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by RandomMan on 12:20 PM December 7th, 2005 EST (#1)
The result is what NYU psychology professor Paul Vitz calls “Wonder Woman and the Wimp” stories that little boys understandably have little interest in reading.
We parents of boys have meekly allowed gender warriors like Peggy Orenstein to treat our sons like unindicted coconspirators in history’s gender crimes, while parents of girls permit their daughters to be patronized as helpless victims of a phantom, crippling sex bias in America’s schools.
Oh. My. God. And it was written by a female, no less. Amazing. Absofuckinglutely amazing. No doubt she's receiving bags of angry feminist hate mail (male?) printed with vegan ink on tree-friendly, cruelty-free cardstock. And I seriously doubt she's on the NOW "non-denominational feminist winter solstice celebration" card list any more...
Kudos, Kate.
by Thundercloud on 01:36 PM December 7th, 2005 EST (#3)
"Amazing" is right.
I was really surprised that it made it to print. And I was "amazed" that it was written by a woman.
I guess it just goes to show that at least some women are immune to the feminist propaganda that the femroids try to ram down their throats.
"Hoka hey!"
Don't let mislead you by the fact this is written by a woman. This woman is in a good position because she had that feminized education she is ranting against.
She speaks about "We parents of boys", so I guess she is a mother of one or more boys and now she finds out that something is wrong with boy's education. My ass. If she is what she wants us to believe she is, then she should've been ranting when she was doing women's studies.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Fidelbogen on 10:44 PM December 7th, 2005 EST (#10)
The "mainstream" media is a filter, sure,'s an imperfect filter, and odd chunks get through it all the time.
Note also that this is the National Review, a CONSERVATIVE publication (whose homeboys include the likes of William F. Buckley Jr., so at least it ain't redneck conservative!).
Now, even though I am thoroughly disenchanted with the entire left-right model of political discourse, I must say that nowadays if any voice is going to speak against feminism, it is far more likely (given the nature of things) to come from a podium on the right side of the auditorium. The political left suffers from a broad-spectrum ideological lockdown effect (otherwise known as political correctness) which makes it prohibitively difficult for any "liberal" (especially those with a careeer investment!) to criticize feminism.
There is no inherent reason why feminism should be a sacred cow on the political left, simply IS, and any lefty who knows where his bread gets buttered can't afford to be cavalier about this admittedly arbitrary fact of reality. He doesn't want to have his arse handed to him!
I think we all know by now that feminism is politically pragmatic, and quite willing to play both sides of the fence. To be honest, I believe that feminism is nothing other than an "alien presence" in the political landscape which sucks whatever blood it needs wherever it can find it. It has no abiding loyalty to either left OR right -- such being the nature of biopolitics, which imposes a radically transsective set of taxonomies!
I would say that feminism is a tapeworm in the gut of the political left -- which appears to be its principal host at the moment, providing both the bulk of its food, and a sheltering rampart. How wonderful it would be for all of us, if the left could manage to EXPEL this tapeworm from its gut. I think that we would ALL be healthier for it: Men, women, liberal, conservative, rich, poor, black, white, young, old... etc etc etc....
Yes, leave the loathsome thing to writhe helplessly in the unpitying light of day...!
Oh...did I forget the topic of this thread? The article, ah, the article! No, it doesn't surprise me. Call me a pollyanna, but I think that intelligent life DOES exist, and that it embraces the female half of humanity as well as the male, the left side of the political spectrum as well as the right. Let us have hope, and turn once again to the various tasks that we have set for ourselves.
"Feminism has a rap sheet."
by Thundercloud on 01:47 PM December 7th, 2005 EST (#4)
>"Gee, doesn't sound all bad to me."
Yeah, me either.
"Hoka hey!"
by mens_issues on 08:18 PM December 7th, 2005 EST (#9)
The trouble is, in practice women generally don't support boys and men of lesser earning potential.
Excellent article, by the way.
by RandomMan on 04:25 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#24)
Don't count on it, Dittohd, I read some whiny, self-serving article in the International Herald Tribune today about "backlash" against feminism in scandanavia (can't recall if the link was from here or MND) with a headline like "Has Feminism Gone Too Far" - a title meant to piss the self-entitled little cows off so they'll go on auto-offended mode and read it, but of course it's written by feminists, for feminists, womyn first, womyn only, where these greedy pigs were on and on about how bad they had it because men should be whatever they randomly choose this year, not macho, or fluffy, or masculine, or effeminate or whateverthefuck it was they felt like. As usual, not the slightest hint of responsibility for their actions or relationships, just the usual "men owe us, men should change to suit our every whim, intimacy is an acceptable casualty of getting women into a man's world, why won't any man support me, blah, blah, blah, wah, wah, wah."
