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From the article: "Oddly, educators, researchers and philanthropists agree there's no serious effort to figure out why this is happening and what can be done."
What the hell needs to be figured out? We all know why this is happening and what should be done.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
We know. The author of the article likely knows. Unfortunately, I don't think the population at large knows. I'm glad this article is asking the right questions.
by khankrumthebulgar on 11:48 AM December 9th, 2005 EST (#3)
The Empty Suits in the Media are beginning to see the melt down predicted by Men's rights Activists now staring them in the face like the Elephant in the Room. Dumb asses all of them. The Atlanta Court room debacle is/was an Elephant in the Room that a few folks mentioned. There is the 80% Single Mom homes in NOLA and the disaster there of nature made worse by a debased culture and endemic corruption. A Governor who whined and cried and did not act for days.
Male Suicide, Incarceration of Minority Fathers,
Prisons full of the products of Single Parent homes. Somebody better tell the Nags there will be no social safety net, it will collapse. Daddy Government needs defunding.
by RandomMan on 12:05 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#4)
What's really encouraging about this article is that it is a relatively unbiased, honest demand for single-sex, gender-based teaching approaches, an honest presentation of research on gender differences in learning, and other interventions to help boys the same way that feminists demanded society help girls, and that it's in the mainstream, average media in front of Mr. and Mrs. Average.
It even goes so far as to debunk some of the self-serving myths that feminists love, such as the old canard about how boys "catch up" later - they don't, feminism puts them down and keeps them down. Apparently to a feminist, no matter how many indignities are heaped on boys and men, no matter how shabbily we are treated by society, no matter how many goodies we give them, they are still entitled to "victim" status and special treatment under all circumstances, and even young boys deserve to be looked down upon, exploited and mistreated for their benefit. That sort of blind, insatiable greed just makes me want to puke, and it's nice to see them being called on it in a mainstream periodical.
Maybe the article is encouraging RandomMan, but there is something that disturbs me.
Foundation president Sara K. Gould said her group has now placed boys on a front burner - in hopes they will become more compassionate men and less likely to assault women: "There needs to be a redefinition ... of what it means to be a man."
This sounds to me like they (the feminazis) are going to teach boys what it means to be a man. How the hell do feminazis know what it means to be a man? Or does this fruit cake Gould mean she is going to teach boys what it means to be a feminized man? I bet she does.
We should not leave the education of our sons in the hands of a bunch of moronic feminazi fruit cakes.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
The quote is from this article.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by RandomMan on 01:43 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#8)
I dealt with that question precisely in another thread about the article you linked to - couldn't agree with you more, BTW.
I dealt with that question precisely in another thread about the article you linked to - couldn't agree with you more, BTW.
My apologies, I obviously missed that thread. I don't have always time to be here so sometimes I miss a few threads. (And sometimes I can't get access to the site at all. Like now, it took me an hour to get in)
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by RandomMan on 01:24 PM December 10th, 2005 EST (#11)
No problem - I miss stuff all the time! A couple of blogs I like have a "most recent comments" div on the front page so users can see the stuff that's going into the more active threads immediately and follow it up. Don't know if that's possible on this engine, guys, but hey, worth a try?
by Thundercloud on 03:16 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#5)
"What can be done."
Well for starters they might try, oh, I don't know, maybe... LISTENING!!!
MRAs have only been telling them these things for at least a decade and a half.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 09:42 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#9)
I have a problem with one gender schools. It is to easy for people that have hidden agendas to further them in a situation like that. Also we live with Women, work with Women, and socially interact with Women, as they are part of this world. I find it somewhat counter productive to seperate the learning process if the ultimate goal is to integrate the genders so we can live together as equals. Most one gender schools are for those that have money, as they are expensive, and designed to turn out exactly what they do, willing members of "middle management" that usaully end up in money management, or People management. I would rather have any of my children go where there would be a better reflection of the real world, as that education will stand better with them in the long run. My opinion........
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