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Japan: Divorce Boom on Deck
posted by Matt on 06:25 AM January 4th, 2006
Divorce This article demonstrates the effects that government-induced financial incentives have on people as they evaluate marriage, or staying married, as the case may be. The result is no surprise, really. Excerpt:

With a new law set to come into force in 2007 allowing ex-wives to claim half their husband's pension, domestic media are warning of a possible divorce boom.

The number of Japanese couples parting ways has risen rapidly over the past 20 years to a 2002 peak of 290,000, while divorce among those married more than 20 years has increased even faster.

Now figures are drifting downwards, but many commentators speculate that women -- who initiate the majority of divorces -- are holding out until 2007.

Wait 'til the law is in effect, then take the old man for half, or better -- simple enough, yes?

Comparing Justice: Men vs Women | Mine Tragedy - Men as Casualties of Work  >

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Just like here? (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 08:52 AM January 4th, 2006 EST (#1)
A friend of mine who is on social security divorced in OR ten years ago. All of his Children were over the age of 18. He still was ordered to pay alimony for ten years. He wasn't disabled at the time of the divorce. But, OR didn't adjust his $400.00 a month payment when he went on "ss" disability. His ex refuses to marry her long time "boyfriend" until the payments stop. He was a certified mechanic. Talk about blood money!
Re:Just like here? Yep! US Social Security Scam (Score:2)
by Roy on 06:48 PM January 4th, 2006 EST (#3)
The US Social Security system is still stuck in the 1950's mentality, when stay-at-home mothers and work-all-the-time dads were the norm.

Today, a divorced woman who was married for ten years or more can file for Social Security benefits under her husband's account, and receive higher payments based on his lifetime contributions.

This option is apparently available even to women who worked part- or full-time as they pursued the mommie track or just elected to be a stay-at-home wife.

The majority of divorce law in the US, Britain, and Canada is now clearly about redistributing the man's wealth, obligating his future earnings, and if possible, criminalizing him for ever getting married in the first place.

I agree 100% with Thundercloud's comment following.... it's gonna blow up soon and women are not going to feel especially cherished when it does.

Few thinking males are contemplating marriage anytime soon under the current "rules."

You can appreciate the Social Security Administration's on-line publication "What Every Woman Should Know..." at --

Japan. It was nice while it lasted. (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 01:02 PM January 4th, 2006 EST (#2)
well, It looks like we might as well scratch Japan off the list of countries to find decent women to marry.
Apparently the women there are becoming the same self centered spoiled, coddled children that so many American women have become.

Take heart, though. In the end, I believe that this type of treatment of men is going to come to a head, relatively soon, and it's going to blow up in the faces of women everywhere.

It reminds me of another Cherokee saying: "Even the most agreeable dog will eventually bite you if you kick him often enough..."

  "Hoka hey!"
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