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by RandomMan on 02:23 AM December 7th, 2005 EST (#3)
While I feel nothing but sympathy for the victim of the rape (a horrific crime without parallel in terms of its long-term impact on the victim, aside from certain forms of torture), regardless of other circumstances, I am pleased that the courts were finally able to see through the fog of chivalry and hold a woman accountable for her criminal act of perjury. That it was so remarkable was why I was moved to submit the item for posting on MANN. I just hope it's enough to deter other people from using false accusations to assault others, or at least the start of a trend that will lead to a reduction in the practice.
I'm equally astounded that women's groups weren't up in arms claiming some sort of nonsense about how the victim of the rape was so traumatized that she didn't know she was accusing the wrong man or something similar - an argument which would have failed a few days after the attack when she realized her "mistake", of course.
The story is tragic all around, and everyone involved was wronged and suffered in some way. I do hope they are able to catch and punish the man who actually raped her as quickly as possilble. But I also hope that the practice of falsely accusing men of sexual and domestic violence is approaching an end, for all our sakes.
by Luek on 09:34 AM December 7th, 2005 EST (#4)
While I feel nothing but sympathy for the victim of the rape (a horrific crime without parallel in terms of its long-term impact on the victim, aside from certain forms of torture)
Of course there is female rape on younger males which society for the most part doesn't feel that it was all that bad for the victim. As a matter of fact I bet at least 50% of people would say that the young man's dreams came true when he had sex with an older woman. As a matter of fact, there is an archived article on this very site: see "Albany Teacher Gets Little More Than Time Served For Statutory Rape."
And we all know about the sexy female teacher in Florida getting house arrest for rape.
So rape is not all that bad if the victim is a male. Also, this society tolerates the ongoing rape crisis in this nation's prison system. Even late night talk show hosts make giggly cute remarks about it; the old "soap on a rope" cliché.
Finally, in addition, if any underage male rape victim gets his perpetrator pregnant then HE is liable for 18 years of child support to the predator for the bastard or go to prison!
And don't forget for a minute the symbolic judicial rape of men that goes on every single goddamned day is our corrupt family court system.
Yeah, there is rape and then there is other kinds of rape.
by RandomMan on 11:57 AM December 7th, 2005 EST (#5)
Given that men who are raped are subject to social ridicule rather than treatment and that it's somehow considered more socially acceptable to rape men (owing in large part to the feminist victim complex), I would in fact argue that it's often more traumatic for a male rape victim than it is for a woman, who can expect things like treatment, sympathy, social outrage, police investigations and justice. I for one would be very curious to see a serious comparison of the number of men raped in prisons and other institutional settings to the number of women raped on the streets annually. While such statistics would be valuable in the fight against misandry in the media, they would do absolutely nothing to diminish the heinous nature of the crime in my opinion.
I gather that you weren't inferring that I suggested otherwise, Luek. My sympathy extends to any rape victim, regardless of gender.
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