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by Roy on 06:16 PM December 20th, 2005 EST (#1)
If you really want to see what Dr. Reisman is all about, visit her web-site. She's basically a crusader against pornography and homosexuality, which she seems to link in her scholarly research such as -- "The Psychopharmacology of Pictorial Pornography Restructuring Brain, Mind & Memory & Subverting Freedom of Speech."
(Link at)-
But what's immediately interesting is her use of statistics to try to construct a credible crisis of college rapes.
(Make no mistake rape is a terrible crime and it should never be trivialized. Unfortunately, that's exactly the outcome of deliberately fraudulent, ideologically-driven feminists statistics ....)
Let's see --
Colleges report 35 attempted/actual rapes per 1,000 female students. That's .03% right?
Somehow this figure becomes "1-in-5 women will be raped in their college career...." an increase from .03% to 20%!
There are approximately 6,000 colleges and universities in the U.S., with 15 million enrolled students, of which 54% (8.1 million) are female.
Can somebody compute what this means in terms of numbers of rapes per campus, and the statistical likelihood that a female student among the 8 million will be raped?
Even by my poor math, it's way less than the
"1-in-5" mumbo-jumbo.
No one seems to have asked . . How many males are raped by females on campus.
Then again, how many men could run the barrier of other abuse, should they try to make such a complaint ?
by GregA on 08:59 PM December 20th, 2005 EST (#5)
The 25% number that gets thrown around about college campuses is pure unadulterated propaganda. So go ahead and let that one go. It has been studied and college campuses have a somewhat lower rate of rape than the general population (which according to RAINN is 72 out of 100,000 people in a given year) . The 25% number comes from a study where the interviewer decided what rape was, rather than the study participants. None the less, along with every other crime segment, the indicent of rape has been decreasing since 1993. I dont see what all the recent fuss is about. (Oh yah, they are trying to get funding and VAWA...)
Another huge issue is rape reporting. Ive seen statictics range from "women never lie" to about 40% (IIRC the 40% one comes from the FBI) of all rape claims are outright fradulent. IMO, this is the reason it is allegedly so hard to report a rape, and why rape is under reported, and why it is so hard to get a rape conviction. A final contemporary caveat is the startling number of people being released from jail or pardoned based upon DNA evidence. We will have to wait to see why that is happening.
Finally who can forget Kobe Bryant's story. They were getting jiggy in the front door, and everything was ok, he poped it in the back door and it becomes a serious crime. While I am the first to state, "No means No", Bryants statement:
"Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did"
Makes a lot more sense. However it also reveals that there is still a strugle to redfine what the term rape means. I think we have come a long way from Andrea Dworkin definition "all sex is rape" (I will grant any doubters, she never actually said that, but that is certainly what she meant.) I don't know how or where to define rape, but the long sordid history of rape activists in particular have harmed not only men, but women. In particular, no left on the side of "rational" even belived Dworkin claim she was raped in 1999.
Not that Im bitter, to date, she has done more for the mens movement than anyone except possibly Warren Farrell.
by Davidadelong on 07:33 PM December 20th, 2005 EST (#2)
How about all the Guys who get trapped because of their potential while in college? Where are the statistics showing how many young Men are duped into getting a "poor helpless female" pregnant, and end up paying child support for the next 18-21 years? I am not referring to the ones that are trapped into a loveless marriage, I am just referring to the numbers that are chosen as sperm donors for wage slavery, monitered and supported by the department of injustice. Anybody have those figures? I bet they don't, it would be interesting to see the actual figures on this, it might just paint a different picture!
by GregA on 08:51 PM December 20th, 2005 EST (#4)
One Third of children are now born into single mother households. Extrapolate at will.
by Davidadelong on 08:49 AM December 21st, 2005 EST (#6)
GregA, yes we do have those numbers, but still the other situations that I mentioned would also be important to show the Poeple exactly what is happening. Also, the numbers should be compiled for those that never go to college, to show the tradesmen, small business owners, and other Men that have been enslaved to the justice department through womyn. There is a difference between a Woman, and a womyn. A womyn prefers to be designated as a "womyn" it is their own spelling, and they are vocal and political about it. It is nothing more than a disease that should be surgically removed from society. Just my opinion folks...
by khankrumthebulgar on 12:51 PM December 21st, 2005 EST (#7)
Judith Reisman Ph.D. apparently is living in the 50s and has little experience with the Skank Mentality of young Women today. By that I am referring to the Girls Gone Wild participants eager to expose themselves for a Hat. Literally for a Baseball Cap with the logo. Too often with young Women caution thrown to the wind, too much alcohol or pot,being aroused and wanting sex and make a value judgement mistake becomes Rape the Next day.
A few days ago a poll in FL amongst teenagers shows that Many Teenage girls are both physically and sexually more aggressive than the boys. Boys are now the ones with the liabilities. Girls have Daddy Uncle Sam to come to their rescue.
Dr. Reismann needs to get a clue about the reality of College Campuses. Where many Horny young coeds are hooking-up with little thought of the consequences. Rape is used by the FemNags to maintain the victim mentality to recruit more young attractive Female partners. Feminism is in reality Lesbian Training. Demonize Men, create the attitude that Men are abusive there there sweetie I can show you an alternative.
by Davidadelong on 08:26 AM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#8)
The funny thing is, there isn't a thing a womyn can do in bed that a Man can't, and a Man has the real thing, no batteries, no plastic, and can create Children with a willing Female. Maybe they are just afraid of becomming obsolete, and are acting out of fear? No pitty here folks, not for womyn anyway. Now I do have compassion for all the real Women, Children, and the Men that this has affected.
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