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by Underage on 05:15 PM December 30th, 2005 EST (#1)
That's a really an awesome idea but let us make sure that we don't get to extreme with our views and make up false facts like the femies have been caught doing. Most of all let's not teach young men to hate women like some feminists have been trying to make young women go into the world hating all men. Besides that though, this project seems like an amazing idea and I wish all of you involved with it the best of luck!
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by Roy on 01:47 PM December 31st, 2005 EST (#10)
A little googling will turn up hundreds of references to "men's studies." (Make sure you use the quotation marks around the search term or you will get millions of women's studies links.)
Most men's studies courses and programs seem to already have been co-opted as sub-divisions of feminist-dominated "gender studies."
There's an interesting academic history at the American Men's Studies Association web site -
One common theme among men's studies programs is that none of them refute, reject, or assertively critique feminism.
Most are about the gendered construction of masculinity, revisioning/reforming masculinity, or overcoming the oppression of masculinity.
And, at present, there are hundreds of Women's Studies departments augmented by hundreds of Women's Centers at virtually every college and university in FemAmerica.
Here's just 10% of what a Men's Studies movement will be up against (and the list is not inclusive) --
Amherst College Women's Center
Bates College Women's Center
Beloit College Womyn's Center
Boise State University Women's Center
Boston College Women's Resource Center
Bowling Green State University
Bridgewater State College Women's Studies
Brown University's Sarah Doyle Women's Center r/
Bryant College Women's Center
Bucknell University Women's Resource Center
Cal Tech's Women's Center
California State University Fullerton Women's Center
California State Universtiy Long Beach Women's Center
Carnegie Mellon University Women's Center
Cornell University Women's Resource Center
CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY The Eileen B. Lieben Center for Women
Dartmouth College Center for Women and Gender
Denison University Women's Programs
Donnelly College Women's Center (Junior College)
Duke University Women's Center
East Tennessee State University Women's Resource Center
Eastern Michigan University Women's Center
Emory Women's Center
Georgetown University Women's Center ml
Georgia Institute of Technology Women's Center
Greenfield Community College Women's Resource Center
Idaho State University, Janet C. Anderson Gender Resource Center
Indiana University Office for Women's Affairs
Indiana University/ Purdue University Office for Women
Iowa State University Margaret Sloss Women's Center
Johnson & Wales University Women's Center
Kansas State University Women's Center
Kent State University Women's Resource Center
Lehigh University Women's Center
Louisiana State University Women's Center
Marshall University Women's Center
Mercer University Women & Gender Studies
Miami University Women's Center
Michigan State University
Middle Tennessee State University Women's Center
Minnesota State University (Mankato) Women's Center
Montana State University
Monterey Peninsula College Women's Center omen_programs.htm
Murray State University Women's Center r/index.htm
Newcomb College Center for Research on Women
New Mexico Tech, Connexions: Women's Resources
North Carolina State University Women's Center
Northern Kentucky University Women's Center
Northwestern University Women's Center
Old Dominion University, Women's Center
Oregon State University Women's Center
Plymouth State College Women's Services and Gender Resources
Portland Community College Sylvania Women's Resource Center
Portland State University Women's Resource Center
Princeton University Women's Center
Purdue University Women's Resource Office
Ramapo College of New Jersey Women's Center ex.html
Rochester Institute of Technology (R.I.T.) Women's Resource Center
Sarah Lawrence College Women's Center
Seattle Central Community College Women's Programs
Seattle University Wismer Women's Center
Shippensburg University Women's Center
Slippery Rock University Women's Center
Sonoma State University Women's Resource Center
Southern Methodist University Women's Center
Southern Oregon University Women's Resource Center
St. Cloud State University Women's Center
St. Mary's College of California Women's Resource Center e_admissions/student_life_and_services/student_sup port/womens_resource_center/
St. Michael's College - The Women's Center
St. Norbert College Women's Center
Stanford University Women's Center
State University of New York Brockport Women's Center
Texas A&M Women's Center
Texas Tech Women's Studies Program
Trinity College Women's Center
Truman State University Women's Resource Center
Tufts University Women's Center
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Women's Resource Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks Women's Center
University of Arizona Women's Resource Center
University of British Columbia, Women's Services Office
University of California (Davis), Women's Resources and Research Center
University of California (Irvine) Center for Women
University of California (Riverside) Women's Resource Center
University of California (San Diego) Women's Center
University of California (San Francisco) Center for Gender Equity
University of California (Santa Barbara) Women's Center'scenter/
