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by Luek on 08:16 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#1)
Eligible male military veterans can't access the VA Medical system because of the lack of funds but VAWA gets a 20% increase in its funding.
Just can't wait until the next round of elections!
by Davidadelong on 08:46 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#2)
If only an election could stop this dog and pony show! More money for divisionary propaganda, less money for actual service to the People, anyone see a trend? It doesn't make any difference which "party" is voted in in this country, as both are either side of the same coin...."It is a good day to die!" Just my opinion Folks........
by MR on 11:18 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#8)
"If only an election could stop this dog and pony show! More money for divisionary propaganda, less money for actual service to the People, anyone see a trend?"
The Gender Feminist Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the Feminazis of the United States of America... nation, under gender feminism, divided, with liberty and justice only for women and other selected groups (males not included).
by Luek on 02:03 PM January 9th, 2006 EST (#11)
If only an election could stop this dog and pony show!
Yes, I know that if voting would change anything for oppressed men then it would probably be outlawed.
But I will be letting my Representatives and Senators know that the reason I am voting against them is because of their support for VAWA. And not for policy in Iraq or some damned tax break we didn't get and never will.
This seems like an area to PUSH !
Write to all you current and ex military buddies and organisations and STIR things up a Lot ! ! !
by federico on 08:59 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#3)
As reported by now "Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime":
"Whoever...utilizes any device or software that can be used to originate telecommunications or other types of communications that are transmitted, in whole or in part, by the Internet... without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person...who receives the communications...shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both."
And this was passed with the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act.Now, besides the "his identity" (does it means that a woman can do it?!), just immagine the extension of this thing. How dangerous for our freedom of expression.
by Davidadelong on 09:05 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#5)
What Freedom? Or, are you referring to the illusion of FREEDOM that we are told that we have here? Would someone Please tell me where the land of the free really is?
by federico on 09:59 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#7)
no, but honestly, does the use of "his" make the law appliable to man only?
by Demonspawn on 01:59 PM January 10th, 2006 EST (#17)
Well, not quite men ONLY, but men in 95% of the cases.
From lence-against-women-act_18.html
"When ideology trumps justice, freedom loses. When government mandates quotas of a maximum of 5% of arrestees can be women, when the science says the 50/50 is more like it, any idiot can see that we have a problem."
Quite frankly, the law shot itself in the foot. Mandating a maximum of 5% female arrestees unequivocally violates the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, which guarantees equal protection under the law irregardless of a number of criteria, most specifically gender.
by federico on 09:00 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#4)
 | +jail/2010-1028_3-6022491.html?part=rss&tag=602249 1&subj=news
by Tumescent on 09:22 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#6)
Interesting story. Thanks for the link. More proof that Bush II is clearly the worst President we've EVER had. Worse than Buchannan, worse than Harding...even worse than Jimmy Carter.
by Thundercloud on 11:31 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#9)
So the federal government is finally reaching out to American Indians.
Oh, No, Wait, Just the WOMEN. Are they doing it out of the goodness of their hearts? Nope. They just want to get into the lives and pockets of all the men that they can for all the more money that they can get out of the DV industry.
Never mind that American Indian men have the highest suicide rate of ANY ethnicity IN THE WORLD. Not just the country, THE WORLD!
Never mind that Indian men are the victims of violence (including by women) than any other ethnicity IN THE WORLD. Never mind that Indian men are the majority of homeless, unemployed and destitute on any given reservation.
Never mind that Indian men are murdered more often than any other ethnicity IN THE WORLD.
Never mind that Indian men have one of the highest rates of drug and alcohol abuse in the country. Never mind that American Indian men suffer from depression at higher rates than most other ethnic groups.
Oh, hell, never mind Indian men at all. Their just men. And worse their a bunch of "stinkin' Injuns", We're just a bunch of "prairie niggers", Just let us all die.
At this point if anyone DOESN'T see that the federal government is trying to literally bring men to their knees as a subjugated class, then you've got to be brain dead.
WHEN will we stand up to this crap, as all men, with one voice and say; 'ENOUGH, already? This is America, for God's sake.'
Oh, yeah, Speaking of God, I almost forgot. MOST traditional Indian men believe in God, too. That makes us even more vile and kill-worthy...
On behalf of Native American Men, every where, I say; "F*@k you Federal Government!"
"Hoka hey!"
by Baniadam on 12:26 PM January 9th, 2006 EST (#10)
Feminism wants the “family” within the political sphere.
