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by Davidadelong on 11:09 PM December 7th, 2005 EST (#1)
When I went to college at age 35,(51 now) I was surrounded by Women that were being paid to go to college through wellfare. Men were bullied into silence in class by the majority, Women. When I was the only Male volunteer at a Womans space center in Appleton WI, I witnessed the "training" being given to the Male children in that center by the mothers, and the staff. Boys were being taught to follow girls, and were chastised for speaking out. If a Male child showed any competativeness with a Female child, they were reprimanded. I kept my mouth shut(very hard for me) at the center, but I voiced my opinion all over town about what was going on. Most of the Men I talked to that were in Social Services were afraid to speak out as they feared for their jobs. The damage has been done, but I hope that with the current flow of information that we can turn the tide. Perhaps both Male and Female children should be raised to respect each other rather than trying to have one gender lead the other so that we as people can never rise above our current state.
by RandomMan on 01:41 AM December 8th, 2005 EST (#2)
The self-esteem of our daughters, of course, needed attention and still does: As teens they attempt suicide more often than boys, although boys are almost five times more likely to complete the task...blah, blah, blah...Foundation president Sara K. Gould said her group has now placed boys on a front burner - in hopes they will become more compassionate men and less likely to assault women: "There needs to be a redefinition ... of what it means to be a man."
Here's the translation:
...blah, blah, blah, boys are in trouble, men are in trouble, but it's really all about serving the needs of women, blah, blah, blah, it's the boys and men that are the problem, they're all abusers anyhow, blah, blah, blah, men need to change to suit women's every last little whim and become little women with penises, blah, blah, blah...
Don't they ever get tired of printing the same, self-obsessed crap? Even when they talk about the mess men have been left in by feminism, it's always all about women.
Bullshit like this isn't part of the solution. The fact that it continues to get printed at all, thus giving feminists and their co-conspirators airtime, is a major part of the problem.
Men are NOT to blame for the damage that feminism has done to them, so women need to be taught to stop blaming them, and to accept responsibility for their own actions. Let's examine a few gender-related cases of responsibility as it relates to control. When a woman has a child, it's her own damn fault. She's the only one with any choice at all in the matter, the only one who can choose an abortion, the only one who can choose a 99.5%+ effective form of birth control. Not the man, not the child, just the woman. When feminism harms a boy, it is NOT his fault. Unlike the pregnant woman, he didn't have any choice at all, whereas she had every choice in the world.
Choice = Control
Control => Responsibility
therefore, it follows that
Choice => Responsibility
I thought women now outperformed men at math and in areas like logic and philosophy... So someone please explain to me why almost none among several BILLION of them can't seem to grasp this simple relationship.
Propaganda pieces like this which bury feminst subtext (men are deficient abusers, women are blameless victims, men need to change to suit women, it's all men's fault anyhow) in supposedly pro-man/pro-boy "news" really piss me off. Just trying to sell tampons to the female readers, I suppose.
by Gregory on 01:03 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#6)
"The self-esteem of our daughters, of course, needed attention and still does: As teens they attempt suicide more often than boys, although boys are almost five times more likely to complete the task."
This is the standard feminist perspective on the male/female suicide rates. It's a way to minimize the vulnerability of males in relation to that of females. I hold a different (but IMO more realistic) view. When girls attempt suicide they are usually seeking attention -- the ultimate cry for help. When boys commit suicide, they have given up and want to end their lives -- the ultimate loss of hope. In other words, males in almost all age groups *commit* suicide far more often than females because they are more serious about ending their lives.
"Sara K. Gould said her group has now placed boys on a front burner - in hopes they will become more compassionate men and less likely to assault women: 'There needs to be a redefinition ... of what it means to be a man.'"
This point has been made, but I'll repeat it. The implication of Gould's statement is that male on female violence should not be tolerated, but female on male violence can be. Gould and her feminist colleagues believe they are being humanitarian, but they're just being sexist bigots.
by Marc A. on 01:58 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#7)
Not only that, but only the *reported* failed suicides are counted. Undoubtedly, failed suicides by males are less likely to be reported. Also, at least one study showed that one of the most common suicide methods chosen by males is crashing their car while drunk, which usually doesn't get listed as a suicide or failed suicide (whether successful or not), so both failed and completed suicides are underreported for males, but especially failed suicides. Gender feminists never acknowledge this reality.
by Gregory on 04:18 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#8)
"so both failed and completed suicides are underreported for males."--Marc A
Good point. Like male victims of DV, rape, and spousal homicide, male suicide attempts and deaths are more likely to be underreported than their female counterparts.
by TomP on 06:25 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#11)
If male suicides are under-reported (and I can well believe that), then the numbers must be worse than I thought. In the US, male suicide victims already exceed homicide victims of both sexes every year, according to the CDC. (See MensactivismWiki, Men's Health). I think that the figure often given is that 80% of all suicides in western nations are males. I wonder what N.O.W. and suchlike would have to say if 80% of all suicides were female?
Does anyone recall a UN report from about 1995 defining the "oppressed" as:
- Having less control of wealth
- Having less choice of goods and services
- Having shorter lifespans
- Being victims of violence more often
- Having a higher incidence of suicide
- Having less available health care
- Working more dangerous jobs
- Receiving less educational opportunities
- More often imprisoned
- Receiving longer sentences for same crimes
Than the "oppressor" portion of the population?