These broads aren't any more interested in intimacy and childbearing than they are in equality. Like communism, feminism is all about power and control - "the personal is political", to quote one of these skanks from the 70s. So let them be political. I'd rather fuck a person, thanks, and no woman of childbearing age has ever impressed me enough for me to "look up to her", much less let her "look down to me". Feminism's making that ALOT less likely to happen, not more, I'm sure you'll agree.
Since the political is personal to these feminists, I won't be supporting any "politics", much less "politics"'s kids. ;) When it comes to whiny feminists who want kids: you want 'em, bitch, you pay for 'em. You want to be independent and liberated? Then DO IT. Somewhere else, please.
What we're going to end up with is alot of old spinsters that, as usual, men's tax dollars have to support, old bags that any sensible man of ANY earning potential wouldn't have touched with a ten-foot pole even before said bags lost their very limited sexual characteristics to old age.
But that's just another opinon from me, an outspoken, liberated man who thinks political correctness is a pile of bullshit and doesn't buy the self-serving feminist crap anymore.
by Dittohd on 12:15 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#25)
I read the article too, but read some other related links also, so I don't exactly remember which of my memory pertains to the original article and which pertains to one of the others. It appears there are more and more feminists in more countries not happy with the "more sensitive" men they have created. I've heard trappings of this before. This doesn't bother me at all.
I also remember one woman in one of the articles complaining about her husband becoming more and more "sensitive" after all her carping and she kinda liked it until he finally divorced her after he couldn't take it anymore. She admitted that she drove him to another woman who treated him like a man. I got the impression that he had remarried and she hadn't. That didn't bother me one bit either.
The only thing that maybe bothers me is that these feminazis have written a book with all their new whining and may make a lot of money with it.
Maybe we could learn from these women and find a way to make money off of all these whiny women just like these whiny women leaders consistently do. I think it would do my heart good knowing I was making money off of all these whining losers rather than in most instances them leeching off of us men the way most women do.
P.S. Did you see one of the latest articles where this guy couldn't get out of paying child support for a step-child even after getting divorced and the woman had remarried the original biological father? And the woman, after originally losing her case for the child support, appealed the decision to get her new decision in her favor. What chutzpuh... on both her part and the court's part. And the court had the unmitigated gaul to require that he maintain his relationship with the step-child. This was in Canada.
As MRA's, we have to do something drastic and overriding, like getting laws passed that forbid any court under any and all circumstances from requiring any man from paying child support for any child that is not biologically his. Period!
We are not going to progress until we start tying the hands of judges because there are too many without a lick o' sense and will declare and require just about anything a woman asks for. All anonymous postings on my screen are filtered. To talk with or debate me, a user ID is now required. Thanks.
by RandomMan on 01:53 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#26)
Didn't see the specific article you're referring to. I'll certainly go look, but I'm all too aware of the "you touched it, so it's yours" paternity and support rules. I completely agree with you on the need for legal reform to protect men from having to support children they do not create under any circumstances. The needs of the child come first, then the woman's, then maybe the man's? I don't think so.
How about we consider all three human beings as equals under the law, your honours, hmmm?
Ironically, creating a situation where men were not obligated to support a woman's children by another man might actually make men more comfortable getting into relationships with women who have children already, actually resulting in more fatherless children being supported.
My attitude is that you can have my support when I give it (for children that aren't mine), but if the relationship is over, so is the support, sister. If I'm buying a lifetime of support for your kids, then forget the whole thing.
by Davidadelong on 09:50 AM December 8th, 2005 EST (#13)
It may sound good now, but just look at history, when the Males were used to oppress the Females it took hundreds of years for Women to reach a semblance of equality. Now they have turned the tables, in the hopes that it will take hundreds of more years before the Males and the Females wake up and find that RAGE, (Rights Are Good for EVERYONE!) and strike out at the perverted system that abuses us.
by Ragtime on 03:05 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#14)
"look at history, when the Males were used to oppress the Females it took hundreds of years for Women to reach a semblance of equality."
Ummmm, what 'history' you talkin' 'bout, there, Willis? Just *when* did males oppress females for hundreds of years?
OMFG! You don't actually *believe* that "patriarchy" crap, do you?
It NEVER HAPPENED, for Pete's sake. It's "herstery" -- a women's studies, feminist construct to justify promoting hatred of men, and the continued granting of special privilege to wymyn. It is THE single Big Lie of feminism, the claim of hundreds (thousands, whatever) years of "male oppression of women."
Life was tough for everyone, but even back then guess who got to go out and 'bring home the bacon' and fight and die to protect the womenfolk safe at home?