University of California (Santa Cruz) Women's Center
University of Cincinnati Women's Center
University of Colorado Women's Resource Center http://www.Colorado.EDU/WomensResourceCenter/
University of Connecticut Women's Center
University of Dayton Women's Center
University of Georgia Women's Studies
University of Houston Women's Resource Center
University of Idaho Women's Center
University of Iowa, Women's Resource and Action Center
University of Kansas Emily Taylor Women's Resource Center
University of Louisville Women's Center
University of Maine (Orono) Women's Resource Center
University of Maryland Baltimore County Women's Resource Center
University of Massachusetts ( Dartmouth) Women's Resource Center
University of Massachusetts Everywoman's Center
University of Michigan Center for the Education of Women
University of Michigan Dearborn Women's Resource Center
University of Minnesota (Duluth) Women's Resource & Action Center
University of Minnesota - Morris Women's Resource Center
University of Minnesota Office of University Women
University of Missouri (Kansas City) Women's Center
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nevada (Las Vegas) Jean Nidetch Women's Center
University of Nevada (Reno) Women's Resource Center
University of New Mexico Women's Resource Center
University of New Orleans Women's Center temporarily unavailable due to Hurricane Katrina
University of North Carolina Women's Center
University of North Florida Women's Center
University of North Texas Women's Center
University of Notre Dame Women's Resource Center
University of Oklahoma Women's Outreach Center
University of Oregon Women's Center
University of Rochester's Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Leadership
University of Scranton Jane Kopas Women's Center
University of South Carolina, Upstate (Formerly Spartanburg) womens_studies/womens_studies.asp
University of Southern Maine Women's Center
University of Southern Mississippi Women's Studies
University of St. Thomas Luann Dummer Center for Women
University of Texas at Dallas Galerstein Women's Center
University of Texas at El Paso Women's Resource Center
University of Toledo Catharine S. Eberly Center for Women
University of Utah Women's Center
University of Vermont Women's Center
University of Virginia Women's Center
University of Washington Women's Center
University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Women's Center
University of Wyoming Women's Center
Utah State University Women's Center and Re-entry Student Center
Vanderbilt University Margaret Cuninggim Women's Center
Vassar College Women's Center
Virginia Tech, The Women's Center
Washtenaw Community College
West Chester University Women's Center
Western Carolina University Women's Center
Western Illinois University Women's Center
William Paterson University of New Jersey Women's Center
Wright State University Women's Center
Women's Resource Center, Durango, Colorado
Women Supporting Women
Great idea Scott. Maybe you can list some of the tasks that you need help with and we can each do a bit. I know I would like to help out when I have the time.
I will never forget calling the administration of the University of Maryland when my daughter was a student there and asking the representative why there were no Men's Studies. Do you know what he told me? I am not making this up, he said "There is no men's studies department because men have never been oppressed." This is what they are thinking. Men have never been oppressed. lol The intellectual climate is such that it is assumed that women have been oppressed for thousands of years. There has been some serious brainwashing going on. Much work to be done.
by MR on 10:50 PM December 30th, 2005 EST (#3)
Here's an article I'd like to submit for consideration into the curriculum,
The Eternal Silence of a Unique Group of Men - Remembering America's War Dead Who Never Had The Right to Vote
I found out after discussing this article online that UK men in WWI could not vote if they were not land owners. Imagine how many U.K. men died for their country without ever having the right to vote. Also, women routinely gave men white feathers if they thought they should be "off to war" defending them, and the U.K.
Women talk a lot about not having the right to vote, but when you look at all the men and women born in the 20th Century, it is men whose voting rights were the most oppressed. When we look at the most recent history of voting rights oppression by gender it is again males who have been most oppressed.
MR - as in Men's Rights
by brotherskeeper on 01:02 AM December 31st, 2005 EST (#5)
by Davidadelong on 08:35 AM December 31st, 2005 EST (#7)
"Which would be better?" "forcing them in one way or another to do away with their devisive women and gender studies programs."
I am in total agreement. One can only hope that by the time a Male or Female gets into college that they know what gender they are. In so far as studying oppression, well I don't believe that it is gender specific. In so far as your query, I wonder my self, although I have a good idea from what I've seen. The seed of change only needs the tears of the oppressed to blossom and grow!
all women's studies programs should be eliminated.
So should black studies.
these dumbholes at universities need to grow up and deal with REAL problems the students will be facing when they graduate.
liberal brainwashing - that's what's it is
by Roy on 03:09 PM December 31st, 2005 EST (#11)
If you are not a TROLL with a handle, you certainly qualify for the dumbest-asswipe that's ever posted here.
