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Salon.com Advice Columnist Excuses F-on-M DV
posted by Matt on 12:11 PM January 3rd, 2006
Domestic Violence The only good news about this piece is that the readers' comments are uniformly against the "advice" the columnist serves up to the letter-writer.

Note that to see premium content (though I myself wouldn't call it that), one must either subscribe to salon.com or put up with watching a 4-page ad for something. At least the ad allows fast click-through to get to the content, and given what a blatantly outrageous apology for F-on-M battery the response represents, it's worth the hassle.

Feel free to make ample use of the "Make a comment to the editor." link as well as the "Post a letter about this article" button.

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This reminds me of when... (Score:1)
by GregA on 03:42 PM January 3rd, 2006 EST (#1)
I had an ex. When it went bad she cut off my nose. The physical violence thing only gets worse.

She was eventually convicted for it. Only because I had become afraid of her, and was filing a police report every time she stalked me. Even then, after that attack, it took almost a year for the police to catch her, as IIRC "They dont do extradiction from other states for things like this". However, she only got like 6 month is the pokey.
Re:This reminds me of when... (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar on 05:14 PM January 3rd, 2006 EST (#2)
My first wife's Step Mother had anger management issues and physically abused her daughter. My Second wife's ex's Wife held a loaded Gun to her head and also threatened her children and Step Children. I was fishing with my Father in 1995 at Lake Lavon with the Uncle and Aunt of Darliee Routier.

Darliee is convicted of the murder of her two sons. We were fishing in the slip next to Darliee's Aunt and Uncle the morning the News broke. Women can be and are frequently as violent as Men. A law suit in California against a Shelter has been filed by a Father and His daughter denied access to the shelter. The Mother pointed a loaded Twelve gauge at the Daughter and admits she batters. Yet she was told she "Was the Victim".
Of course it is the guys fault! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 05:18 PM January 3rd, 2006 EST (#3)
I was amazed at the fact that the columnist lays the blame on the victim. Even after going through enough psycho babble to bore most People she still lays the blame on the poor Guy. If this fellow does stay with this abusive Female, when and if he tires of her abuse, if he lashes out and strikes her, he will go to jail. At least I hope that most People will see the fault with this kind of "crap"!
Re: More balanced article in AARP magazine on-line (Score:2)
by Roy on 09:15 PM January 3rd, 2006 EST (#4)
The JAN/FEB '06 edition of AARP The Magazine includes a feature article on DV with a senior-spin on it titled -- "A Nation’s Shame: The Secret Scars of Domestic Violence."

Interestingly, the on-line version (link below) has a revised title -- "And Then He Hit Me."

The piece provides multiple case studies of DV victims, and includes three or four men, and at least acknowledges female battering of men --

"Although it occurs less often, men also fall prey to domestic violence. But while an estimated 15 percent of all the victims of intimate-partner violence are men, the number of reported woman-on-man incidents is negligible. The reason may be that no matter how bad the abuse, men in their prime are typically able to withstand the assaults of women. A more likely explanation is that men simply are unwilling to report that they've been assaulted by a woman."

The author speculates about some of the complex factors in intimate partner conflict, which at least refrains from accepting the entire feminist Duluth "power & control" model:

"... 'late-onset domestic violence,' happens when a long, ordinary marriage unexpectedly leads to a coda of brutality and fear. There may have been a strained relationship or emotional abuse earlier that got worse when a partner aged. When abuse begins, it is likely to be triggered by retirement, the changing role of family members, sexual changes, or disability. For example, one spouse's failing health—the onset of incontinence, for example—can trigger verbal or physical violence by his or her partner."

The writer repeats the discredited stats on "85% of DV victims are women..." and ignores all compteting data.

Still, this publication adds a bit of evidence to the trend to get away from lobotomized radical feminist ideology and begin to look more objectively at domestic violence.

Full article link at --

http://www.aarpmagazine.org/family/domestic_violen ce.html
Re:Of course it is the guys fault! (Score:2)
by Luek on 12:18 AM January 4th, 2006 EST (#5)
when and if he tires of her abuse, if he lashes out and strikes her, he will go to jail. At least I hope that most People will see the fault with this kind of "crap"!

I for one am tried of the man getting abused by the sorry stinking cops when he is the victim. I just pray for the day I get called for jury duty on one of these DV cases where the man is accused of abuse because he defended himself.
Re:Of course it is the guys fault! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 09:07 AM January 4th, 2006 EST (#6)
I've been told, and I can't confirm the information that jury's are pre screened by computer before they get selected. If that is the case you would never get selected to even be disqualified, as you are active for Men's rights.
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