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by Davidadelong on 11:48 PM January 1st, 2006 EST (#1)
It is funny that most of the People that I meet that are divorced tell me that either they initiated the divorce, mostly Women, or they were totally surprised by the situation and were taken to the proverbial cleaners, mostly Men. In the area that I live in if a Man doesn't "hook up" with a Woman they mysteriously have a very hard time surviving. Oh well, it just shows that propaganda is alive and well in the home of the free, could someone tell me where that is?
by Roy on 01:19 PM January 2nd, 2006 EST (#3)
The forlorn and rejected divorcee writes --
"So I was predictably stunned and devastated when, on our 40th wedding anniversary, my husband presented me with a divorce. I knew our first anniversary would be paper, but never expected the 40th would be papers, 16 of them meticulously detailing my faults and flaws, the reason our marriage, according to him, was over."
After reading her woeful self-pitying essay, I cannot imagine wasting the time to compile 16 pages of her faults supporting a divorce petition.
This woman is terminally BORING and no quantity of home-baked pies can compensate a husband for being married to a walking lobotomy case like this.
And she still writes that she had a "successful" marriage!
You can purchase her book on for $.01.
Gives a whole new meaning to the cliche --- "A penny for your thoughts...."
by Davidadelong on 08:59 PM January 2nd, 2006 EST (#6)
Getting published isn't as easy as all that! I tried to get a book of poetry published, I was told to pursue my next degree which would facilitate my desire to publish my poetry. I therefore printed my book, my second is at the printers now. Once having book in hand one finds how difficult it is to get it distributed. I just don't write stuff that is status quo, but I will continue. I give them away. Maybe my progeny will benefit.
by Roy on 10:20 PM January 3rd, 2006 EST (#9)
One of my youthful political mentors used to observe that the best route to ensuring "freedom of the press" was to own your own newspaper.
(He was assassinated in 1982.)
On a cheerier note, you have to admit that the web has created perhaps the best hope for democratizing expression that we will see in our lifetimes.
And already there are serious forces arrayed to commercialize, tax, regulate, and restrict access.
Have you tried publishing your work on-line for a download-and-print-it-yourself e-book type thing?
Then again, last time I checked, only about .001% of Americans ever read poetry, so you've surely staked out a hard slog.
Best of luck!
by Davidadelong on 09:15 AM January 4th, 2006 EST (#10)
Life is a hard slog! I give my books away, I actually like it this way. It isn't about the money, although I could use it, it is about the content. I have thought about going online with my book, but as you have said most People don't seek out poetry, so I have gotten a very good response by giving my books away, People seem to read it because it was a gift. Thank you for the kind wishes!
by Thundercloud on 12:47 PM January 2nd, 2006 EST (#2)
Wow. the NEW YORK TIMES ignoring and neglecting facts. That's unusual.
"Hoka hey!"
by khankrumthebulgar on 04:38 PM January 2nd, 2006 EST (#4)
NY Slimes has been run for decades by Maginas and FemNags. This is news? Since when? Who cares what the NY Slimes writes. Where does Maureen Dowd work? Yeah you guessed it as a columnist no less.
My question "Is Maureen Dowd Necessary"? Don't marry, don't date AW/WW. Stay single do your own thing, live your own script. You have no obligation to support a Government or system that dispises you. Screw them.
by Roy on 08:13 PM January 2nd, 2006 EST (#5)
I think Maureen Dowd is one revolting feminist hack.
That's why I like her.
She is just so openly stupid and honest.
Those are rare qualities in a woman.
You usually only get one or the other.
(The unstupid ones are typically dishonest; and the honest ones tend to disguise their stupidity...)
See for an excellent review of her latest book "Are Men Necessary?" -- at --- ndex2.html
(You may have to watch an ad to get your "free pass" to read the entire article....)
by Dittohd on 09:35 PM January 2nd, 2006 EST (#8)
Can you believe the nerve of this woman?
First she complains that she got alimony only for four years that only amounted to her previous household expenses. Then she has the nerve to admit that she accepted a job as mayor (bragging?) for only $8,000 per year and kept the position for six years!
I guess a real job was too far beneath her. I say a real job because minimum wage at the current $5.15 would have grossed her $10,300 per year if she worked 40 hours per week for only 50 weeks (I even gave her two weeks off). That means she could have done better as a starter at Taco Bell or McDonald's, been doing work that was closer to what she was used to, started with more money, and worked her way up from there, even to management after not too long.
With a brain like the one she's got, she should be thanking her lucky stars her husband didn't leave her a lot sooner.
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