Get a grip, man.
The Uppity Wallet
The opinions expressed above are my own,
but you're welcome to adopt them.
by Baniadam on 03:21 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#16)
You said it Ragtime. It's a load of BS.
by Baniadam on 03:20 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#15)
“Males were used to oppress the Females”… that is insulting. It is a load of bollocks. It was a different society with different norms.
In what way did the males as a collective oppress females and don’t mention pay difference because that doesn’t cut it. Your average Joe miner didn’t have a choice on how much his wife got paid.. if he did I think he would have said a million pound and then retire and thus leading to a more normal life span as oppose to a shortened one.
They may have not had as much rights but oppress is an awfully strong word to use. Blacks/Asians/Slaves now they were oppressed but women as a whole, no! They toiled with their men each one in their own sphere. Two centuries ago men worked in back braking labour while most women worked as housewife. Men didn’t complain they knew it was their duty to provide because if they didn’t their children would starve. They had to work even if it meant getting a job that slowly deteriorates ones health; they had no choice. Or maybe they where a family working in a farm; Together as a couple they worked day in, day out to feed themselves and to keep a shelter & not to get the latest Prada bag or game console for their kids. We, the “developed world”, are a spoiled and decadent society. One worked to live, not lived to work as today’s idiots seem to think.
They (women) may have not had an education but unless you belonged to Gentry you were unlikely to have one, no matter if you were female or male. In the 60-70s feminist was reignited by middle class, spoiled, bored, communist, Marxists A-Class bitches.
“My husband provides everything”… damn what a shame. What a pain that must be. Let me run this by you again: he provides for you financially, how insulting! What a pig!
They demanded that a wife must get paid to work at home.. wife gets paid to work at home(?) Let me run this by you again.. a wife gets paid to work at home. Which end did that come out of? Who pays her, Government? I want to be a “househusband”. I want to be paid for work at home. So what happens if I slack off would my salary reflect it? Dementia that is what feminism is. It defies reality. Yes they women have legitimate claims that no sane person would argue with but still you have to take it as a whole.
Don’t believe in “herstory”. Fact speak that it was the poor who were being oppressed, who didn’t get the pay they deserved, who died young, who had the law against them. The average man does not control the system the system controls the man.
Feminism goals vs. rationality and reality:
I want to have the ability to Vote
Okie doki. It’s not like most of the population is going to use it. LOL
I want same pay for same work.
Okie doki.. no problem. It’d be nice! I support it 100%. I have no issues with it at all. I do not think any man would have an issue with it. Employers they might but most men are employees.
My right to abortions
Huh.. I don’t like that. I believe in the right of the baby. But hey I am just a man now. Okie doki go and screw your body up. You want my taxes to pay for it? That’s not fair.
Free Condoms & Pills for under 25
WHAT!........ … I’m paying so you can have sex. Then if you get pregnant I paying so you can kill the child. So my taxes that go towards the NHS are paying for a sex industry and mass genocide. You say it’s your body! It’s MY MONEY! Sorry, I wasn’t abusing you I just raised my voice in anger. That’s domestic violence? I didn’t touch heck I didn’t even call you a name. You say I’m a racist pig! You just insulted me! What? It’s not the same. I’m not a woman!? I beginning to wish I was. Nothing! Just mumbling (bitch).
No-Fault Divorce
What? Huh.. say what? I don’t get. How is that going to oppress you less.. What?
Back to the same pay I also want handicaps on men
Huh? Excuse me… what? I don’t understand. You want to be treated the same but you want men to be at a disadvantage so it levels out. You say it makes a fairer society. What planet are you from? What College? Are you educated? Are you sure? What’s one plus one? What you say current mathematics oppresses women because it is rigid? Current logical, rational mathematics is a “man thing”…. I drink as much as I want. You care about my health? Yeah sure, my wallet is on the table.
Tom Lehrer (In Concert)
“I have only comparatively recently emerged from the United States army so that I am now of course in the radio-active reserve and, the usual jokes about the army aside, one of the many fine things one has to admit is the way that the army has carried the American democratic ideal to its logical conclusion in the sense that not only do they prohibit discrimination on the grounds of race, creed, and color, but also on the grounds of ability.”
Paid Leave when you get pregnant:
What? I’m a small company. How the heck I’m suppose to deal with this. I am not Microsoft with billions of profit.
Two Years of work while pregnant and expect to get the same job back
Huh? Excuse me. This is a fast paced industry. You expect to get the same job with the same salary?
Any rude joke (jokes at the expense of women only) and expect to pay out of your nose. Heck shout at me and I’ll sue you! I’m not one of your male employees! I’m a GODDESS.
