contacted MRA groups. NO ONE seems to care about this.
And I can't understand why...
Where are we as a society...?
Where are we going...?
I think that depends on the men of this country. And if that's the case, from what I've seen, that ain't good.
"Hoka hey!"
by Thundercloud on 02:24 PM January 17th, 2006 EST (#3)
I have done a bit more digging on the reaction and reception of this movie (HOSTEL).
And I found something even MORE disturbing.
Guess who the primary audience members for this movie were?
I am beginning to question my position and effectiveness as an MRA.
Have I been wasting my time all these years? I must have, because movies like this keep getting made. MEN are the ones who go see them.
What's the point?
I have some thinking to do.
by Roy on 05:14 PM January 17th, 2006 EST (#4)
I still can't decide whether HOSTEL deserves special consideration as a misandrist movie, because what I've read suggests that neither the film-makers nor the audience care much about which gender is getting mutilated ... they just want shock and gore.
There's apparently an audience for this splatterfest genre that goes way back to Texas Chainsaw Massacre and other B-movie schlock.
The "artistry" of HOSTEL is alleged to be its sophisticated special effects and editing that up the ante on showing realistic torture.
I haven't yet been able to locate a web or mainstream media review that criticizes the film for being anti-male.
(Maybe because slaughtering men has become almost too trivial to notice....)
Has anyone got one?
by Davidadelong on 08:54 PM January 17th, 2006 EST (#6)
It is difficult to fight the mass medias advertising system. The finest propaganda machine that exists. But, I tell People about why they shouldn't spend their money to see such crap. By the way, your passion for this subject helped inform me, and I have a big mouth, so your efforts aren't entirely wasted! Discouragement is one of the hurdles that Warriors have to battle against when the real battle is not fought with weapons. Keep heart Thundercloud! "Hoka hey!" Sir!
by Ragtime on 12:38 AM January 18th, 2006 EST (#7)
You'll love this one, Thundercloud. I watched a review of this movie on TV and the (male) reviewer complained that "Hostel" was "misogynist." I'm not making this up.
Ok, so glorifying the torture, pain, and humiliation of men, cheapening the value men's very lives, and portraying them as acceptable targets for the most heinous violence is ... hateful towards women? The mind boggles.
Obviously the men in this movie, and what happens to them, truly DOESN'T MATTER -- it's beneath the radar. But the movie may not be continuously flattering toward women, so therefore is "misogynist."
Talk about indoctrination. I despair for our culture sometimes.
The Uppity Wallet
The opinions expressed above are my own,
but you're welcome to adopt them.
by Boy Genteel on 01:03 AM January 18th, 2006 EST (#8)
Who is the reviewer? Perhaps his review is online and we can try to reach him.
bg Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Thundercloud on 09:09 AM January 18th, 2006 EST (#11)
Yeah, I forgot to mention that I read one review, too, that said the film was "ANTI-WOMAN".(???)
From what I can tell there are maybe a couple of women in the film that are tortured, too. A COUPLE. But MOST of the people tortured are MEN.
And the most horrible forms of torture are saved for the male victims. Yet they say the movie is "misogynist".
That's like saying that a boat carrying 100 people blew up and everyone died, there were 99 men on board and one female, but the explosion only killed the woman. That ISN'T much of a stretch when illustrating the mind set of people who say things like that.
"Hoka hey!"
by Daoistfire on 08:07 AM January 18th, 2006 EST (#10)
The men who watch it possibly a homo or a bisexual. Who are also widely supported by the feminist.
(Surprisely most of the female like homos and bisexual man)
by Thundercloud on 09:27 AM January 18th, 2006 EST (#12)
That's what I thought, too.
It would make more sense (sort of) if the males seeing this movie were gay or bisexual.
I know that sado-masochism is a big deal in the "gay community". I don't know why, but it just is.
Frankly I can't understand why ANYONE, gay, straight, bi, or what ever would not only want to see a movie like this but get off sexually on it, as well.
And also, I truly DO believe that Quentin Tarantino is, indeed, a closet homosexual. Why else would he not only produce such horrifically dehumanizing, sexual torture of men, but ENJOY it, as well??
The thing that disturbs me most is, if these male audience members are not gay or bi, and are straight WHY would they WANT to see other men tortured, sodomised, humiliated and degraded? WHAT is the attraction? That is the question.
And before some feminist jumps down my throat; NO, I don't think it would be better if the victims were FEMALE. Sick is sick, I don't care who or what you are. If the primary victims were female it would be JUST as WRONG. The difference (and problem)is; when the victims are female, we hear concern about it. but not when the victims are male...
"Hoka hey!"
by MR on 03:26 AM January 18th, 2006 EST (#9)
So many offenders, so many signs to make, but Hollywood is close and the signs are big. Don't give up TC, I'll make an effort to have Hollywood see our written rebutal, when all the tourists are out on the Blvd. this Summer. Stay tuned. I've protested there before and was thinking just last night what big sign I'd like to take to the Academy Awards this year if I get the chance again.
Last year my sing made it onto AP (Associated Press).
What sign would I take this year if I get the chance?
by Davidadelong on 08:49 PM January 17th, 2006 EST (#5)
I e-mailed CBS and complained about the obvious propaganda that they put forth in the guise as entertainment. I wonder, if it will do any good, it might if enough People would do the same.
by Luek on 10:28 AM January 18th, 2006 EST (#13)
Tom Selleck then kicks Baldwin in the groin."
Tom Selleck hasn't had much work lately. I guess he will do anything to get some acting time in to pay the bills.
Of course this Baldwin character could have refused to do such a demeaning role too.
by MR on 01:31 PM January 18th, 2006 EST (#14)
Here's an article with Stephen Baldwin's email address at the bottom. It seems he's a allegedly "Christian"
Stephen Baldwin uses extreme sports
in ‘Livin’ It’ 3003.html
Taking a role in a movie, any movie, that denigrates the role of men in our society, just doesn't strike me as very "Christian" behavior.
by MR on 01:32 PM January 18th, 2006 EST (#15)
No spaces are supposed to be in that link.
by MAUS on 07:17 PM January 19th, 2006 EST (#16)
This was my letter to the CBS link posted....may it inspire some future mouse.
I am a men's advocacy advocate. The tendency in the popular media to revile and vilify men and to portray them as fair game for physical abuse in response to a chronic misandrist view subscribed to by feminists and their misguided masochist groupies,,,,,aw shit......I tried....really I did....just can't keep up the pretense....
You pathetic clump of kelp. Is this the sort of thing you have to do to get your feminazi dominatrix to piss on you? "
by Thundercloud on 12:29 PM January 20th, 2006 EST (#17)
Where ya been???
"Hoka hey!"
by MAUS on 07:19 PM January 20th, 2006 EST (#18)
Aho! Thundercloud! As the local natives where I live say "Noh gogh ch'mahg" (I come in the name of all my relations)
Last little while I have been saving up my rattlesnake venom for a few very carefully selected bites. Had a good year. The old fangs hurt a little and I got a couple of trips to the dentist coming up....but it sure felt good to bite,
How is the ground standing buffalo of this site doing?
by Thundercloud on 02:55 PM January 21st, 2006 EST (#19)
Who? You mean me?
Oh, I'm doing okay.
I'm not too pleased to see that the main audience for HOSTEL is male, though.
I don't surprise or shock easily, but I was when I read that.
"Hoka hey!"
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