Please.... enroll in a local community college and learn how to think!
Oh, I certainly endorse your "program" for making society better.
by Roy on 11:47 PM December 31st, 2005 EST (#15)
Any MRA that chooses to write "XXXXX should be eliminated..."
is a dumbass.
Tired, tired, tired.... of all these silly drive-by men's rights activists.
Call 911 and get a restraining order, please.
by Roy on 01:03 AM January 1st, 2006 EST (#17)
Every act and expression of resistance against feminist tyrany is useful.
It's important at this infant stage in the men's rights movement to value every act of outrage as a sacrifice in a very, very long-range campaign.
No man living today will see "liberated" men on this planet.
Tell me I'm wrong?
by Dittohd on 02:08 AM January 1st, 2006 EST (#18)
>Every act and expression of resistance against feminist tyrany is useful.
>It's important at this infant stage in the men's rights movement to value every act of outrage as a sacrifice in a very, very long-range campaign.
I agree, but I think we can do some really serious damage if we are selective in our actions, choosing the ones that will do the most for the most. Even though I'm supporting this project, I don't believe it will do a lot of good because I think that the men's programs will end up not teaching what we want to be taught and the women's studies programs will continue on their merry way teaching what they've been teaching all along.
>No man living today will see "liberated" men on this planet
>Tell me I'm wrong?
Does the existence of government nix being liberated? How about taxes? Or just high taxes?
I suspect we're getting into a really philosophical discussion that could really go on and on and on. What about smart people who have more than one passport (dual citizenship) from more than one country and spend most or all their time in other countries? For instance, if I was living this way in another country and was ordered to pay alimony for years and years after a contentious divorce, I could just pick up and move to another country. No big deal. I think I read once that the U.S. is the only country that taxes the income of its citizens that they make overseas. Seems like it wouldn't be too hard to do away with that requirement depending on a person's priorities.
Since we all have different priorities and desires, there are always different countries we can go to for different sets of rules, but total liberation? I'm not sure that could ever exist for a population or country but it could for a smart and cagey individual.
Have you seen the latest list of the top ten conservative colleges in America? Notice the excerpt that states:
Furthermore, they avoid trends in academe by continuing to study Western Civilization instead of straying toward the study of Marxism, feminism, sexuality, postmodernism, and other modern distractions that do not give students a complete understanding of our country, our culture, and its founding principles...
With the college population of males dwindling, I wonder how these colleges are faring in comparison to all the others.
I wonder. Would it be possible for the conservative movement to take over all the colleges in America, one by one or even faster, until we were totally in control of this important segment of our society? Now I think that would be worth working for!
Dittohd All anonymous postings on my screen are filtered. To talk with or debate me, a user ID is now required. Thanks.
by Roy on 02:28 PM January 1st, 2006 EST (#19)
The inspiring post was merely this ---
" ... all women's studies programs should be eliminated. So should black studies. These dumbholes at universities need to grow up and deal with REAL problems the students will be facing when they graduate.
liberal brainwashing - that's what's it is.."
Now, there must be at least one reasonable common ground that liberals and conservatives agree upon... yes?
That would simply be that any movement dedicated to the elimination of THOUGHT is silly on it's face, and deserves ridicule and contempt, followed by much laughter!
There is nothing to respect about an opinion that mandates that (logically by extrapolation)all competing opinions should be banned...
The original poster argues for a mass societal lobotomy, a procedure he has apparently already personally experienced.
by Roy on 12:27 AM January 2nd, 2006 EST (#24)
Nice bit of irony.
Or, were you just spewing your version of truth?
Either way, point taken.
And..... dismissed with respect.
by Davidadelong on 09:40 PM December 31st, 2005 EST (#12)
I suggest that you read "A Peoples History Of The United States" by Howard Zinn. The struggles of the American People should be used as an example, because history has the habit of repeating it self. White Men are not the only pissed off People in this country. I have met many fine People in my life, and it wasn't because of their color or gender, it was because of their actions. Anyway, divisionary philosophys based on color are supported by the government, divide and conquer, but that is something one might learn at a university. Just my opinion...........
by MR on 12:03 PM January 2nd, 2006 EST (#25)
Good points Erica, good insights. Eliminating those programs and integrating Black Studies curriculum and Women's Studies curriculum into other curriculums has been discussed in Academia for some time and that has been done to some degree at some colleges and universities.