I'd sure like to get that report, if it exists. As I recall, it listed specifics about how to tell if a group is "oppressed" with respect to other elements of the population. I'd like to apply those criteria to men in the West.
by RandomMan on 01:27 PM December 10th, 2005 EST (#16)
They sound like excellent critera to me, TomP, regardless of what type of group you're talking about. Let's all dig for that report, it would be a most useful tool to have...
by Thundercloud on 11:26 AM December 8th, 2005 EST (#3)
They forgot to mention that while the girls were off to "take your daughter to work day", the boys were back at school being lectured about what bastards they are, and how they (little boys) oppress women.(????) They were told how "wrong violence against women is". No such lecture about violence against men was given to the girls.
Nope, while girls, in our schools, are taught how wonderful, magical and special they are, the boys are taught they are dirty, filthy misogynists that oppress women, destroy the earth and are nothing but pond scum. And that is not much of an exaggeration.
And we wonder, in this country, why so many young men are "going off the deep end" committing crimes, committing suicide and suffer from all sorts of mental ailments, such as depression.
You'd think it wouldn't take the proverbial "rocket scientist" to figure it out, but maybe it does, I don't know...
It's all pretty clear to me, a half-breed Cherokee with a 7th grade education, living in the sticks of Indiana. If someone like me can figure it out, why can't our society's so-called intellectuals??
"Hoka hey!"
Thundercloud: "If someone like me can figure it out, why can't our society's so-called intellectuals??"
They did figure it out Thundercloud, they just don't admit it. Just like the nazis in Nuerenberg, they knew why they stood trial, they just didn't admit it.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Thundercloud on 12:13 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#5)
Yes, that's kind of what I figured.
They know, they just don't care.
"Hoka hey!"
by Roy on 05:14 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#10)
Feminism has never been about "caring."
It has always been about power and grandiosity, which happen to coincide with a clinically diagnosed category of mental illness -- i.e. Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Next time you ponder how anyone could endorse the feminist hate movement, consider that feminists really do not possess the ethical and moral compass of a rational individual; they perceive other human beings as either sources for their narcissistic supply... their "fix" to maintain their self-centered delusions; or, if no supply (approval)is forthcoming, people become mere objects to be used and discarded.
Diagnostic criteria for 301.81 Narcissistic Personality Disorder (DSM-IV)
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
(1) has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
(2) is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
(3) believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
(4) requires excessive admiration
(5) has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
(6) is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
(7) lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
(8) is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
(9) shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes icpd.htm
by RandomMan on 05:13 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#9)
Education doesn't make you smarter, Thundercloud. In fact, many supposedly educated people, me among them, would argue that education is little more than society's way of pacifying us to mold us into good little consumers and the feminist ideal of manhood.
The smartest, most successful men I know are the ones with the least education. (Average of 8th grade among the 10 I'm thinking of personally).
Hence the reason that women are taking over the so-called "professions". Funny thing about that: it takes damn near as many years of training to be a master electrician or a plumber as it does to be a physician or a lawyer, but those fields are male-dominated because they involve learning as an apprentice, working under harsh, dangerous conditions from time to time, and generally involve getting your hands dirty. Naturally, feminist society spits on them. They prefer to sit in ivory towers and bitch and moan about what they're owed. This trend continues into their working lives, believe me.
It's time we started spitting back, and started valuing "tradesmen" as the real professionals in our society, rather than the girls that crowd universities so they can live off the blood and sweat of others without ever taking a risk (women rarely if ever go into private practice - it involves risk and real work) or getting their hands dirty.
Never forget: without men, there would be no society for these women to complain about, and no ivory towers from which they could spit on us. Men built society, men were and are the masons, the carpenters, the hunters, the engineers, the architects, the warriors. When you leave things in the hands of women, society never progresses beyond the neolithic stage of human social development, and organzied (even nomadic) agrarian or industrial societies don't EVER develop. Ever wonder why? Neither do I.
by Pickle on 10:48 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#13)
Random Man,
As a first-year electrical apprentice, I really appreciate those comments, thank-you.
by Thundercloud on 01:24 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#14)
Hmm. Actually, I'm a part-time Janitor and Part time Indian craftsman. I wonder if that makes me smart? :-) Either way, I'll bet I'm still at least a little smarter than most of the femroids you see and hear about.
The education they have, I'm never going to get. But the education I have THEY are never going to get.
"Hoka hey!"
by RandomMan on 02:26 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#15)
You're damn straight it makes you smart if it means you work at something that helps you feed yourself (and your family, if any) where you get a chance to work with your hands AND which lets you see the results of a day's work AND (as a craftsman) do something productive and creative that reflects your culture AND are out from under a feminized work environment AND which leaves you time to develop yourself as a human being, TC.
Hell, that makes you one of the smartest men I've heard of in a long while.
Like you, I work at several things, leaving me time to read, think and reflect. I prefer manual labour and work where I can see a result at the end of the day, myself.
The education they have, I'm never going to get. But the education I have THEY are never going to get
Absolutely right, and you don't need it. Nothing about it will make you a better man. I've worked with of people with IQs in the stratosphere who don't have the common sense to come in out of the rain!
by Thundercloud on 04:32 PM December 10th, 2005 EST (#17)
Thank you. That means a lot to me. :-)
"Hoka hey!"
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