Government since time memorial wanted more power; the family is the last bastion that is not under their full control. Maybe they are trying to break it so they can build it to something more malleable & docile.
Or maybe it just conspiracy.
Indian "prairie niggers", that is a new one to me.
Don’t worry, the “Sand Niggers” are getting it worse right now. Iraq a country were at one time suicide was unheard of within it boards, not anymore. As to being prosecuted, if are above the age of 15 and male don’t be surprised to be arrested by the new terro- Oops I mean liberators. What I am trying to say is there are always people getting it worse than you; just food for thought. This world is depressing.
Anyway I will join in your cry though I am neither Indian nor American
BIG TIME + “F*@k you Federal Government!”
(Ok I am having major problems connecting with this site.. I keeping getting time outs anyone else getting this)
by MR on 04:57 PM January 9th, 2006 EST (#12)
"So the federal government is finally reaching out to American Indians.
Oh, No, Wait, Just the WOMEN. Are they doing it out of the goodness of their hearts? Nope. They just want to get into the lives and pockets of all the men that they can for all the more money that they can get out of the DV industry."
Big sister, under the guise of domestic violence law, is extending her ugly, Stalinist, oppression more and more every day. My sympathies brother, everyman is a target of their hatred.
by Roy on 09:29 PM January 9th, 2006 EST (#14)
Thundercloud you always hit the nail bang on!
Your people barely survived a federally sanctioned tax-payer funded genocide.
(Don't ask me to quote statistics because they can be had by Googling "The Trail of Tears.")
Now, all men are confronting what may amount to GENDERCIDE ...
Are we not targeted for extinction?
If not, please make a case for our Evil Patriarchal survival!
Personally, I believe it is important for every American man who believes he is exempt from feminist persecution to read about the history of Native Americans.
Thundercloud, what did your people call themselves, before their name was stolen away by the Great White Father?
I believe it might have been --
Cherokee - Corruption of the Lower-dialect Cherokee term "Tsa-ra-gi". Cherokees also called themselves "ani-uni-wa" or "principal people". Cherokee County, Georgia was the parent county of numerous other North Georgia counties. It was formed in 1831 by Georgia legislature to include what was then the Cherokee nation. It was subdivided in 1832 into 11 counties.
What a clever word for slaughter....
by Thundercloud on 11:18 AM January 10th, 2006 EST (#16)
We called (call) ourselves Ani-yun-wiya. It means; "The principal people". Most names that Indian nations call themselves means that though.
The word "Cherokee" comes from the name the Creek tribe called us, and it is "Tsalagi". The name meant; "people of a different language" or; "People of another language".
We've since adopted the name in reference to ourselves. So it's not unusual to hear a Cherokee call himself/herself Cherokee, Tsalagi, or our original name Ani-yun-wiya.(Some people pronounce it "Ani-yun-wayo".) There are at least three variations of the name, that I'm aware of, because there were originally three Cherokee dialects, one is now "extinct". I, personally, grew up speaking the Southern dialect.
Hope that helps.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 09:53 AM January 10th, 2006 EST (#15)
On behalf of anyone with a brain, I say F**K you federal gov.! I had an interesting conversation with a federal investigator the other day at a dog park that I take my dog to. I gave him an ear full, and I also told him that if we meet in a professional capacity in the future that I wouldn't hold it against him. Funny thing was he agreed with a lot of what I had to say, not all. He had a couple of nice dogs! We are all being manipulated, and American Indian People are being pushed harder because they haven't given in, and haven't given up the lands and rights that they were able to keep. "It is a good day to die!"
It looks like our beloved government will never learn that there's no gender in violence! But thundercloud, also as a result of this, two generations of black males [myself included] might experience suicide...this Bush has got to go! He's ruined this country!
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by Night Angel on 08:33 PM January 10th, 2006 EST (#19)
"...this Bush has got to go! He's ruined this country!"
Yes, he has ruined this country, but it's too late to do anything about it. He's already in his second term; he can do pretty much anything he wants without worrying about losing a re-election.
by Thundercloud on 12:18 PM January 11th, 2006 EST (#20)
Yes, you are, indeed, correct. Black men HAVE and still DO suffer.
The difference is, that you at least see and hear things about what Blacks endure. You NEVER see or here anything about what Indians go through, especially when it comes to the media.
Most folks here wouldn't know even one scintilla of American Indian problems if I didn't write about it, here on MANN.
They sure won't hear about it from the media.
"Hoka hey!"
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