Sadly, the whole communist/socialist agenda lingers in most of the liberal arts classes, right alongside most of the male bashing and white race bashing rhetoric. Apparently, ojectivity is ananthama to those disciplines.
Political Science and Sociology are most notable for their bias against males, and white people. Before anyone attacks me I suggest you go into your local college bookstore (as I did) and check out what's on the shelves. Political correctness has turned many campuses into nothing more than tax-payer funded training camps on how to commit hate crimes against males and white people. On college campuses today it is perfectly okay to be sexist as long as you are being sexist against males, and it is okay to be racist as long as you are being racist against white people. It's a fact that no amount of ad hominem name calling, i.e. "dumba$$," i.e. "troll" will change those facts so deal with it.
MR - as in Men's Rights
P.S. Here is one book I found on the shelf of my local college bookstore just weeks ago, but there were numerous others just as prejudiced.
White Privilege
Check out some of the book reviews on Amazon, then consider how this book is being taught as truth to our young adults.
by Hunchback on 07:48 PM January 2nd, 2006 EST (#27)
MR, if you truly believe in men's rights, you'll realize that the rhetoric of e-truth et al has the potential to do more damage to our cause than a 100,000 bloodthirsty feminazis. That one who purports to support us would turn the MEN'S movement into a movement solely for angry white conservative men is worse than trolling, worse than heresy, it is sabotage writ large.
If you care about men's rights, you will care about the rights of ALL men and keep divisive diatribes to yourself. If you have a bug up the a** about blacks and other minorities, do us all a favor and keep that to yourself too. Otherwise, the movement simply can't afford you.
And that, my friend, is the bottom line.
by MR on 01:57 PM January 4th, 2006 EST (#31)
"If you care about men's rights, you will care about the rights of ALL men and keep divisive diatribes to yourself. If you have a bug up the a** about blacks and other minorities, do us all a favor and keep that to yourself too. Otherwise, the movement simply can't afford you."
If you care about the rights of all men maybe you will pass that along to "Roy" and others who quite frequently get divisive on this web site, and take the advice yourself. And as long as your for equality, maybe you and Mensactivism can confront leftist trolls to this site as harshly as you confront those presenting a conservative viewpoint.
MR - as in Men's Rights
by Hunchback on 10:27 PM December 31st, 2005 EST (#13)
by Hunchback on 03:48 PM January 1st, 2006 EST (#20)
The termination of Men's Lives eliminated the only rational opposition to political correctness and feminist domination at Dawson College. Half of the human race remains unexamined, except for condemnation. In 2000, Canadian universities listed two courses on men, neither taught that year, and more than 1,617 feminist courses, offered in programs from undergraduate to PhD degrees.
Although this occured in Canada, things are as bad, maybe worse, in the U.S. What is really obnoxious is the lengths to which the fems went to kill this program. Unlike women's studies courses there was no attempt at indoctrination or recruitment; the course was not anti-female, just pro-truth; and, remarkably, the course was as popular with women as men (2/3 of the class was female!). What really threatened the fems was the contrast in methodology between men's studies and women's studies.
If we get a foot in the door...
by MR on 04:20 PM January 2nd, 2006 EST (#26)
I found over 50 women's studies "programs" (each with multiple classes, being taught at colleges and universities in man-hating California. I found none for men.
MR - as in Men's Rights
by Scott
on 06:28 PM January 1st, 2006 EST (#21)
Wow, I'm really impressed with all the activity going into this project. It started with only a handful of schools listed, and a couple of days later it's now got at least one school in 46 states!
Since there are going to be more stages to this activisvm project, and MANN stories tend to fall off the main index fairly quickly, would it be helpful for me to create an e-mail list for participants to use?
by Hunchback on 07:45 PM January 1st, 2006 EST (#22)
Please create an e-mail list for participants to use.
What is the "lameness filter"? A filter preventing one word posts?
by Scott
on 08:42 PM January 3rd, 2006 EST (#30)
> Are you talking about a list that e-mail address-searching software will be able to find and add the addresses to permanent totally annoying e-mail sucker lists, plus then have their addresses resold to other spammers infinitum?
No. If participants preferred that it were a closed list, I can create one that performs e-mail address obsfucation in the archives to avoid spam harvesters.
by Scott
on 12:35 AM January 8th, 2006 EST (#32)
I have created an e-mail list for active participants in this project. It can be found at: -studies
The link above has an incorrect space between "mens" and "-studies". The link will work without the space, i.e "http://.../listinfo/mens-studies"
Please note, this list is intended for people who are constructively participating in this project.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]