What it’s not company policy to make jokes; it was this thick though rather funny easy going employee. One hell of a chap. Oh yeah, it’s not my fault! A six figure sum for a joke because of emotional damage!!! Screw me! You did? When? You lose your arm and you won’t get that much. You should live in a white cell because you would die in the real world. Or maybe you’re just a bitch after money… Nothing! I said I’ve an itch for honey. Yeah I’m just wired like that… Yeah, yeah I know I should cut back on the drink, you care about my health… Oblivion that is what I can achieve with the drink, oblivion.
And yet feminism wants you to believe that hiring a woman is the same as hiring a man. You have to be kidding. Hiring any woman is a liability and that is a fact.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg. The conversation can go on for pages and pages and gets more irrational and illogical as it goes on.
by thinker on 08:28 AM December 9th, 2005 EST (#22)
Hey good point ....a different perspective
But i have some see i don't think without men women are even capable of taking care of themselves how will they possibly support men ?
Its a utopian idea ..... the best thing to do if you do not want to support a woman is resist getting attracted to her .....simple as that.
If you fall into a relationship you should be the head ...the captian of the should not let her control any part of your life (alone or together)..or you would end up suffering.....
Trust me so many of the men suffer at the hands of women because they give the women the getting emotionally attached to trying to fulfill her wishes with scant regard for what is the right thing to trying to get attention of girls ..if it even means denigrating their fellow men....Also treating a curvy or good looking woman as some kind of special human being whose needs are more important than his .......
When MEN stop all such bullshit they will rightfully get back their status ...that of masters of women...because you see all civilization has come into existence through men ...our forefathers....women cannot sit around doing birth is not such a big job as it is made out to be....sure you'll end filling like a sack.....but in return the woman gets all the protection from the man....those men had to fend for themselves....hence it is only prudent that if women want to reap the benefits of living with the men they serve them as they were their masters.....
Well this has been the case with many civilizations for thousands of years and it went along smoothly because it was a fair arrangement.
If you think men and women are equal ..... well you're in for a rough ride if you have a girlfriend....
by Thundercloud on 01:31 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#23)
I used to have a girlfriend. ...USED to.
I have ENOUGH aggravation...
"Hoka hey!"
by bull on 03:18 PM December 7th, 2005 EST (#5)
As a student at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, I have witnessed first-hand the catering to the feminist world view both in the context of textbooks and in the mentality of faculty and staff. The covers of the last three semester schedules speak for themselves; note the absence of masculine content not to mention the scarcity of male students portrayed. Follow this link to see for yourself: les.cfm
by bull on 03:23 PM December 7th, 2005 EST (#6)
Here's a correction to my broken link; sorry about that: les.cfm
by bull on 03:29 PM December 7th, 2005 EST (#7)
Hmmm, this window keeps putting an extra space in the word schedule in my link. Remove the space between u & l in the word schedule and the link will work.
by bull on 07:10 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#21)
by mcc99 on 11:34 PM December 7th, 2005 EST (#11)
What's really amazing is that the Post article she cites actually got published -- in the Post. If you didn't take the time to read it, I recommend it 110%.
by RandomMan on 01:09 AM December 8th, 2005 EST (#12)
It is an excellent article. I'm pleased that the world is finally waking up to the plight of boys. Maybe these kinds of things will make a difference in their lives some day.
It's a shame that adult men are still pariahs, treated as oppressors. I've never oppressed anyone, and in return, I'm discriminated against (legally) on the basis of my gender and race in every area of my life: I'm shut out of my profession and work in the public service of my country, refused access to most jobs with a pension or the protection of a union, denied access to many social programs and benefits, spat upon by women and girls everywhere, denied access to my own children (if I'm a man foolish enough to have them these days) and the right to reproduce and carry forth my bloodline, I'm surrounded by a culture and legal system that blames and hates me at every turn, and I'm expected to pay for it all, even though I'm not allowed to have an education and hiring me is automatically considered "discrimination". If I have children, I have no rights whatsoever as to decisions about their care and welfare, but I carry 100% of the responsibility for their expenses (and their mother's), even if I become disabled or unemployed. I can be jailed without charge or trial, thrown out of my home and banned from seeing my own family, all on the word of a woman who faces absolutely no penalty for making the whole thing up, and who has a personal army at her disposal, paid for by my taxes to enforce her whims against me.
I'm just so glad I got to be a member of one of the few generations that got screwed out of a life, civil rights and basic human dignity so that already pampered women could fuck us over for a few decades longer, all out of spite and hate. I hope the millions of destroyed human lives and untold misery are worth it, girls.
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